Follow My Sat Nav

buck rogers:

wonder if its the same road?

I’m going with yes … 6,0,14.28

Now that his mug is all over the paper any smart gaffer would post his fizzog up on the office wall with the message “If you see this agency driver SHOW HIM THE DOOR!”

What a maroon! :smiley:

I just can’t get it that people are happy to show themselves to the public to let everybody know how stupid they are.

There was a case recently in Poland, a stupid woman was following sat nav deep into the forrest and then she get stuck in mud. She called 112 to get help, but her mobile battery went flat. She was trying to pull the car out, but failed, and well after midnight the police helicopter with thermovision camera found her. The police cars were send to that place, but they turned away as found the road unsuitable, finally police 4x4 reached her and pulled her a few miles back to the road

She then starred in news in every Polish TV slagging providers of the map software to GPS…

In my opinion she should be charged for a cost of the action

I just can’t get it that people are happy to show themselves to the public to let everybody know how stupid they are.

There was a case recently in Poland, a stupid woman was following sat nav deep into the forrest and then she get stuck in mud. She called 112 to get help, but her mobile battery went flat. She was trying to pull the car out, but failed, and well after midnight the police helicopter with thermovision camera found her. The police cars were send to that place, but they turned away as found the road unsuitable, finally police 4x4 reached her and pulled her a few miles back to the road

She then starred in news in every Polish TV slagging providers of the map software to GPS…

In my opinion she should be charged for a cost of the action

These people should also be sterilised to prevent them producing a whole new generation on idiots. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


I just can’t get it that people are happy to show themselves to the public to let everybody know how stupid they are.

There was a case recently in Poland, a stupid woman was following sat nav deep into the forrest and then she get stuck in mud. She called 112 to get help, but her mobile battery went flat. She was trying to pull the car out, but failed, and well after midnight the police helicopter with thermovision camera found her. The police cars were send to that place, but they turned away as found the road unsuitable, finally police 4x4 reached her and pulled her a few miles back to the road

She then starred in news in every Polish TV slagging providers of the map software to GPS…

In my opinion she should be charged for a cost of the action

These people should also be sterilised to prevent them producing a whole new generation on idiots. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

then there would really be a “national driver shortage” in years to come :exclamation: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing:

Cruise Control:

These people should also be sterilised to prevent them producing a whole new generation on idiots. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

then there would really be a “national driver shortage” in years to come :exclamation: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing:

So it’s a win, win situation! :stuck_out_tongue:


Looking at a view on the lane, how on earth did he think this was the right way … 05,0,5.83

Apparently the sign at the end of the road had been turned round but nevertheless having gotten into the position where the road really narrows you would think he would be keen to take any opportunity to remedy the situation, but if you click on that link and use the keyboard arrow keys to move forward it’s not long before you come to a place where he could have turned round (link bellow) and gone back, but it seems this driver chose to go straight past and carry on :open_mouth: :unamused: … 36736&z=15

I’ve been sent down lanes like this, before Sat Nav I must add, usually to poor farmers who can’t make their farms pay so they turn them into clay pigeon shooting gaffs, without altering the infrastructure, ie artics with 45’ trailers loaded with the clays and 20 odd flinging machines having to get there to deliver the dratted machines, a couple out near Tamworth spring to mind.
However, like the posters quoted I would have stopped here and do it the old fashioned way, open me gob and ask someone or even do the directory inquiries thing and get a phone number cos the chances of a DIY store being down there is probably nil! I also learned this lesson the hard way, but managed to extracate myself without help, just sweated buckets with a 2 mile reverse down a twisty lane, the lesson being: ‘NEVER PASS THE POINT OF NO RETURN’
An old driver years ago gave me a tip about delivering to places like that for the first time, if in doubt park up and hoof it, or like he did get his bike down from the back of the cab and go on a recce mission. He used to do farm deliveries around the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors!