A petrol station runs out of Diesel
Sunday April 1,2012
By James Murray and Ben Borland
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BRITAIN could grind to a halt next month as an army of lorry drivers preparestojointheplanned tanker drivers’ strike, the Sunday Express can reveal.
Asmanyas4,000truckers— including hundreds in Scotland — are set to blockade strike-busting soldiers from driving tankers out of oil refineries.
Their aim is to cause gridlock on motorways to stop Army movement of tankers, mirroring the chaos that ensued in the petrol crisis of 2000.
Analliancehasbeenformed between Unite union tanker drivers — whose grievance is mainly over terms and safety issues — and the resurgent Fuel Lobby, whose supporters are furious about rocketing prices.
The man organising the supporting action is farmer and haulier Andrew Spence, who was instrumental in the blockades 12 years ago. They led to 3,000 petrol stations running out of fuel and caused widespread chaos on the roads.
From what I have heard, the public will be behind us 100 per cent
Mark Ayre, the protest group’s Scottish spokesman
He said last night: “We are a lot better co-ordinated than we were in 2000 and we were pretty effective then. The time has come to draw a line and say that’s enough. The mood among our supporters is to stand by the tanker drivers 100 per cent and bring the country to a standstill. There will be a domino effect in the strike action and it is not going to stop. I guarantee this time we will bring down the Government.
“We are using text, e-mail and Facebook and already have up to 4,000 drivers willing to support the Unite strike action. George Osborne said he would implement an increase in August, but at my garage fuel has gone up 3p a litre since the Budget. Hauliers are going bust — it cannot go on.”
InScotland,truckershavealready discussed blocking off motorways and supermarket distribution centres as well as the refinery at Grangemouth, Stirlingshire.
Mark Ayre, the protest group’s Scottish spokesman, told the Sunday Express last night: “We want to get fuel back down to £1.10 to £1.15 a litre, bringing us into line with the rest of Europe. Direct action is the only way the Government will listen.”
His group has been staging small-scale protests at Grangemouth for the past four weeks, but they plan to step up a gear when a date is set for the Unite strike.
He added: “People are suggesting we should block motorways off, blockade distribution centres like Tesco and others along the M8. From what I have heard, the public will be behind us 100 per cent.”
Last night protesters were attempting to blockade Shell’s Stanlow oil refinery, at Ellesmere Port, in Cheshire in a show of sympathy to the tanker drivers.
Uniteunionleaderswillbegintalks tomorrow with oil companies at the conciliation service Acas in an attempt to prevent strike action.
Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey said:“Overthepastfewdays,the Government’s every move has been designed to whip up unnecessary tension at the expense of the public.
“Ministers knew all along that a strike could not possibly be less than seven days away even were it to be called — that is the law — yet they panicked the nation all the way to the petrol pumps because they imagined it would boost them in the polls.
“People know this posturing and positioning is poisoning the prospects for an early resolution to the dispute.”
If the talks break down, it is expected Unite will quickly choose a date for strike action, which would take place after Easter.