Free MSA cash machines

Any post office (if your are near one during 9 till 5) is free i think for Barclays and alliance and leicester cards.

Post Office is free to Alliance & Leicester customers, definately.

Many of the ATM’s listed, on MSA’s and the like are free, unless you use a card belongIng to the ‘Link’ network. This network includes the Alliance & Leicester. Cards belonging to this network will be charged for withdrawals.


The one down the steps to the toilets.

They were, went there Monday night, now charge 1.85. :imp:

I have seen places where they have free cash machines and these awful orange ones close by and people still use them.

Where I drink sometimes there is a cash machine in the pub and next door is a bank with a free machine.

Its cheaper to get a sandwich from the supermarket and than ask for cashback


went into thurrock on monday this week …there was a charge of £1.65…and that was downstairs,

M62 Ferrybridge, Natwest, by the bogs, Free

no longer natwest machine it now charges £1.85 to take cash out

Many of the ATM’s listed, on MSA’s and the like are free, unless you use a card belongIng to the ‘Link’ network. This network includes the Alliance & Leicester. Cards belonging to this network will be charged for withdrawals.

Can you explain what you mean here please Kate?

I am with A&L and ALL Link branded cash machines are free to withdraw from, except these new style stand-alone ones you find in garages and such like which usually charge £1.50-£2.00 to withdraw.

I think chieveley is in the process orf ripping the free one out and only having the ones that charge :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

M5 Exeter services have got rid of the free cashpoints recently. AFAIK you can still use the free one at Cullompton services (in the service station forecourt).

Would there be any interest in compiling a list of “POIs” for use with Satellite Navigation units detailing the locations of these “free” cash machines?

They will not exsist for long all the services will charge you in a bit :frowning: i thought that was the whole point of link to be able to get your money out for nowt

Post Hijack

I got accosted by the CP parking attendant at Warwick Services on Wednesday night as I walked back to my truck.

Welcome Break have come up with a plan to make more money. They are now going to charge drivers a fiver to use the new showers with a £10 deposit for the key, regardless of whether you are parking or not.

Dont shoot the messenger :open_mouth:

Rubbish whats it got to do with him anyway, besides they will need a complete revamp before they charge for them

Rubbish whats it got to do with him anyway, besides they will need a complete revamp before they charge for them

Warwick Services are having a complete revamp. Watch this space :stuck_out_tongue:

1)Tesco RDC , dundee , have free cash machines in canteen ,
altho not sure IF you can get in to use them if just delivering and it was suppose to be closing and moving to livingston but still opened as of last friday !

  1. also the shell station on hillington road in the middle of the industrial estate (beside burger king) glasgow

the one on the outside of the building at stresham north bound doesn’t work anymore (well didn’t friday an) but the new shiney charge you £1.99 to withdraw a £10 machines inside work fine :smiling_imp:


harthill services (M8 ) is free both ways.

an alternative is the BP garage at J3 (which is cheaper for food and coffee too) although there is no official parking spaces there and only 1 truck pump

Cherwell Valley on the m40 used to have free bank machines outside… there now crappy link machines costing £1.85.
Why do we put up with being ripped off? :imp: :imp: (i didnt draw any cash by the way)

If I remember rightly, Sedgemoor services on the M5 southbound have an Abbey machine outside the shops/cafe. It’s been a while since I went there though. Northbound doesn’t have a free machine.

  • update
    Sedgemoor has changed the Abbey machine for a Barclays machine, but it’s still free.

Thank God for the Extra Services at Peterborough, Cambridge and Baldock. A free cash machine, and £2.50 for a bacon and tomato baguette with a coffee…!

Alright people…u know those times when u just need a bit of wad…to spend in the canteen of your destination…but [zb]…your wallet is loaded with cash cards…but not paper… :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: …u ain’t going nowhere near any cash machine…but those dreaded skanking…£1.75…service station ones…on principle u’d perferred to go hungry than…(i do)…give away the price of a second portion…what do u do■■?

Arrrhhh har…u find the service station with machine that serves u for free or a Welcome Break MSA shop…that gives u cash back for a £1min purchase…

The question is though where are they■■?..

If u know why not share…with everyone!!!

I’ve found so far…Watford Gap services M1…Didcot services off the A34…A1 Extra services junction 9 - Stevenage…and one or two other…when i remember i’ll tell…Lymn M6…thats another one

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