How many could actually drive it,was this the original twin steer unit,looks like a cut down 8 wheeler or it could have been a mustang
their was a driver from emneth called hubert smith he also drove for them
this topic is full of great photos nice one lb
LB76 wrote; (photo above)“Bob Paul (RIP) giving a dane a bit of help that is SVB behind (Copy right Gordon Pearce)”
Can’t seem to copy the photo here… But you may be interested to know that even Scania’s broke down!..occassionally…
Bob and Gordon were struggling to climb the mountain and ended up breaking a half shaft. The Danish driver dropped his trailer and came back to tow them. Unfortunately, he also broke a half shaft! As Gordon took the pic, they were both waiting to be towed, much to the disgust of some Turkish drivers who had to wait further down the mountian for the road to be “cleared”.
Good old days.
Good old days.
Sleeping across the bonnet of an ‘ergo’■■
Most of the ergo’s had a sleeper extension put on by the end of the 60’s we were thankful for that when a lot of firms never even bothered to try.
these are for NZ JAMIE
This thread is pure nostalgia LB76, and worthy of a book. How about it?
It just gets better
Way before my time, but great pictures, thanks LB for sharing them.
Way before my time, but great pictures, thanks LB for sharing them.Regards,
i agree with everything being said about your posts LB76 i come from diss so its pure nostalgia for me too regards stoney03
ive got the truck mag with an article about that garnham vabis