few pics



word from a mate who drives for them it’s all above board know(another urban myth?)

I can think of a few firms who were not above board, have earnt their money by doing so and now have all gone legit! Theres photos of some of them in this post!

can you see them going legit and paying the same money??

No I cannot but

I dont know how they are doing it to be honest esp with the WTD in force and rates as dire as they are!

Tachos gentleman please!!!

Its a rare sight seeing a irish motor with its wheels stopped.

Talking to an english driver the other night who works for a big dutch company.He does day and night most days if the load has to be there.
He said the police just park them up to take a break for 24hours,fine them and send them on their way.
The company paid £350,000 in fines last year.

i thought it sounded like post kogeko…

lovely pics though by the way! been wanting to get a lot of the irish cos. you have shown for quite a while now!

only caffery one i have, seen at calais…

Talking to an english driver the other night who works for a big dutch company.He does day and night most days if the load has to be there.
He said the police just park them up to take a break for 24hours,fine them and send them on their way.
The company paid £350,000 in fines last year

I take it you’re talking about HSF, my mate works on there and as he is single he loves it, but he did say he gets pretty tired though :laughing:

that was someone else who i quoted, and somebody said it sounded like hsf, and i said post kogeko, but from what i have heard/been told etc they are all pretty much as bad as each other. i spoke to a friends dad about a job with post kogeko before, and he happily told me he regularly did stupid hours (about 30 with 4 hours rest i think he said was his longest). sod that…

Lets hope W. Lewis doesn’t got too twitchy about his copyright!! :frowning:

Lets hope the owner of wagonpics.com doesn’t either - a few of them are copyright to him; and it clearly says so on his website.