First Aid

yes i carry a first aid kit just a bog standered 1 that i bought from the garage

yes i am first aid trained also rescue test for swimming teachers and coaches
as i was involved with swiming

yes i carry several tourches, including a warnin triangle

would i stop and help have done in the past, as the road was blocked by the accident but that was in full daylight not sure if i would do in the dark as being a female and not the tallest of people

I carry a first aid kit, in fact I think I have 2, I would not really do what to do with them though, although I have done 5 ADR courses with a First Aid segment, All you need to do on these is kiss the blow up doll without laughing.

I do and have stopped at several bike accidents, but only to help others, warn traffic or move bent motorcycles. Im not sure what to do so I leave well alone, If I have a first aid kit anyone profficient is welcome to use it

It is ironic this thread as come up.

I was coming up the M11 yesterday and i saw this black car on the hard shoulder with a guy stood behind it.

I thought what a stupid place to stand if you had broken down.

Then i noticed in the field what looked a shogun in a pretty bad state.They was a guy walking round the shogun.

Because i saw the guy walking round i thought it was okay,then i thought should i have stopped but by this time i was about half mile past it.

5 minutes later all the emergency services went flying down the southbound.

I have been trained in first aid but do not carry a first aid kit.
Going to ask for one on Monday.

Did anyone else see this accident?

I dont carry a first aid kit…i have basic first aid knowledge anyway…and further more…i could possibly do more damage to the injured person…by moving them etc…i would possibly leave it to all the guys who have posted above…for it seems they have a lot of knowledge of first aid…also…i dont like blood and guts hanging out…and i wouldnt want to get blood on my clothes and ruin them.

As an agency driver I carry my own first aid kit just incase the truck isnt equipped with one. I would and have in the past stopped to assist at RTA’s. A couple of years back I was training to become a nurse so can help with most injuries until the paramedics arrive.

I always carry 2 torches, a small LED one and a big lantern type thing too. In my opinion I think Basic first aid, CPR, etc should be included in LGV training.

Some very interesting replies there!
Most of you who have replied are truck drivers, as I used to be, yet everyone who drove past on the A75 where lorry drivers coming off the ferry at either Stranraer or Cairnryan on Tuesday morning and couldn’t fail to miss the accident. There was me and A N Other driver who stopped to give any sort of assistance!!!

Yes, I would’ve stopped. Yes, I carry a First Aid Kit, torch & (2x) triangle which comes from having lived in Germany. Yes, I am First Aid trained and have a basic refresher every year.

I also carry a large Maglite for both of the reasons quoted above! :wink:

As a reminder, (and i’m sure most of you won’t be far from one!) when you get out of your vehicle to go offer assistance, put on your Hi-viz!! One of the first rules of first aid is ‘don’t become a casualty yourself’; how many other drivers are going to be passing you, spending more time trying to get a glimpse of something morbid, than concentrating on their road position??!!

Again, left over from living in Germany, I also carry a hi-viz for every passenger in the car, which were purchased for less than €3 each!!

About 1998 myself and 3 colleagues were first to a head-on collision on the bad bends on the Melton to Grantham road. The situation was bad, way beyond anything we could’ve done (i.e. a chap with both legs in a Z-shape, but the wrong way around!) however, as he was still conscious, although in deep shock, the verbal reassurance did make a difference. An old lady from the other vehicle was totally disorientated (again, in shock) and was about to wander off either into the woods or in front of the passing traffic - you didn’t have to be first aid trained to save her from further injury or possibly worse. For that reason, unless you are quite sure there is sufficient help already there, I think you should stop, whatever a rush you are in or however squeamish you are etc etc.

If the new CPC for drivers includes First Aid training, do we still think it’s a bad thing?? :confused:

Yes I would stop if it was safe to do so and stopping wasn’t going to make the situation more dangerous. If there are already several people stopped I don’t think I would as it can become chaotic if too many stop and I think it could also be a problem for the emergency services when they arrived if there are too many vehicles in the way.

I know a little first aid, the basic and common sense stuff but my wife had to do a first aid course for her job and I have been reading the stuff she got on that and asking her questions. I would hope there would be someone else more competent than me to do first aid type stuff and they would be welcome to the contents of the kit if necessary.

I carry a basic first aid kit, 2 x warning triangles, fire extinguisher, a flashing amber warning light thing and a 4 cell Maglite torch. I also have spare batteries in the cab as at this time of year the Maglite gets used every day when doing trailer checks or looking for stowaways when boarding the ferry home.

Another point is all that kit is easily accessible, Maglite in door pocket, first aid kit in locker above seat, triangles, warning beacon and fire extinguisher in side locker, not with other stuff piled on top. Makes it a lot less useful if you have to start rummaging under the bunk to get to any of it in an emergency.

i carry a first aid kit in my car , and 1 in my bag when at work… but its ok carrying a first aid kit but in this day and age who wears disposable gloves and under no circumstances would i do mouth to mouth on anyone …for risk to myself from catching hiv etc etc
after all first aid is to prevent loss of life but think of own safety first…
taught this at bolton ladybridge hall ambulance training school bolton

If the new CPC for drivers includes First Aid training, do we still think it’s a bad thing?? :confused:

Yes I do still think it would be a bad thing. I have attended first aid courses during my training as a seaman, these courses are probably more in depth than anything available to the drivers CPC where endless nonsense has to be fitted into a 5 day course or however long it will be. I did the courses, I passed the courses and I WOULD NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO IN A SERIOUS ACCIDENT regardless of having a worthless piece of paper with my name on it and a fancy stamp from the Fleetwood Nautical College saying that I can.

I did the courses, I passed the courses and I WOULD NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO IN A SERIOUS ACCIDENT regardless of having a worthless piece of paper with my name on it and a fancy stamp from the Fleetwood Nautical College saying that I can.

That says one of two things: you have had some skill fade, either from not doing refresher training or actually using what you had learnt. Alternatively, the standard of training/qualification was not up to scratch.

I suspect it will be former of the two, in which case we better be carefull who is reading this or they might decide that the CPC training will have to be completed a lot more often than every five years!! :wink:

There does seem to be a general feeling of “what could I do” or “I would do more harm than good”.

If someone is dying at the side of the road, either not breating or bleeding to death then there is very little chance of doing more harm than good. Im sure that 99.9% of people would try to help in this situation, even if they didnt have any first aid training.

Surely the simple message is that you stop. Don’t know First Aid? If you have a phone you can arrange some. You are able to guide the Emergency Services in. You are able to talk to the victims and reassure them that something is happening.
Find out if neck/back hurts; if it does tell them not to move, they might end up paralysed. If there is fuel around, from leaks, make sure you phone from a safe distance; if victims cold, cover them with something.
And you thought you could not help.

That says one of two things: you have had some skill fade, either from not doing refresher training or actually using what you had learnt. Alternatively, the standard of training/qualification was not up to scratch.

I suspect it will be former of the two

I disagree and say it’s probably the latter. While I definitely agree with extra training, whether it’s the driver CPC, first aid etc…, these courses tend to be so lightweight that, as robinhood says you end up with a “worthless piece of paper with a fancy stamp on it”.