Feedback split from: 5 dead in M6 crash

I wonder if this forum should only be visible to users with a log in.

Many forums are.

If you Google the crash on the M6 you can get this thread on the second page. Joe Public doesn’t need to see some of the opinions expressed, or may not understand gallows humour, and may just think it is a bit more tar for the brush we are painted with.

I wonder if this forum should only be visible to users with a log in.

Many forums are.

Hi Darkside,

A very fair point… no promises, but we can look at your idea.

If you Google the crash on the M6 you can get this thread on the second page. Joe Public doesn’t need to see some of the opinions expressed, or may not understand gallows humour, and may just think it is a bit more tar for the brush we are painted with.

Some posters haven’t thought of that bigger picture, but I’d say you’re spot-on with your observation in that it’s no wonder that many of the general public have the opinion of us that they do.

It’s fair to say that some people bring that upon themselves, but worse, it rubs off on the rest of us.

Oh for fornicate sake. What a splendid idea. Hide away. Like the masons and the kkk. That will definitely improve our image.
Much, much worse is posted on ache book, and if you want to see vicious, go to mums net. This site is moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites.

the nodding donkey:
This site is moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites.

Members who insist on childishly posting images in the hope of dodging the auto-censor make it look like a children’s site.

the nodding donkey:
Oh for fornicate sake. What a splendid idea. Hide away. Like the masons and the kkk. That will definitely improve our image.

Even you can’t be serious with that comment… did you actually read what was written? :unamused:

the nodding donkey:
Much, much worse is posted on ache book, and if you want to see vicious, go to mums net.

:bulb: Try having a read of the forum rules that you’ve already agreed to.
(We don’t get involved with what goes on on other sites, or what they do/don’t allow.)

the nodding donkey:
This site is moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites.

Your opinion is fine, but it won’t alter anything.

tachograph has beaten me to the other point I was going to make. :wink:

the nodding donkey:
Oh for fornicate sake. What a splendid idea. Hide away. Like the masons and the kkk. That will definitely improve our image.
Much, much worse is posted on ache book, and if you want to see vicious, go to mums net. This site is moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites.

I’ve looked on mums-net, nothing is off limits, they discuss, everything, but woe-betide any body who disagrees, or says the wrong thing, They will hunt you down, and make your life hell. The clue is in the name mumsnet


the nodding donkey:
This site is moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites.

Members who insist on childishly posting images in the hope of dodging the auto-censor make it look like a children’s site.

I’m here for my entertainment. For that is what this site is. Entertainment. It is not the only truck driving site, nor is it a showcase of the driving fraternity, no matter how much some might like it to be. It is a money making side of the publisher of a truck magazine, that has seen its circulation drop, because of stale, and predictable content.


the nodding donkey:
Oh for fornicate sake. What a splendid idea. Hide away. Like the masons and the kkk. That will definitely improve our image.

Even you can’t be serious with that comment… did you actually read what was written? :unamused:

It said that we should hide behind a log in, because what goes on here might give the public a bad impression

the nodding donkey:
Much, much worse is posted on ache book, and if you want to see vicious, go to mums net.

:bulb: Try having a read of the forum rules that you’ve already agreed to.
(We don’t get involved with what goes on on other sites, or what they do/don’t allow.)

the nodding donkey:
This site is moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites.

Your opinion is fine, but it won’t alter anything.

tachograph has beaten me to the other point I was going to make. :wink:

the nodding donkey:


the nodding donkey:
This site is moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites.

Members who insist on childishly posting images in the hope of dodging the auto-censor make it look like a children’s site.

I’m here for my entertainment. For that is what this site is. Entertainment. It is not the only truck driving site

While this site does have an element of entertainment it’s also a place where many drivers help other drivers.

You’re quite right that it’s not the only drivers site on the internet but most people stay here because it’s the best UK drivers forum.

If you’re not happy with the rules on this forum you could always go and post on mumsnet, good luck with whatever you choose to do :wink:


the nodding donkey:


the nodding donkey:
This site is moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites.

Members who insist on childishly posting images in the hope of dodging the auto-censor make it look like a children’s site.

I’m here for my entertainment. For that is what this site is. Entertainment. It is not the only truck driving site

While this site does have an element of entertainment it’s also a place where many drivers help other drivers.

You’re quite right that it’s not the only drivers site on the internet but most people stay here because it’s the best UK drivers forum.

If you’re not happy with the rules on this forum you could always go and post on mumsnet, good luck with whatever you choose to do :wink:

Ineed. And I help other drivers, if I have relevant information. I don’t repeat information that has already been given in a thread, nor do I tend to get involved much in those were the contradicting advice makes the thread virtually useless.

But yes, most of my contributions here are for entertainment. People can take it or leave it. Enough people take it for me to come back and participate. As long as I enjoy myself, I’ll come back.

the nodding donkey:
Ineed. And I help other drivers, if I have relevant information. I don’t repeat information that has already been given in a thread, nor do I tend to get involved much in those were the contradicting advice makes the thread virtually useless.

Thanks, that’s great and much appreciated.

the nodding donkey:
But yes, most of my contributions here are for entertainment. People can take it or leave it. Enough people take it for me to come back and participate. As long as I enjoy myself, I’ll come back.

Now here’s where we might differ a little…

:bulb: Not everybody, including the owners of TN, sees “entertainment” in the same way.

Some of what you call “entertainment” could be seen as a form of trolling, so I’d politely ask that you take that on board please.

When you feel a need for that kind of entertainment, why not choose a site that has a more free-for-all style?
At least, you’d be fully entertained and the TN Mods would have less work deleting random crap posts to do.

Just a thought, but that idea looks like win-win from where I’m sitting. :smiley:


the nodding donkey:
But yes, most of my contributions here are for entertainment. People can take it or leave it. Enough people take it for me to come back and participate. As long as I enjoy myself, I’ll come back.

Now here’s where we might differ a little…

:bulb: Not everybody, including the owners of TN, sees “entertainment” in the same way.

Some of what you call “entertainment” could be seen as a form of trolling, so I’d politely ask that you take that on board please.

When you feel a need for that kind of entertainment, why not choose a site that has a more free-for-all style?
At least, you’d be fully entertained and the TN Mods would have less work deleting random crap posts to do.

Just a thought, but that idea looks like win-win from where I’m sitting. :smiley:

But I’m not (simply) trolling. There is a certain posting style, participated in by multiple posters, that is enjoyed by them, and no doubt others, if the viewing no.s are anything to go by. I dare say, that without that posting style, the forum would soon become stale. And a stale forum rapidly loses its viewers.

If you’re not happy with the rules on this forum you could always go and post on mumsnet, good luck with whatever you choose to do :wink:

I aint saying I agree with all of ND’s points concerning the thread in question, but I do get a bit ■■■■■■ when members make valid points to the Mods about this and that on the forum, and the standard answer to stifle all argument and debate is the old…‘‘Well if you don’t like the rules go somewhere else’’ chestnut. :unamused:

It is like a trump card played by some of you whenever you can not answer a valid question in a constructive way.

Related to this, I will ask you what I asked Dave on the thread in question, he said it was not him tbf, but why did you feel the need to remove…

A. A joking video of a woman loosening her blouse aimed at me by Evil8b…non ■■■■ content.

B.My light hearted (albeit sarcastic) comment about you doing a good job protecting us delicate truckers from the shock of seeing a pair of ■■■■.

I have criticised you personally for being in charge of the ‘Trucknet fun Police’ in the past, and if it was not you I apologise, …but I have never been afraid of questioning any type of ‘‘authority’’ in whatever form, whether trivial on a internet forum, or important as in work related or whatever.

So… are we now not allowed to criticise you even in a tongue in cheek way or what ? …And risk pre.mod for doing so. :open_mouth:
(If I don’t appear on here for a while, the rest of you will know the answer to that question, but I sincerely hope the forum is better than that !. :bulb: )

Please don’t come back with the ‘‘Well if you don’t like it’’ routine mate, for Christ’s sake please… :smiley:

the nodding donkey:
There is a certain posting style, participated in by multiple posters, that is enjoyed by them, and no doubt others, if the viewing no.s are anything to go by. I dare say, that without that posting style, the forum would soon become stale. And a stale forum rapidly loses its viewers.

Sorry to disagree but most of the members here stick, at-least broadly, to the forum rules, I can absolutely guarantee that the vast majority of auto-censor dodge images are posted by you.

I’m glad you’ve decided to stick around, but please stop creating work for the MOD team by posting auto-censor dodges, whether they be typed or in image form.

Having a posting style is good.
Having a posting style that others enjoy is very good.
Having a posting style that deliberately and regularly breaks the forum rules and means the posts have to be edited or deleted is not so good.


If you’re not happy with the rules on this forum you could always go and post on mumsnet, good luck with whatever you choose to do :wink:

I aint saying I agree with all of ND’s points concerning the thread in question, but I do get a bit ■■■■■■ when members make valid points to the Mods about this and that on the forum, and the standard answer to stifle all argument and debate is the old…‘‘Well if you don’t like the rules go somewhere else’’ chestnut. :unamused:

It is like a trump card played by some of you whenever you can not answer a valid question in a constructive way.

If you call complaining that the forum is over moderated just because posts that deliberately and persistently break the rules get edited or deleted a valid point, I don’t agree.

Related to this, I will ask you what I asked Dave on the thread in question, he said it was not him tbf, but why did you feel the need to remove…

A. A joking video of a woman loosening her blouse aimed at me by Evil8b…non ■■■■ content.

B.My light hearted (albeit sarcastic) comment about you doing a good job protecting us delicate truckers from the shock of seeing a pair of ■■■■.

I’ve just checked that thread and I see something was deleted over a week ago, I’m sure it was me that deleted it but can’t remember exactly what it was, I very much doubt it was as innocent as you say so I can only assume it was inappropriate crap.

If it bothered you so much why wait over a week to ask about it :confused:

I have criticised you personally for being in charge of the ‘Trucknet fun Police’ in the past, and if it was not you I apologise, …but I have never been afraid of questioning any type of ‘‘authority’’ in whatever form, whether trivial on a internet forum, or important as in work related or whatever.

I wish you’d try to understand that I don’t care that you’re not afraid to question authority or that you think I run the TN fun police, so why keep mentioning it :confused:

So… are we now not allowed to criticise you even in a tongue in cheek way or what ? …And risk pre.mod for doing so. :open_mouth:
(If I don’t appear on here for a while, the rest of you will know the answer to that question, but I sincerely hope the forum is better than that !. :bulb: )

Please don’t come back with the ‘‘Well if you don’t like it’’ routine mate, for Christ’s sake please… :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing:
Err, no I’m going to come back with “what the [zb] are you talking about” :smiley:



the nodding donkey:

OK, I’m (pretending to be) intrigued by your latest random crap…

How does that pic contribute to this discussion?

I used to be a member on an unmoderated trucking site (It was USA based) it’s now shut down because a few posters with an “entertaining” style drove all the sensible people away.

This is why a forum like this has to have rules in place, you may not like them, but they are what keep this forum somewhat civilised.

I am a moderator and I follow the guidelines set by the site owners and I do that because I enjoy the site and don’t mind giving something back for that enjoyment. Basically all we, as moderators ask, is that you lot do the same, the odd indiscretion is fine, but when you are constantly editing the same people’s posts, it wears a little thin.

As moderators personal thoughts don’t come into it, personally I would delete every post that mentions how good the Eaton Twin Splitter was, to name just one thing that gets on my moobs, but I have to remain impartial.

So it’s really quite simple, play by the rules or play elsewhere, you may see that as a veiled threat, but that’s how things work here. No amount of complaining is going to change that.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

I aint saying I agree with all of ND’s points concerning the thread in question, but I do get a bit ■■■■■■ when members make valid points to the Mods about this and that on the forum, and the standard answer to stifle all argument and debate is the old…‘‘Well if you don’t like the rules go somewhere else’’ chestnut. :unamused:

It is like a trump card played by some of you whenever you can not answer a valid question in a constructive way.

Hi robroy,

I take your point that you’re not saying that you agree with all of ND’s points, but you’ve asked something else that deserves a good answer.

Anybody can raise anything they like, preferably in this forum so that it can be discussed as feedback and/or reasons given.

My reason for splitting this topic from the other one was so that this issue CAN be debated constructively and in the appropriate place, which I sincerely hope is the exact opposite of “stifled.”

the nodding donkey:


the nodding donkey:
But yes, most of my contributions here are for entertainment. People can take it or leave it. Enough people take it for me to come back and participate. As long as I enjoy myself, I’ll come back.

Now here’s where we might differ a little…

:bulb: Not everybody, including the owners of TN, sees “entertainment” in the same way.

Some of what you call “entertainment” could be seen as a form of trolling, so I’d politely ask that you take that on board please.

When you feel a need for that kind of entertainment, why not choose a site that has a more free-for-all style?
At least, you’d be fully entertained and the TN Mods would have less work deleting random crap posts to do.

Just a thought, but that idea looks like win-win from where I’m sitting. :smiley:

But I’m not (simply) trolling. There is a certain posting style, participated in by multiple posters, that is enjoyed by them, and no doubt others, if the viewing no.s are anything to go by. I dare say, that without that posting style, the forum would soon become stale. And a stale forum rapidly loses its viewers.

Hi ND,

IMHO, there is some validity in what you’ve said, and to some extent I agree.

However, there are a few things that we shouldn’t lose sight of…

  • This forum is free to use, by the good grace of the owners.
  • This forum is moderated to the wishes of the owners, by the good grace of the volunteer Mod/Admin Team.
  • This forum runs fairly smoothly, by the good grace of the vast majority of the members.

Now for the judgement call…

IMHO, You have a very valid point about a forum that becomes stale and loses members, but the opposite is also true.

If a forum is too much of a free-for-all, then members will be lost.

There are forums/websites that have a free-for-all style, and I say good luck to them and anybody who partakes in them, hence the choice facing every member to stay or go (or use both.)

TN has its own rules and steers its own course.