First invasion of london

How do Ladies and gents.

I have myfirst attack on london today. Ive only been there once and i was a small child. so obviously i wasnt driving. Let alone attempting to sail an artic into the middle of it.

I was hoping to get some useful advice in order to give me the best chance of surviving this most dreaded of battles. the only thing ive been told about it is to make sure i go into it with a clean card (have a 45 before going in) I wont have an address until a bit later on so i cant ask for help on a route in. Ill put it on here when i know where im going incase there is some brave veteran of this most dreaded of battlefields that is willing and able to help a raw recruit.

My height will be 14’ 6" again unsure as of the weight yet will include when i know

and i have no idea why ive put loads of war related piffle in this post.

Cheers in advance :slight_smile:


1st trip to london?..dont even know where in london■■?,oh dear.ring in sick?

Stay away from from dartford

Don’t overthink it and don’t be terrified of it just because you think you should be terrified of it.

They’re only roads with the associated hazards and pitfalls of any road in any city. There’s certainly no black magic involved mate. Just relax and pay close attention to your surroundings (like you should anywhere tbh).

Bonus point in this weather is totty spotting. Enjoy.

Edit to add; do not expect to make massive amounts of progress 'cos you won’t. If you accept that the traffic will be very slow moving you’ll not get wound up by it.


Are you for real? feeling nervous about london. A road is a road, no different to any other city as said, I assume you check your mirrors for cyclist etc prior to tuening corners away from lights.

its just any other road, drive l passive aggressive you will be fine,

Don’t stress about it, it isn’t Bogota. Be firm but not aggressive, don’t let people take the mickey. Watch out for signs, 14/6 can be a PITA but there are routes into everywhere. Scan through your route in an atlas and don’t get stressed when the road you had planned to turn down is one way or access restricted. Think twice before coming off a main road on to a residential one, they will almost always have a physical width restriction. Check parking restrictions if you pull up outside your drop or to ask directions at the kerb, traffic wardens can be very sneaky with their efforts to get a ticket on your wagon. Get as close as you can on an arterial route before you go off piste.

It ain’t that bad mate just take your time and like you said leave yourself plenty of time…

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Don’t fret too much about getting a break in , I’ve had them on Berkeley square etc , just park where you can ( trying not too block anyone in ) and if t/w commes up tell him your waiting too be called too site , never had a issue .
If your bored have a wander around the Bentley showroom :wink: :laughing: if you do park up on Berkeley square

Think of London as being a load of villages that have got bigger and grown together. Go from one village to the next and so on. Remember every village has a village idiot. Unfortunately the villages inside the M25 have more than their fair share! Don’t be timid but don’t be too aggressive, just try to own your bit of road same as anywhere else.
If you get really stressed you’re never far from a Maccy D!

North circular will be alright to use - but avoid using the south circular.

Bridges on the north circular are over 15’ - but you’ve got several bridges that are 13’ something on the south circular, the lowest I believe being this one at Tulse Hill.

Low Bridge1.jpg

too many mans don’t know how to drive proper in that London, dem need to edumacate demselves seen? :laughing:

one of the worst things in London are all the junctions with no-left-turns, or no-right-turns - you may plan your route and think i’ll just drive down there and take a right, and then you get there and you can’t
and theres places to take a 45 but you may get a parking ticket, if boss will pay then its better than a tacho infringement.
watch out for the yellow box junctions too

When driving in London use the size of your vehicle to your advantage such as at junctions and positioning when turning left or right. Basicly use it to bully folk as you will only get knobs on bikes even cars attempting to get up gaps that don’t exist. Have eyes at the back of your head and don’t just double check, check, check and check again and even again to see if that idiot cyclist or knob on a scooter doing the knowledge or delivering pizza ain’t undertook you or ridden around you to get passed.
Driving standards go out the window so just drive like the locals do I.e don’t give a ■■■■ as no one will let you out, let you in allow you to do your job even with your indicators going or reversing sensor going off which pedestrians seem to not understand what it means even when it is shouting, " Stand well clear VEHICLE REVERSING!!!" They love walking around the back of your truck when this is happening in that there London :unamused:
Don’t worry about missing stuff like turnings as you’ll be lucky to get above 5mph even more so now the stupid Borris cycle superhighways are being built.
Another thing to worry about are the " Borris Bikes" where some ■■■■■■ who has been in London all of 5 minuites can jump on a bike for a few quid and cause traffic chaos on the roads of this Country’s capital city. I know bonkers ain’t it :smiley:
Hope all goes well enjoy yourself and do let us know how you go on :laughing:

North circular will be alright to use - but avoid using the south circular.

Bridges on the north circular are over 15’ - but you’ve got several bridges that are 13’ something on the south circular, the lowest I believe being this one at Tulse Hill.

That’s what the well signposted Hgv route is there for…


North circular will be alright to use - but avoid using the south circular.

Bridges on the north circular are over 15’ - but you’ve got several bridges that are 13’ something on the south circular, the lowest I believe being this one at Tulse Hill.

That’s what the well signposted Hgv route is there for…

Yeh. I’ve put an artic down that side street with the speed humps near Tulse hill a few times… One wouldn’t dream of going down there normally, but indeed that’s where the (temp?) signposts were sending HGVs at that time, as in this pic…

I had London today, 3 drops Hayes & Brentford, easy, till I got in this morning & some clever ■■■■ had put 6 pallets for a builder in SE5.
Silly little back streets, cars double parked, took me over an hour to find a route near it, rang the builder & he reckoned that they’d had an Artic in earlier, I refused to drive up the road to the drop, so he walked down to guide me & nearly had a baby when he saw how big the wagon was, shaking his head & agreeing with me that there was no way I was going to get near his site, job abandoned, cost the company a load of wasted time & hopefully profit.

I don’t mind doing London, as long as it’s sensible drops like builders merchants or warehouses, but don’t send me down stupidly tight side streets. :frowning:

Good job you didn’t get a drop in Hackney or Lambeth then… You really won’t get down those stupid left streets there… :smiley:


North circular will be alright to use - but avoid using the south circular.

Bridges on the north circular are over 15’ - but you’ve got several bridges that are 13’ something on the south circular, the lowest I believe being this one at Tulse Hill.

That’s what the well signposted Hgv route is there for…

There’s also a diversion avoiding the ■■■■■■■ thing through the houses it’s not exactly hard to avoid a bang :laughing: :unamused:

A nice place NOT was Leeside Road Clapton E5 only one way in due to very low bridge and the other way in always parked cars and traffic not nice

Used to London many moons ago tip at BHs Putney high street then a collection in Finsbury Park down a dog hole back street for bed sheets of all things,used to drive out the collection up to the Angel (blue pipe things in the middle of the island) then back to atherstone.
How jolly fun that wasn’t getting to Finsbury park at 8am on Fridays in the run up to Xmas.2 hours is the longest it took 1 rainy Friday glad don’t go near the place now ina truck.

Good job you didn’t get a drop in Hackney or Lambeth then… You really won’t get down those stupid left streets there… :smiley:

Lol, big thumb syndrome & not proof reading it properly [emoji6]