few pics

www.trucking-ni.tk :sunglasses:

Beautiful!!! :stuck_out_tongue: Traditional Irish always put smart truck with spotlight etc… i wonder why ? parts of thier traditional ? :smiley:

nice pictures!!!

Cheers Ben

Beautiful!!! :stuck_out_tongue: Traditional Irish always put smart truck with spotlight etc… i wonder why ? parts of thier traditional ? :smiley:

Yes, the tradition of getting within 2 millimetres of the back of the wagon in front of them in the middle lane and then flashing them out of the way…

yes very nice pictures, any more to follow,

Very impressive array of kit, not a RSL between them though !!!

[RSL = Road speed limiter]

Admittedly there’s some good pictures of some nice looking motors in there . . . . but it is also something of a ‘rouges gallery’ what with Reids (say no more except ‘next week . . . today’ etc), McCulla of which one of their drivers was telling me last week (in Reed Bordall’s) that ‘the guv’nor always buys lower BHP engines {360-380’s} but has the limiter set at 63mph, that way we make up on the flat what we lose on the uphills’ and the ‘star of the show’ MMK Int Tpt which was used as a front to launder millions of loyalist paramilitary’s protection and drug monies!!!

But yeah, there’s some nice looking motors!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Tachos gentleman please!!!

Its a rare sight seeing a irish motor with its wheels stopped.

Talking to an english driver the other night who works for a big dutch company.He does day and night most days if the load has to be there.
He said the police just park them up to take a break for 24hours,fine them and send them on their way.
The company paid £350,000 in fines last year.

Ban them from the country would be better if you ask me.Or change the rules that the drivers get points, so after 12 they are out of a job

Tony b

Good pic,s Ross :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

thought rob would have something sarcastic to say …

thanks to the rest lol :laughing:

Good Pics :smiley:

did you use a fast shutter speed to catch this one :wink: :wink: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley:

cracking photos ross :smiley:


the becons must the wrong colour. arent they usually blue on those motors :laughing:

Lets hope W. Lewis doesn’t got too twitchy about his copyright!! :frowning:

Ross, any chance of a picture of that nice new-looking Volvo that Heron are running?

So, is Scania on its way out of their fleet now or is the Volvo just a ‘one-off’■■

erm a think they got the volvo for the extra wheel , to do abit more heavier work …i aint bin up in the yard recently mate am back to work ya see but when am up and if its home ill get you a few pictures

Take no notice of them Ross they’re just jealous that they have to drive around at 56mph because the English roll over to whatever the Belgians say

Great pics, top kit and if the Irish paid a decent wage i’d drive for one of them that’s for sure

cheers richie ! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Tachos gentleman please!!!

Its a rare sight seeing a irish motor with its wheels stopped.

Talking to an english driver the other night who works for a big dutch company.He does day and night most days if the load has to be there.
He said the police just park them up to take a break for 24hours,fine them and send them on their way.
The company paid £350,000 in fines last year.

Ban them from the country would be better if you ask me.Or change the rules that the drivers get points, so after 12 they are out of a job

Tony b

sounds like HSF Logistics…well known for that…if they have paid £350,000 in fines , you can just imagine the money he is really making then

word from a mate who drives for them it’s all above board know(another urban myth?)

word from a mate who drives for them it’s all above board know(another urban myth?)

I can think of a few firms who were not above board, have earnt their money by doing so and now have all gone legit! Theres photos of some of them in this post!


word from a mate who drives for them it’s all above board know(another urban myth?)

I can think of a few firms who were not above board, have earnt their money by doing so and now have all gone legit! Theres photos of some of them in this post!

can you see them going legit and paying the same money??