From a car driver to a truck driver (overtaking question)

BUT ANYWAY, back to things we regular car drivers can do to make your lives a bit easier!

BUT ANYWAY, back to things we regular car drivers can do to make your lives a bit easier!

Take the train


BUT ANYWAY, back to things we regular car drivers can do to make your lives a bit easier!

Take the train

Mind shuffling some of your road freight onto the overnight rail network? Motorways are terrrrrrrrribly congested these days and us light vehicle owners could do with a nice 70mph Lane 1 to ease some of it. :wink:

One thing I do think’s a bit harsh is how HGVs seem to be picked on by VOSA when there’s umpteen thousands of poorly maintained cars with busted headlights, broken taillights and brakelights etc, and none of them ever seem to be pulled or ticketed. Almost began an overtake manouevre once when I suddenly saw a car with only one sidelight working (!!) tearing up the fast lane, this was at 9pm last month


BUT ANYWAY, back to things we regular car drivers can do to make your lives a bit easier!

Take the train

:grimacing: I should have said that in the first place instead of getting engaged in all this BS.



BUT ANYWAY, back to things we regular car drivers can do to make your lives a bit easier!

Take the train

Mind shuffling your road freight onto the overnight rail network? Motorways are terrrrrrrrribly congested these days and us light vehicle owners could do with a nice 70mph Lane 1 to ease some of it. :wink:

You might have to starve for a while, not many tescos have a train track running up to the back door.




BUT ANYWAY, back to things we regular car drivers can do to make your lives a bit easier!

Take the train

Mind shuffling your road freight onto the overnight rail network? Motorways are terrrrrrrrribly congested these days and us light vehicle owners could do with a nice 70mph Lane 1 to ease some of it. :wink:

You might have to starve for a while, not many tescos have a train track running up to the back door.

No probs, three stations and a Metro in Birmingham with easy road access :wink: Christ, now there’s a worrying thought… Tesco Trains

Boys Boys Boys! There are much better ways of dealing with all that pent-up anger & frustration! :question:

So kind of you to make sweeping assumptions about my willingness to be educated… :stuck_out_tongue:

No worries Jon, it’s always nice in a way to meet the trolliest members first :smiley: know where the high water mark is now, I may subtly wind him up in the future now I know his sore point. :wink:

Re undertaking / passing on the left, it’s an offence to undertake but the definition of “passing on the left” vs. “undertaking” is open to some interpretation, even by serving officers.

Example: … #post44877 (the only reason I’m aware of the distinction is because I was wondering about this last week, so went hunting)

I used to stick to the middle lane all the time at night because then I didn’t even have to shuffle from Lane 1 → Lane 2 → Lane 1 to work around HGVs, nowadays I tend to drive a little more slowly on motorways to get better MPG (urban car = NOT optimally geared for cruising at 80 :smiley:).

When I got flashed last time, it was done in such an aggressive manner - tailgating at 80, repeatedly flashing - so as to be quite intimidatory. Could be argued the other driver is guilty of careless / inconsiderate driving under S3 RTA as much as I might be for hogging Lane 2 (all on my own I might add! In the daytime I drive considerately on the mway, I do a lot of driving around inner+outer Brum, Aston Expressway / Gravelly Hill Interchange - Spaghetti Junction to foreigners - and then up and down between Brum and Berkshire.)

80mph is fast enough for any driver, even one specifically aware of conditions around him and taking into consideration road conditions, stopping distances etc as I try to do. The difference in stopping and reaction time between 80 and 100 is significant. You travel roughly 120feet/sec at 80mph and 150feet/sec at 100mph, thinking time is ~1.5secs for average driver then you have reaction time (~0.7secs) on top. If you’re anticipating a move, reaction time is how long it takes to move foot from gas to brake.

My speedo reads 5/6mph fast, so when it shows 80 I’m actually doing about 75. However I know what 90, 100, looks like from experience and you can gauge how fast another car’s travelling by duration of travel between mway lampposts.

If Mr. Audi was ADI or RoSPA qualified as an advanced driver, he’d know exactly how to deal with the situation I presented and this bloke was clearly used to being king of the road! It’s amusing in hindsight I suppose.

BUT, as we all know… it’s not an offence unless seen by a rozzer!

Cheers for the voice of support, I grew up with siblings though so I’m well used to being wound up. :smiley:

Is it just me or doesn’t anyone else think that this is ROG under a new monika? It’s got ROG written all over it.

I don’t need your guff and “advice” on how to drive thanks as I don’t have any issues controlling my car like you do, nor do have any problems with other drivers flashing me out of the way because I drive in the correct lanes to begin with. What I asked for was a link to exact paragraph in the Highway Code that states :

the Highway Code states it’s perfectly legal to pass someone on the nearside (i.e., passing someone in Lane 2 by remaining in Lane 1) if you are travelling faster than them, as long as you didn’t change lanes beforehand to enter Lane 1

To make it easier for you, here is the direct link to the Highway Code - … /index.htm

I cannot quote a direct statement saying it is legal to pass on the left as there is none! This is deliberate; the act in itself is advised against where it would cause an accident (and it wouldn’t be looked upon kindly were that to happen) as it might be considered an unexpected manoeuvre by the person in Lane 2. However if they’re not travelling at the general pace of traffic (i.e., 65 in Lane 2) and are passed on the left it’s probably a wake up call to them to move into Lane 1.

This is where my circumstances differed; I was on my own on a stretch of motorway, both pieces of carriageway - not even a solitary lorry in sight - until the guy hoons it up from afar and decides to force me out of his way so he can carry on ballistic. This is when I’m already pushing the national speed limit.

NB I am not saying that my usage of Lane 2, even on my own, was by the letter of the law the correct thing to be doing, but I judged the safest course of action given the empty carriageway all around me and my past experiences with travelling in Lane 1 at night time.

British law is not codified in black and white like the American Constitution, there are shades of grey and things are always considered in the context of the situation in order to give the judicial process some leeway in coming to their own conclusions. I hope you see where I was coming from on this particular thing?

And because you are evidently taking the pedant route, I did say that “the Highway Code states”. This was a poor choice of words, a more accurate sentence would have been “the Highway Code advises against it where it may cause an accident, but passing on the left is not strictly defined as an illegal manoeuvre.” The distinction between passing on the left, versus a distinct move from your lane to undertake then move back, stands on its own merit and is valid.

In this regard, passing on the left on a motorway is akin to overtaking a car on a piece of road with centre hatchings bordered with a broken white line - it’s NOT illegal, but boyyyyyyyy will you be hung out to dry by the Judge if you cause an accident by doing so.

So, Mr. Teacher, how long have you been driving? Do you have any occasional bad driving habits? Ever owned a suicide knob? :wink:

I cannot quote a direct statement saying it is legal to pass on the left as there is none!

So why lie and say “the Highway Code states” when in actual fact it doesn’t and you have made it all up? :unamused:

I don’t think any more needs to be said on this thread. :unamused:

And because you are evidently taking the pedant route, I did say that “the Highway Code states”. This was a poor choice of words, a more accurate sentence would have been “the Highway Code advises against it where it may cause an accident, but passing on the left is not strictly defined as an illegal manoeuvre.” The distinction between passing on the left, versus a distinct move from your lane to undertake then move back, stands on its own merit and is valid.

In this regard, passing on the left on a motorway is akin to overtaking a car on a piece of road with centre hatchings bordered with a broken white line - it’s NOT illegal, but boyyyyyyyy will you be hung out to dry by the Judge if you cause an accident by doing so.

STOP TALKING BS !! The Highway does not state that either. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Why are you blatantly making up this crap?

You ARE Rog. 100%

Are you mods aware you are bypassing pre-mod by using an alias? :unamused:

Choose your weapon… … ndbags.jpg

Christ, now there’s a worrying thought… Tesco Trains … htService/

Rule 163
Overtake only when it is safe and legal to do so. You should

-not get too close to the vehicle you intend to overtake
-use your mirrors, signal when it is safe to do so, take a quick sideways glance if necessary into the blind spot area and then start to move out
-not assume that you can simply follow a vehicle ahead which is overtaking; there may only be enough room for one vehicle
-move quickly past the vehicle you are overtaking, once you have started to overtake. Allow plenty of room. Move back to the left as soon as you can but do not cut in
-take extra care at night and in poor visibility when it is harder to judge speed and distance
-give way to oncoming vehicles before passing parked vehicles or other obstructions on your side of the road
-only overtake on the left if the vehicle in front is signalling to turn right, and there is room to do so
-stay in your lane if traffic is moving slowly in queues. If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left
-give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car (see Rules 211-215)


Christ, now there’s a worrying thought… Tesco Trains … htService/

Oh god no. The Tescopalypse has begun… You’ll be heading over the continent on the Tesco Tunnel sooner or later :wink:

(and who the hell is Rog?)

STOP TALKING BS !! The Highway does not state that either. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Why are you blatantly making up this crap?

You ARE Rog. 100%

Are you mods aware you are bypassing pre-mod by using an alias? :unamused:

The mods will see that I am a different person, I’m on TNUK and signed up on my home internet in Brum. Heck you can even call me on the landline if you wish to assuage your paranoia! :slight_smile:

As I mentioned before, it is not so much what is explicitly stated, it is what is not which leaves the Code open to interpretation. One copper might consider an action bookable which another one sees as perfectly ok given its circumstances. And for what it’s worth, if the Highway Code states to “do not” do something, it is not specifically an offence. If the Highway Code states you “must not” do something, this is an offence.

As I mentioned before, it is not so much what is explicitly stated, it is what is not which leaves the Code open to interpretation. One copper might consider an action bookable which another one sees as perfectly ok given its circumstances. And for what it’s worth, if the Highway Code states to “do not” do something, it is not specifically an offence. If the Highway Code states you “must not” do something, this is an offence.

Rule 163 of the Highway Code:
-stay in your lane if traffic is moving slowly in queues. If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left

Since when have queues moved at 80mph with flashing Audi’s behind?


Would you like another shovel for that hole?

At last, a rival for the lift axle thread :laughing:

Tell me Christopher, whilst in your car, do you prefer passing a 4x2, 6x2 in either configuration or a 6x4 tractor unit :question: :imp: :imp: :laughing:

At last, a rival for the lift axle thread :laughing:

Tell me Christopher, whilst in your car, do you prefer passing a 4x2, 6x2 in either configuration or a 6x4 tractor unit :question: :imp: :imp: :laughing:

Personally I prefer 6x4 for that extra traction. Especially with the snow expected here in the next few days. There’ll be no chance of me getting stuck with all those drive wheels. Yay. :slight_smile:

Rob K:

At last, a rival for the lift axle thread :laughing:

Tell me Christopher, whilst in your car, do you prefer passing a 4x2, 6x2 in either configuration or a 6x4 tractor unit :question: :imp: :imp: :laughing:

Personally I prefer 6x4 for that extra traction. Especially with the snow expected here in the next few days. They’re be no chance of me getting stuck with all those drive wheels. Yay. :slight_smile:

OMG Carryfast is holding Rob K hostage :laughing:

I’m sure many will be hoping that Carryfast has gagged Rob, at the very least :laughing: :laughing:

Hmm, Mark. I don’t know. Rob has behaved himself sooooo well while curvyfist has been a pain in the ■■■■… Think it should maybe be the other way round…