Amazing how well an engine runs on old oil, maybe we should use it instead of expensive diesel! I would imagine this has happened on a few occasions when the intake system hasn’t been cleaned after a Turbo failure and even after a good clean it sometimes takes a bit of smokey running before all is clear again.
■■■■■■■ used to have a system that replenished the engine with fresh oil and released the corresponding amount of dirty oil into the fuel lines, where it went on to be burned with the diesel/air mixture. The system had a resevoir that held about 5 gallons of oil, you kept that topped up and it kept the oil fresh for a lot longer, allowing longer drain intervals. It got outlawed by one of the emission laws a while ago
Engine oil burns at a higher temperature than diesel, it has been said, that adding it to the fuel in small amounts can help clean injectors by burning off carbon deposits, it also helps to replace some of the lubrication properties lost when we went to low and ultra low sulphur diesel. The same people say that automatic transmission fluid can also be used, but it turns diesel a funny red colour and that might just be a problem you don’t need
Oh and Bewick, that’s more like it
Do you have any idea/recollection of the running costs of the Gardner’s you ran against the running costs of the ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
Did you have to carry more parts for the foreign stuff Were they more or less expensive to maintain
Were they harder to work on
How about real world fuel consumption