
(zb) :smiling_imp:

The censor allowed it but not as an insult Scaniaman. Please read my
reply to Mal in the HR Trans thread. :wink: D.

Unlike you drunks, I don’t drink.
I see a few of your drunken British killed themselves by Bassano, Ab today in a bit of freezing rain.
Drunk I suppose. :smiling_imp: Evil little man :smiling_imp:

Did anyone hear on the news the other day about a physco gunman who went on a shooting spree in a Montreal college shooting students dead??

He should of saved his bullets and used a couple of rounds on RuralRhodes put him out of his misery and ours having to read his pathetic wimpers

bloody hell :open_mouth:
and i thought things got bit heated on the o/d forum :smiley:
harry, you ought to be on telly mate! :laughing:

& RR would be wearing the telly as a hat if I ever got near him! :laughing:

This is what he was talking about. … ID=2385529

Now then, rr, for the record, and so you and everyone else, understand how thoroughly unpleasant your reply was. The dead team member was run over when he was thrown from the vehicle. Run over by a Canadian trucker who is in one hell of a state over the accident. I know because he was in the same place as I was last night and was really devastated. Having been in a near identical situation, I could fully understand what he was, and will be for years, going through.
As for the soldiers, they are here working with Canadian forces. I suppose you don’t want them here either! Well tough.

Canadians are welcome the world over. I have come across Americans who sew the Maple Leaf on their jackets so they will be better received when they visit other countries than they would with the Stars and Stripes.

So everyone else on here knows, and I am sure you do anyway, this person has no idea what they are saying. Clearly, this is an attempt to get a rise out of people. Canadians are not like this at all, although some Americans can be.

Best thing is to ignore the posts and get back to attacking RobK as usual. :smiley:

And that was definately tongue-in-cheek, Mr K! :laughing:

bobthedog Small world.

Best thing is to ignore the posts and get back to attacking RobK as usual. :smiley:


You people are nothing but a bunch of tea sipping…

See, now you are just going to make me angry with insults like that. The other stuff doesn’t matter a crap but that one crosses the line. :imp: :smiling_imp: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

It makes me laugh when Americans/Canadians/Australians moan about immigration. Just look into your very recent history & you will find the heart & soul of your country is based on immigration. Morons. :unamused:

Hi guys, iv’e been living in b.c for 2 yrs now and love it, RR is the only pratt iv’e heard slaging us brits off, the canadians are lovely people and respect us for building the country they live in now.
I hauled the 52 states for 1and half yrs and loved it, the americans are good people, you get good and bad all over the world!
As to the pratt saying that brits are inexperianced drivers is a load of bull crap, i, like many brits who truck for a living on the roads europe have to contend with several different languges and currencies and not to mention border crossings that would make mr pratt shake in his little girly ■■■■■■■!!!
I really enjoy reading all your corespondance and hope to get involved on a regular basis and think we should just ignore mr pratt and let him carry on winging like a baby in his girly ■■■■■■■ reading gay boy magazines!!!
Ps, i wish all you guys all luck in the world on your adventures in comming to canada and hope to see ya soon. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

zippy;1972 Nice one Zippy!

Post removed, reasons below.

Rural, you’ve crossed the line with this post, it has been removed temporarily for consideration but in my opinion should be permanently removed for its personally insulting content.
If you don’t like British people, don’t visit a British website. To continue to do so in the same vein may mean that you have no choice in the matter.

Spardo. Moderator.

Looks like her parent has gone out to work & RR has sneaked back on the computer… :laughing:

She only uses a puter because they don’t allow sharp objects like pens and pencils in the asylum, they had to take the crayons off her because she kept drawing pictures on the walls :laughing:

There’s one thing RR will never have the last words not on this site anyway, I remember I think it was last year sometime RR posted on trucknet-ca that was a load of old drivel aswell… :blush: same old story, same old words, same ignorance …same RR :wink:

Was he using the same pseudo there Scaniaman?

Yes he posted under the name RuralRhodes but on trucknet ca it says error on his past postings so we can’t see them… the only error he made on Trucknet UK was to cross the brits and that’s back fired on him because I see you’ve stopped him from posting :laughing: :laughing:

About time RR was stopped,what an ■■■
Rockets mrs :laughing:

Oh I don’t know i was enjoying the read! I had his posts ■■■■■■-analysed abd it came back " The writer is a bitter and twisted personality, probably very vocal in his opinions as long as he can maintain anonymity.Writes poison pen letters to the council about the neighbours when he is the problem really. A Woody Allen type figure who should never be allowed to handle guns… :stuck_out_tongue: "

I agree it was fun reading the posts and everyones replies,but he/she/it is still a numpty :laughing:
mrs rocket