
How is it that so many people in England complain about foreigners going there and scabbing jobs yet the first thing you people do is hop a boat and scab jobs in Canada.

Most people won’t work for those losers that recruit wheel holders from England so rather than them having to smarten up and pay decent wages along come you people to occupy space.

The contempt you people have for us and the Americans is quite evident from reading over these posts.

What is also evident is the lack of skills and/or training.

I personally had no idea so many wheel holders were scamming their way into Canada so now I am going to make it my mission to raise hell with Ottawa and the immigration department to find out why this is happening.

I take offense at the insults from you people and as I am a dual US/Canada citizen I also take offense with all your insults to the American drivers.

You insult us but you people haven’t even been in a ■■■■ truck.

This is just about enough of this immigration crap and I’m going to get phone and email campaigns going to get this crap stopped now.

sounds like a Canadian with a chip on his shoulder,well buddy you better get used to the english because when they let turkey into the e.u there will be thousands more cheap foreign drivers in england,hence there will be more english departing these shores probably heading your way,me personally you would have too force me to canada at gunpoint the place is so dull, just like its people they got the personality of a wet kipper…by the way the only reason they go to Canada is they cant get into australia lol :laughing:

RuralRhodes You are trying your hardest to get some anti American comments out of this forum. Best of luck. We regularly get anti Scottish,Welsh ,Polish,& English posters. I suppose a change is as good as rest. But dont expect people to become inflamed ,its not something we are all that concerned about in the UK. You state that you will be phoning & mailing your concerns to the local sheriff. Does that mean you will be giving us a well earned rest? You are as transparent as the rest of the small minded creeps that rant on& on about the most boring of subjects....ZZzzzzzz.. :unamused: __*( Anyway.Why arent you working??* )__

Is canada the outer state of USA that we Brits and the French occupied for a while until we got bored with it :question: :question:

I really shouldn’t feed the trolls but what the hell :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Check out his profile… 17 posts and not 1 positive intelligent constructive one. What a fine example of a canadian you present :unamused:

He`s just a kid trying to make a name…
The Winter Olympics is coming to Vancouver, British Columbia in 2010. People from all over the world will be visiting our city, and this site is intended to help tourists and locals alike keep tabs on all the activities and opportunities leading up to the big event, including other Olympic events:
Hmmm…? Not if RR gets his way. :laughing:

One of RRs trucks seen on Vancouver Island

This site has nothing to do with any Olympics and harry I already suspect we have 1 Englander in Vancouver too many.
The Olympics as usual are nothing but a tax drain.
We don’t need or want anybody from Britain in any way shape or form.
I noticed one of your losers pointed out that you expect a bunch of immigrants from Turkey to take your jobs.
Why don’t you losers get some backbone and do something about.
Be a man.
We don’t need any ■■■■■■■ like you people arouind here.
What is fitting though is you scabs are all working for scab companies.
Don’t expect a big welcome.
Scabs get treated like scabs.
You people are nothing but a bunch of tea sipping wheel holding girleyboys.

isnt it time for school yet

“by the way the only reason they go to Canada is they cant get into australia lol Laughing”

That is so very true.

I thought at one time you people had pride.
I guess had is the operative word.
Why don’t you people raise @#@ with your government if you have riff raff coming in to your country.
I saw in a post that Skanke is paying you people two bits a mile, well it’s no wonder that they’re trying for you people.
Nobody will work for them at that rate and in fact nobody will work for them at a better rate just because of the kind of company that they are.
I’m under the impression that you can not work for less than a Canadian driver so how is it that you’ll work for 2 bits.
Are you 2 bit drivers.
I read some posts from one of your main men in New York (did he find some hard up old cow from New York) and his commentary about Sk.
I have no problem believing that he probably put tire chains on in SK after all he is a well trained British “driver”.
All trucks with British wheel holders in them should be clearly marked to give everybody a sporting chance at getting around them

By the way Harry I hate to tell you this but the Winter Olympics aren’t in Vancouver they’re in Whistler.
Big difference.
You are very British aren’t you.

could you atleast put the the above in a form that people can understand

“” Anyway.Why aren`t you working??"

Some of us can actually do more than one thing at a time.

There’s also 7 hours time difference between PDT and England time.

Ther is no time difference between the island and mainland or do you think there is.

You’re very British, you know. :smiling_imp:

why arent i working

well it friday night here and thurs fri and saturday is my weekly break were only allowed to average 48 per week here and trucks are street ahead interms of comfort

““could you atleast put the the above in a form that people can understand””

It’s not my fault if you can’t understand English.

Let’s see now.

No experience.
Will work for peanuts.
No license.
Can’t speak or understand English.
And people should hire you because ■■?

I know.
You’ll work for peanuts. :imp:

48 hrs a week.

You are a hard working bunch aren’t you.
Weekends off.

Aren’t we dainty.

well ruralrhodes,like you said you are a dual citizen,well which half is which,you probably got the big fat canadian ass bottom half,but you definitely inherited the big yankie gob,bet you love the sound of your own vioce mate,love to be in the same bar as you after a few beers bet your very entertaining…yawnnnnnnn,by the way you could,nt piont me in the right direction for a decent company,might just come over now just to ■■■■ you off,thats if i cant get into a decent country like australia ,i can understand why you are getting so worried mate you know us english if the fancy takes us we will be running the place but dont you worry my moose shafting buddy i make sure your job is safe…

Unlike you drunks, I don’t drink.
I see a few of your drunken British killed themselves by Bassano, Ab today in a bit of freezing rain.
Drunk I suppose.
See we have laws against that here and in the US.
Good news also I just read the government is considering a moratorium on immigration.
Aw shucks huh.

its about time they called a moratorium on your interbreeding policy reading your posts its obviously been to successfull,anyway im going to bed now unlike you its not going to be with my sister …now seriously dont be so bitter accept change dont fight it we can all live together as one happy family :laughing:

Won’t happen.
Just stay where you belong.
In Britain you might be somebody.
Here you’re just another unwelcome scab immigrant.
Is that what you wan’t :imp:

Get back in yer pram & drink yer milk, RR. :laughing:
Why don`t you come right out with it & say whats on your mind…?

The RuralRhodes Song …

I never wanted to do this job in the first place!
I… I wanted to be…


(piano vamp)

Leaping from tree to tree! As they float down the mighty rivers of
British Columbia! With my best girl by my side!
The Larch!
The Pine!
The Giant Redwood tree!
The Sequoia!
The Little Whopping Rule Tree!
We’d sing! Sing! Sing!

Oh, I’m a lumberjack, and I’m okay,
I sleep all night and I work all day.

CHORUS: He’s a lumberjack, and he’s okay,
He sleeps all night and he works all day.

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch,
I go to the lava-try.
On Wednesdays I go shoppin’
And have buttered scones for tea.

Mounties: He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch,
He goes to the lava-try.
On Wednesdays ‘e goes shoppin’
And has buttered scones for tea.


I cut down trees, I skip and jump,
I like to press wild flowers.
I put on women’s clothing,
And hang around in bars.

Mounties: He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps,
He likes to press wild flowers.
He puts on women’s clothing
And hangs around… In bars■■?


I chop down trees, I wear high heels,
Suspendies and a bra.
I wish I’d been a girlie
Just like my dear papa.

Mounties: He cuts down trees, he wears high heels
Suspendies?? and a … a Bra■■?
(spoken, raggedly) What’s this? Wants to be a girlie? Oh, My!
And I thought you were so rugged! Poofter!


All: He’s a lumberjack, and he’s okaaaaaaayyy… (BONG)

Sound Cue: The Liberty Bell March, by John Phillip Sousa.

Dear Sir,
I wish to complain on the stronglyest possible terms about the previous
entry in this file about the lumberjack who wears womens’ clothes. Some of
my best friends are lumberjacks, and only a FEW of them are transvestites.

Yours faithfully,
Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong, Mrs.

P.S. I have never kissed the editor of the radio times.

All discussions are now closed :laughing: :laughing:

Unlike you drunks, I don’t drink.
I see a few of your drunken British killed themselves by Bassano, Ab today in a bit of freezing rain.
Drunk I suppose.
See we have laws against that here and in the US.
Good news also I just read the government is considering a moratorium on immigration.
Aw shucks huh.

And you live in a province which allows children to carry knives to school, which pays asylum seekers $25000 dollars each to settle in an area because Brits won’t go there, which can never make up their mind who they actually side with?

Come on, you silly little person, you clearly don’t have any idea what you are talking about.

The Government in Canada are spending a huge amount of time discussing how to streamline the immigration process so we scabby brits don’t have to fill out inch thick piles of paper. Hells bells, they have just reduced the amount of settlement money you need and simplified the residency process.

So you are dual nationality. And?

Now there is one obvious thing in your poorly thought out posts, that you have a true islander mentality. Small mind and big feet.

The brits are on their way over here because Canada has a great deal to offer people who will work hard. That’s what we do here. If we didn’t then we would get canned and sent back.

Thus far, in 8 months, I have met one ignorant Canadian who had to be warned off. You are little more than a mildly irritating background noise. Keep posting and trying to get a rise, but at least get your facts straight. Ask your parents to explain the new, simplified system to you.