Four people dead in Bath after truck incident [Merged]

BBC reporting 4 dead and more injured in a tipper accident in Bath.

Sorry didn’t see the other thread


That is terrible and condolences to the people involved and their families.
The local council will jump on this to justify their proposed lorry ban in Bath that they have been trying to set up for the last couple of years.

It’s a weight limit there already, I think, so presumably delivering to a building site round there.

If he’d been all the way down Lansdown Lane, from the racecourse, it’s a steep winding hill and from the looks of where it happened, by the time he got there, even if the brakes were in perfect working order they wouldn’t be performing optimally.

Seems unbelievably tragic and unlucky that so many fatalities involved and so close after the Glasgow bin lorry.

Just read this on the news. Reports have said the driver was trying to avoid an accident and lost control.

Just seen on BBC news 4 killed as a tipper lost control going down a hill in Bath.
Cant seen to post a link. Maybe some of you experienced posters can put a link up

Rip to all involved


That’s a nasty hill that one, that’s a school there too right where the photo is taken from.
I have to go down there quite a bit and it’s very steep in places.

To make that road ‘safer’ they installed some traffic-calming measures…which might not have helped if you had some kind of issue with the brakes or swerved to avoid a child running out from the school or whatever.

My ■■■■ twitches coming down that hill in my little 7.5t box. No where to go if your brakes fail. Its already a 7.5t limit I believe and there is another route to get to that point, albeit a lot longer. One of my customers is about 100 yards further up the hill, and another just at the bottom and left on the roundabout, so I often have take that road up and down. In the oil tanker its really not much fun at all.

Sorry didn’t see the other thread

That’s ok mate, I’ve just merged three topics into one to keep the discussion all in one place :smiley:

Very sad news. As said by another poster,especially after Glasgow. I know I am playing devils advocate here but lwb109 has said this road is a 7.5T limit. If the tipper was larger,lets say 32T,and he didn’t need this road for access,does anyone know what likely action could be taken by the authorities?
I have taken 7.5T routes in my 18 tonner I am ashamed to say,and this accident has made me really reflect on the repercussions.

Ive just checked and its actually a 6’6 width restriction with access not a weight restriction on that stretch, so legally he might be ok. Depends if he needed access or not I guess.

Wouldn’t really want to speculate too much as may have been there perfectly legitimately but my recollection of the limits round there are that unless the delivery/collection point was somewhere directly nearby the approved route into Weston would be from the upper Bristol Road, past the hospital, via the city.

I don’t think it has always been a 7.5t limit though I’m sure I’ve been down that hill in possibly even artics in yesteryear to access the industrial estates on that side of the city.

Ive just checked and its actually a 6’6 width restriction with access not a weight restriction on that stretch, so legally he might be ok. Depends if he needed access or not I guess.

I seem to think the road that feeds it, with the racecourse on, has got 7.5t restrictions on both ends. I used to shortcut into Bath from the M4 in an 18 tonner up until the limits were introduced of some sort not sure if either weight or width but, I had to stop using that route.

Love the comments on the Daily Wail site

“trucks should only be on the road at night”

“Bin lorries should be working in the early hours not at school time”

“it’s about time we banned trucks from towns and near schools during the school run”

Love the comments on the Daily Wail site

“trucks should only be on the road at night”

“Bin lorries should be working in the early hours not at school time”

“it’s about time we banned trucks from towns and near schools during the school run”

It’s now looking very much like the brakes failed whilst in a width restriction. It’s hard to see outcomes that aren’t the driver and operator seeing jail time.

It looks like bin lorries could do with some safety mechanism as here’s a similar one from 2008. Unlike Glasgow the passengers steered it out of harms way, by the looks of it. … truck.html

ow god another white van man prick
The 32-tonne truck, which was carrying aggregate

And now they need to make the road safer by implementing new legislation by bringing more fascism in whilest persecuting everyone at the same time

Just get the blody tipper driver off the road

mc thackeray:
Just get the blody tipper driver off the road

Initial reports suggest the driver was trying to avoid an accident. Until mechanical failure is ruled out I think it’s unwise to persecute the driver. There could also have been a legitimate reason the vehicle was where it was.