Follow My Sat Nav

This is about the 6th time in 18 months. Not by the same driver though!! … d=50423797

What gets me is that the driver was obviously happy to be photographed like he was a bloody hero :confused:

I don’t know the road so maybe it wasn’t all the drivers fault but either way I’d have been hiding in shame not posing for photographs.

was it the sat navs fault or just driver error carnt see by pics but iver been down tighter roads myself, he must of been a bit dumb to pose for a pic, ive only just started using sat nav and i always check the route on the display before hand, but ive learnt you have to no when to ignore the dam things cos they get you close enough but i would never rely on one to get me too the door, usually comman sense prevails

was it the sat navs fault or just driver error

How can it be the Sat Navs fault, it’s just a map and wasn’t driving the truck? Would you ask the same question if the story said he had been navigating by a paper map?

its a 1 track road but wih loads of subsidence so if you are in a truck and have to pull over … that happens… also its one of those roads that once you drive down it there is nowhere to turn around ,

have a google at it … a=N&tab=wl

Try looking here:
There is an 18T Limit sign but it seems some joker turned it round. Don’t think I would set off up a lane like that though unless I was sure.

joker turned it round

this is happening alot… the coucils need to look at maybe a bolt through the sign and the post to stop idiots turning the sign around…

To be honest if I was navigating by map I would have used one of those B roads rather than that poxy little lane.

So if you had a sat-nav you would have used the lane? its too narrow no matter what way you navigate

A truckmate satnav would of never sent him that way to start with, car satnavs are no good for wagons. He looked like abit of a plank, alot of thick drivers about tbh

He seems to have missed the big sign at the start of the lane … 66,2,5.05

Looking at a view on the lane, how on earth did he think this was the right way … 05,0,5.83

It said he came from Preston, looking at the map he drove right past the main road to Southport to get to this lane

The guy was delivering to a diy store so should have used common sense and realized that it was not going to be down there.If he was delivering feed stuff or tractors then that could have been the route for him.

Looking at a view on the lane, how on earth did he think this was the right way … 05,0,5.83

Apparently the sign at the end of the road had been turned round but nevertheless having gotten into the position where the road really narrows you would think he would be keen to take any opportunity to remedy the situation, but if you click on that link and use the keyboard arrow keys to move forward it’s not long before you come to a place where he could have turned round (link bellow) and gone back, but it seems this driver chose to go straight past and carry on :open_mouth: :unamused: … 36736&z=15

Looks like he’s already been round this one before the one he got stuck on (not the bollards) :laughing: :laughing: … 54932&z=15


was it the sat navs fault or just driver error

How can it be the Sat Navs fault, it’s just a map and wasn’t driving the truck? Would you ask the same question if the story said he had been navigating by a paper map?

that was my point exactly i didnt say it was the sat navs fault so a really stupid thing to quote really, if you read between the lines i was being a little sarcastic it wasent a direct question it would be stupid to suggest its a sat navs fault, but the information paper clipping seemed to blame the sat nav and driver etc etc, to make it a quote was a little padantic , tut tut… :confused:

i thought thumbs up meant everythings good, couldn’t be better or could you give me a lift to job center



was it the sat navs fault or just driver error

How can it be the Sat Navs fault, it’s just a map and wasn’t driving the truck? Would you ask the same question if the story said he had been navigating by a paper map?

that was my point exactly i didnt say it was the sat navs fault so a really stupid thing to quote really, if you read between the lines i was being a little sarcastic it wasent a direct question it would be stupid to suggest its a sat navs fault, but the information paper clipping seemed to blame the sat nav and driver etc etc, to make it a quote was a little padantic , tut tut… :confused:

You asked if it was the Sat Nav or driver error and I asked how it could be the Sat Nav and questioned if that question would even be asked if it was a paper based map being used. It wasn’t a dig at you, it was a general comment about the paper’s spin on things and others who seem to think the Sat Nav leaves a driver no choice but to follow its directions regardless.

So if you had a sat-nav you would have used the lane? its too narrow no matter what way you navigate

not if it looked narrow at the entrance. I normally take what the sat nav says with a pinch of salt. I was responding to coffee’s comment about paper maps.

A truckmate satnav would of never sent him that way to start with, car satnavs are no good for wagons. He looked like abit of a plank, alot of thick drivers about tbh

The hat gives him away :unamused: … 0142_n.jpg

wonder if its the same road?