First Aid

The other day on my way back from Ireland I came across a very serious accident involving an un-recognisable HGV gone off the road and into the trees! With no Emergency Services in sight, being an ex Fireman, I stopped to render what assistance I could expecting to see all sorts of blood and guts. Thankfully it was a new truck (airbags,crumple zones etc) and the driver walked away with a cut on his head while the passenger only had a broken leg. This got me to thinking, as nobody else passing seemed to stop.
How many of us would stop to help a fellow driver?

How many are First Aid Trained and carry a First Aid kit?

Just what is in your First Aid kit and would/could you use it?

The 1 thing that would have helped me the other day is a decent torch which I have now bought, do you have 1?

your comments and observations would be welcomed.

How many of us would stop to help a fellow driver?

I would

How many are First Aid Trained and carry a First Aid kit?

I did a one day first aid course 15 years ago :wink: don’t carry a first aid kit though

The 1 thing that would have helped me the other day is a decent torch which I have now bought, do you have 1?

yes, one small LED torch in my pocket , a large torch and a flashing led warning triangle/torch under the bunk.

Good reply, with 15 years experience as a full time Fireman I felt more than able to deal with the situation having seen plenty RTAs in the past.
I also had 1 of Daveys flashing triangles which my Son put out on the road, unfortunatly the torch bit had duff batteries.
I have been out and bought a HUGE rubber torch which is beside the drivers seat and put new batteries in the triangle AND torch bit.

Oh BTW, I could understand the drivers running for the boat not stopping but what about the drivers who had just come off the ferry. It would have been nice if some of them could off lent a hand even if it was just to hold a light so I could see what to do myself!
Obviously in this day and age of ‘sue culture’ you have to be very carefull to protect yourself but I would put my fellow man ahead of that and stand up in Court to defend it!

I’d always try and stop if it was possible to do so. I did do a first aid couse as part of my seamanship training a few years back but I can’t claim to remember any of it now, its all a distant blur and it was no more than three of four years ago!

As for carrying a first aid kit, isn’t it compulsory to carry on in a truck? Perhaps not but I always thought it was.

Yep I would stop, and have done for cars and bike accidents. I carry a small first aid kit in my bag, just the essentials in it, plasters for when I skin my knuckels and a couple of gauze pads and a bandage or two, enough stuff to stop/slow down any bleeding. Would/Could I use it?, yep, have spent a fair bit of time over the years on first aid courses so have a basic understanding of what, and more imprtantly, what not to do. I also carry a small torch of the type that you shake for a few seconds and then it works for a couple of minutes, no batteries needed.

Having been involved in an awful crash when I was 20, two fatalities one a mate, and running round like a headless chicken not knowing what to do to help. It was a horrible feeling not being able to do anything, not even give a drink. I swore it wouldn’t happen again.
I did a first aid course straight after and have been back a few times for refreshers over the years. I carry two first aid boxes at the moment one is my own with every thing in and the other is the one that came with the wagon. The truck also has a large reflective triangle. I have a first aid kit and a couple of the orange flashing beacons you see on the top of cones in road works, in the boot of my car.
Always carried a torch since then as well. I’ve just got one of them wind up ones for crimbo off the daughter, they’re not bad for the size and only take a few seconds to recharge.
A large coke bottle filled with water always comes in handy as well.

No question, I would stop, sad reflection of the times people not bothering to stop though. Always carry a torch, no first aid though.
Last one i stopped for was a car rolled over in a ditch 6 months ago, a car had stopped just before me but I stopped to see if services had been called, two guys were legging it from the scene, apparently it was a stolen vehicle that was rolled and the two scroats in it had tried to hijack the car that had stopped to help, the people were terrified.
The older I get the more depressed and cynical I get about whats happening to our country.

Yes, would definitely stop
Yes, do carry a first aid kit
Yes, I am First Aid trained and refreshed every two years at work
Always keep basics in the car, Torch, Tool Kit, Hi-Viz :confused: , etc…and of course that essential little item non of us can live without these days, the mobile phone.

YES, I would stop.

YES, carry a full response kit, incuding airway management etc.

YES, I’m a Divisional Officer for St. John Ambulance.

YES, carry an LED headband, keeps both hands free, a 5million candle-light rechargable torch and flashing warning triangle.


I would stop and try to do something whether i get it right or not is something else but at least i would try.

I just started a new job with Exel at Worksop on the B&Q contract and we have been told that we will face disciplinary action if we attempt to use a fire extingusher without the appropriate training.

What is the world coming to when i have to walk away from a waste paper fire because i havent been trained to put it out, no doubt if i offer a plaster to someone with a cut i will be sacked because i havent been trained on putting plasters on…

How many of us would stop to help a fellow driver?

yes i would do/have done (luckily walked away unscathed)

How many are First Aid Trained and carry a First Aid kit?

not first aid trained ,but do carry a company first aid kit and the one that was free with commercial motor

Just what is in your First Aid kit and would/could you use it?

basic plasters gauze and a sling eye patch,also scissors.

The 1 thing that would have helped me the other day is a decent torch which I have now bought, do you have 1?

company issue.

it does frighten the crap out of you when you see it unfold in front of you , but i couldn’t just drive past. it would play on my mind to much :cry:


I would stop.

I know basic first aid i.e. pressure points, recovery position, CPR, but I am a bit squemish so dont know how id cope.

Im a night driver always have a torch.

I dont carry first Aid kit the small ones you can carry around are very basic and as I never get the same truck twice I cant carry a large one.

But I could not just drive past.

The company I work for have First aid kits in all the wagons but have only recently re-stocked them. When I first started there I opened the kit up and all I found was a huge bandage (the sort you use if somebody has been hit by a grenade) and a pair of ear plugs! (presumably so you don’t have to hear the injured person screaming)

I’ve got a first aid kit (a standard off the shelf job) and a 2 candle power torch.

I will and have stopped at an accident to try and render first aid.
As a squaddy for 12 years, I had a lot of first aid training and have had to use it once or twice. I haven’t done any training since then though and know how quickly you forget.

I thought there where plans to include first aid training into the class 1&2 tests.

Im sure i can remember someone telling me or reading it in the trade rag?

Personaly i carry all. My maglight doubles up as a truncheon for bonking people on the heds when they try breaking into the cab :smiley:

Not used it yet though


FIRST AID needed :question:
Since 6,5 month in Night Trunk and to 70% trouble with loading of Forkliftdriver :frowning:
Now,as they had to change already the Rules and it still doesn’t works said i Saturday at 02.00AM to step back as he stepped around the Trailer i had to open.
As it is the Supervisor who smiles always but doesn’t changes the way Forkliftdrivers has to work said i that “unfriendly” and “The oldfashion English Way”!
First he ask:You say:…(Censured)
I said:“…(said it again)”!
Then he had no Time to do anything as his Brain had to find out if he heard right.
But then heard i as he to the Warehousemanager said i had pushed him away.
now,it’s a new Manager i didn’t know,and as he had a Highvis Vest on with posted “New Wave Logistic” thought i it is a Driver and said:“I don’t talk with you”!
He needed just his time to explain my that he is the new Manager.
As i couldn’t oversee the tipping and talking to him told i him he may wait in office till i am finishing with tipping.I will then visit him to sort it out. :exclamation:
:bulb: it helped that much that i had afterthen a Trailer loaded that nice as just could be :exclamation:
The rest we will sort out on Monday after he watched the CCTV.
:arrow_right: First miss:I haven’t pushed anyone and the Supervisor says the unthrough.
The problem on it is,that it were a Crime to hit during working a other worker,as the Workinglaw gives for problems special Rules.
In that case must i have on Monday the statement,that it was a mistake,and i didn’t push anyone,or,i have to take some Actions.
:arrow_right: at first would it mean that i have to contact anyone,if Laywer,Officer or court to get the CCTV Video seen and collect a written Statement that i did not,as i would have trouble by getting a other Job :bulb:
:arrow_right: I also may have to run some Sickday’s to do a Healthcheck as i may have a hole in my memory,which wouldn’t alows me to operate a Vehicle on the Road :bulb:
:arrow_right: and i am sure,if officer can’t find a Criminal act on Video of CCTV may i clime the Sickpay from the Company which owns and operates the Hub :exclamation:
:arrow_right: :bulb: Anywhy
during talking with Manager the problem told he me,not direct with words,but with explaining the Law,that provocating Drivers by warehousestaff means not that it is alowed for driver to go with wrong loaded Vehicle on Road.
:bulb: No,thats just an Action to cool the Relationsship bedween Driver and warehouse down to make clear that rules not haven’t be done lazy,and being friendly to Forkliftdriver will not help to change his order he got from his Supervisor :exclamation:
listens complicated but means not other that you have to wait during Queue overtakes you if ordered and doing friendly to him will not make him doing somethings for you without order of his Supervisor.
it may also mean that stupid Forkliftdrivers have it easier to stay in Warehouse as no action of driver will help to do anything against him,as good Forkliftdrivers are expensive,and Companies don’t need any as it is the drivers Job to check the Load before departure.
:bulb: That means not that driver shall order reloading,as that needs Time which is Money.
It means just that it is the Drivers responsoble,or how that is called,to don’t go on road if it is not the right Way loaded :frowning:
Somethings unclear :question:

I thought there where plans to include first aid training into the class 1&2 tests.

Im sure i can remember someone telling me or reading it in the trade rag?

Personaly i carry all. My maglight doubles up as a truncheon for bonking people on the heds when they try breaking into the cab :smiley:

Not used it yet though


I had to do Firstaid training at each Time by making an ADR Licence

The company I work for have First aid kits in all the wagons but have only recently re-stocked them. When I first started there I opened the kit up and all I found was a huge bandage (the sort you use if somebody has been hit by a grenade) and a pair of ear plugs! (presumably so you don’t have to hear the injured person screaming)

:bulb: Kondom is missing :exclamation:

Denis F:

How many of us would stop to help a fellow driver?

I would

How many are First Aid Trained and carry a First Aid kit?

I did a one day first aid course 15 years ago :wink: don’t carry a first aid kit though

The 1 thing that would have helped me the other day is a decent torch which I have now bought, do you have 1?

yes, one small LED torch in my pocket , a large torch and a flashing led warning triangle/torch under the bunk.

:arrow_right: Oh,i had to make a first Aid Course by Mil,when i made the Driving Licence,by making ADR Licence in Austria and making ADR Licence in Luxembourg.
But,i still know just that much to do the littlest i could do.
The other problem is that UK Vehicles are not fitted with First Aid Kits