Feedback split from: 5 dead in M6 crash

1)…If you call complaining that the forum is over moderated just because posts that deliberately and persistently break the rules get edited or deleted a valid point, I don’t agree.

2.)I’ve just checked that thread and I see something was deleted over a week ago, I’m sure it was me that deleted it but can’t remember exactly what it was, I very much doubt it was as innocent as you say so I can only assume it was inappropriate crap.

3.)…If it bothered you so much why wait over a week to ask about it :confused:

4.) …I wish you’d try to understand that I don’t care that you’re not afraid to question authority or that you think I run the TN fun police, so why keep mentioning it :confused:

:laughing: :laughing:
Err, no I’m going to come back with “what the [zb] are you talking about” :smiley:

1…I didn’t, I complained that my post that did NOT break the rules was deleted, it was only deleted by you because it criticised YOU in an indirect implying manner.

2.) ‘Inappropriate crap’ in YOUR opinion, but since when was this a criteria for deletion, if so the majority of posts from certain members would be continually deleted.

3.) Because the subject only came up today about over zealous moderation by you…and it didn’t really ‘‘Bother me so much’’ tbh, I was merely making what I thought was a valid point in this thread.

4.) I wish you’d try to understand that I don’t care that you don’t care, that I don’t care for authority, and I don’t care, that you don’t care I say you run the Fun Police I just say it to irritate you… as I know it does. :laughing: .(.joke btw.)

We will never be best mates you and I, as we are so different in outlook, but at least it is entertaining (well, from my end anyway,.arguing with you. :laughing:


2.) ‘Inappropriate crap’ in YOUR opinion, but since when was this a criteria for deletion, if so the majority of posts from certain members would be continually deleted. …

Hi robroy,

I don’t know the finer points of the other parts of this particular discussion, but I can offer an answer to the one I’ve quoted.

Quoted from about two-thirds of the way down this page, last edited on 24/11/2012:

Forum rules and sanction system - WEBSITE INFORMATION - Trucknet UK

The Forum Rules:
TruckNet UK is a forum for discussing the transport industry overall and truck driving in particular- all discussions/interaction should be based on that. We have a singular forum for non truck driving discussion (Bully’s bar). From the date of posting all content that is not on topic will be removed.

If you want to discuss your ■■■■■■ exploits, your kinship or otherwise with other nationalities, the art of DIY or any other subject there are other forums out there that cater for this… sign up and use them, TruckNet UK is not Facebook and a free for all… it is transport focused. - keep it on topic or it will be removed.

Will no longer be tolerated- if in the view of the admin team your posts are simply one line trolling and not posted to contribute/ add value to a discussion they will be removed… the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Random crap
Posts that do not make any sensible contribution to the forum will simply go
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Baiting other members
Posting simply to get a rise out of another/other members will simply lead to the poster no longer being able to post without their posts being scrutinised first no warnings- it will just happen. any such posts will be removed
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Every post has a report button, If you feel a post has gone to far report it to the moderating team - we cannot and do not read every post and rely on members to draw our attention to posts that may have gone to far. If you dont report it dont complain that we havent dealt with it
From the date of this post it is agreed by all users that these guidelines are accepted by them, if you dont feel you can use this website within these guidelines please do not visit here or use the service provided

This is not open for discussion- either use this forum as the owners intended it to be used or do not come here

You’re quite right about posts from certain members, because their posts are regularly deleted OR (depending on that particular member’s posting status) simply don’t get to see the light of day in the first place.

This all just goes to show that the Mod/Admin Team are pretty good at what they do, and all behind the scenes in their spare time to keep random/irrelevant crap from spoiling the majority of members’ enjoyment of the forums.

Speaking on an entirely personal note, … what really gets on my wick is having to scroll past random unconnected crap when I’m using my moby to read the forums in my lunch break at work. :smiling_imp:

:bulb: I’m really glad for the rule that requires me to remove that kind of stuff because I see that job as compensation for having to endure it in the first place. :smiley:

Cheers for that Dave your points are took on board mate.
Just to sum up the point I raised, (and put it to bed) I think at the end of the day it’s just a bit of a personality clash between me and your mate (and mine :smiley: ) Tachograph.
I like a bit of banter, and a laugh, but he tends to take me a bit too serious and I think my flippancy and apparent boredom, on some of the stuff he lurrvves to talk about, (that appears to fascinate him) slightly irrritates him, it aint the first time we have had a (friendly :smiley: ) spat on here.
Btw I accept that his knowledge can be, and is, helpful to some , I won’t argue on that, but my problem is it’s just my devilish nature to jump if I think somebody takes himself too seriously. :blush:

No doubt he will interpret the situation differently, and say he is …totally oblivious to me, :smiley: , or words to that effect :smiley: , but he’ll be confident in the knowlege that he will always have the upper hand on me (on here anyway :smiley: ) being a mod, but we’ll continue to endure each other, …as long as he does not display his superiority and authority by banning me, as he did my post in the subject of this conversation. :wink:
We will have to see. :laughing:


1)…If you call complaining that the forum is over moderated just because posts that deliberately and persistently break the rules get edited or deleted a valid point, I don’t agree.

1…I didn’t, I complained that my post that did NOT break the rules was deleted, it was only deleted by you because it criticised YOU in an indirect implying manner.

You’ve taken a quote that was about the nodding donkey and made it out to be about yourself :confused:

I’ll say one thing for you Rob, you’re really good at this narcissism stuff :smiley:

But yes, your post was probably deleted because it was most likely just another of your [zb] stirring posts


3.)…If it bothered you so much why wait over a week to ask about it :confused:

3.) Because the subject only came up today about over zealous moderation by you…and it didn’t really ‘‘Bother me so much’’ tbh, I was merely making what I thought was a valid point in this thread.

I wasn’t even mentioned, someone said that perhaps the PDF should be invisible to none members and the nodding donkey decided to jump in rubbishing the idea and claimed this board is “moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites”.

You’re the one who decided it was a good excuse to make it about you and at the same time have a go at me, which as I said before is probably why I deleted your other post.

The rest of the post and the last post you made in this thread is, in my opinion at-least, just narcissistic gibberish that I can’t be bothered replying to.

If the management of this board have a problem with the way I moderate I’m sure they’ll tell me, but what you think if it is neither here nor there, stick roughly to the forum rules, stop [zb] stirring, and there’s no problem.

Have a good day :wink:

Cheers for that Dave your points are took on board mate.

Thanks robroy, it’s been a good (non-stifled :wink: ) discussion. :smiley:

:bulb: I’ve even left ND’s picture showing so that neutral folks can see an example and form an opinion of what unconnected random crap within a thread actually looks like.

Purely for entertainment purposes of course. :grimacing:

Deary me. A post-mortem for the 5 dead thread? :grimacing:



1)…If you call complaining that the forum is over moderated just because posts that deliberately and persistently break the rules get edited or deleted a valid point, I don’t agree.

1…I didn’t, I complained that my post that did NOT break the rules was deleted, it was only deleted by you because it criticised YOU in an indirect implying manner.

You’ve taken a quote that was about the nodding donkey and made it out to be about yourself :confused:

I’ll say one thing for you Rob, you’re really good at this narcissism stuff :smiley:

But yes, your post was probably deleted because it was most likely just another of your [zb] stirring posts


3.)…If it bothered you so much why wait over a week to ask about it :confused:

3.) Because the subject only came up today about over zealous moderation by you…and it didn’t really ‘‘Bother me so much’’ tbh, I was merely making what I thought was a valid point in this thread.

I wasn’t even mentioned, someone said that perhaps the PDF should be invisible to none members and the nodding donkey decided to jump in rubbishing the idea and claimed this board is “moderated to a level only seen on children’s sites”.

You’re the one who decided it was a good excuse to make it about you and at the same time have a go at me, which as I said before is probably why I deleted your other post.

The rest of the post and the last post you made in this thread is, in my opinion at-least, just narcissistic gibberish that I can’t be bothered replying to.

If the management of this board have a problem with the way I moderate I’m sure they’ll tell me, but what you think if it is neither here nor there, stick roughly to the forum rules, stop [zb] stirring, and there’s no problem.

Have a good day :wink:

Ooh dear, looks like somebody’s rattled. :open_mouth: :laughing:

There’s one thing about being a narcissist bud, you always have at least ONE fan :smiley:
…unlike yourself…sorry there I go ‘‘stirring’’ again, I must control myself, and my …“sense of humour” (google it btw) oops . :blush: :wink: …You know I love you really. :smiley:

I aint forum management mate, so no need to worry on that score, or explain yourself to me.

Anyway thanks for (to use your phrase) ‘‘Having a go’’ at me, but unfortunately I am unable to delete posts that do so, unlike yourself. :smiley:

So we’ll just have to politely ignore each other on here from now on, seeing as I bore you with my ‘‘narcissistic gibberish’’
Have a good day yourself also. :wink:


Cheers for that Dave your points are took on board mate.

Thanks robroy, it’s been a good (non-stifled :wink: ) discussion. :smiley:

:bulb: I’ve even left ND’s picture showing so that neutral folks can see an example and form an opinion of what unconnected random crap within a thread actually looks like.

Purely for entertainment purposes of course. :grimacing:

:laughing: Ok Dave from this day forth, MY ‘’ random crap’’ will be under full control, but I can’t speak for ND. :smiley: