Get a Trucker home, Paul Stephen Stanyard

just made a donation, hope it helps the family.

I wonder if we will hear the debate on the Jeremy Vine show

I wonder if we will hear the debate on the Jeremy Vine show

Yeah but who’d Vine stick up for !!!

This is disgusting and quite sickening to read. Matthews should be ashamed of themselves. :imp:

They will have no problem sleeping at night…cos there is more and more of these types of firms than good guys now in my opinion

Well nice of Matthews to tag some of their customers on their page… Also just dropped an email to a dutch firm who i believe they do some traction fro delivering car parts from a South East Dock to plants in Brum… bright yellow Curtain Trailers :wink:

And how Amazing (not sure how practical though) would it be if as many of us as possible could carry out a unit procession as part of this chaps funeral cortege ?

And how Amazing (not sure how practical though) would it be if as many of us as possible could carry out a unit procession as part of this chaps funeral cortege ?

Not so sure about unit, but genuinely I really would consider making the effort to attend his funeral and make it as public as the family would like. Up to the family of course, but it would make a big impact media wise as opposed to the ■■■ kissing that the company would like, easy to guess how many representatives of Matthews would show some respect?

If I was a Matthews driver right now, I’d be looking for something else pretty ■■■■ pronto.

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bald bloke:

I wonder if we will hear the debate on the Jeremy Vine show

Yeah but who’d Vine stick up for !!!

Vine’s a cyclist isn’t he? I don’t think he’d be sticking up for the driver.

Vine got done for speeding on a pushibike in some park or other. I think in his own mind that makes him some kind of legend.

Much prefer his brother.

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Have you got the link to the original fb post please mate?


seeing as how its such a big deal on here,then i wonder if its such a big deal to the masses of matthews driver currently employed all over europe and uk for them to stand together and stop work ,park u etc until 1… the dude is brought home,and 2… till they see an addition to their companys insurance covering them if they peg it abroad…one might think it would be somewhat more of their business than the masses posting elswehere? id be more interested in seeing if some form of cameradri with their own drivers would be forthcoming…somehow i wouldnt be holding my breath though time will tell.i dont think itl cost matthews 10p in lost revenue…obviously just another company where you are nothing more than a bum on a seat…theres plenty like them.

A lot of Matthews drivers are foreign, don’t think they would do it.

I don’t think they would care either way myself,though the question might arise,what happens if one of their flipflops pegs it over here?
if they don’t do a u turn about it and genuinely want to save the dosh,then I just don’t think it will cost them a penny in lost revenue anyway.
at the end of the day your a uk truckie,and about as welcome as a ■■■■ in a spacesuit anywhere you go except ireland and abroad.
you could flog this to extremes…what will they do with the truck? de logo it? flog it on? is there already a jakobski driving it,or will they do a distatefull stobrat tactic of smarminess and write his name on the door? they could be as 2 faced to do that depending on how they decide to play it from tomorrow onwards…mabey the facebook guff will change their tune and they might decide to lie their way into trying to be seen in a favourable light though id think more of them if they just said,weve made our decision and were sticking to it,stuff the lot of you instead of bowing down to public media stuff like most companies do.i wonder if anyone will find out the name of the slimebag that found the loophole from the insurance co?

Have you got the link to the original fb post please mate? … 5355810107

Have you got the link to the original fb post please mate?


Have you got the link to the original fb post please mate?

What a great boss and fleet.

bald bloke:

I wonder if we will hear the debate on the Jeremy Vine show

Yeah but who’d Vine stick up for !!!

mass email highlighting the stregth of feeling might just get his atention

already sent mine with copies of just giving and that email

My beef is with Matthews not the insurers. Insurers insure. It’s as old as the hills they try and get out of what they supposedly cover, let alone what they don’t. If you don’t pay for it, it’s not insured.

Matthews employed the poor chap. They’re his employer. They asked him to spend his days in their tin box overseas for meagre reward and he did , and ended his days there. The insurers did not employ him. Its nothing to do with them. You pay them they insure. Matthews knew what their operation entailed and they paid for commercial insurance accordingly. I bet it they paid enough an insurance company would have underwritten death in service costs. But they didn’t, they did it on the cheap. And now cry a poor mouth about the costs of bringing the lorry home. Heartless tight hearted little money ■■■■■■■■■

Absolutely disgusted with Matthews especially as they made a net profit of £613,883 last year. Wouldn’t make much of a dent in that to bring Paul home.
Hopefully with all the negative publicity they won’t have much of a future in our industry.
My sincere condolences to his family. Let’s hope we get him home as soon as possible.

I’d love to be a fly on the wall during today’s morning briefing.