Feedback discussion: Feast to Famine - agency


the nodding donkey:

WTF has…

The last few pages got to do with the opening post?


Yep, like normal goes off topic

It’s not gone off topic , it just not gone the way they/ you were hoping . Though no suprise with you lot , instead of having the guts to stand up & say we were wrong , you start shouting dozy has bullied us boohoo , what a [zb] bunch of women you are

Says the boy who went running to Rikky when people were taking the Mickey out of him…

Pot, meet kettle.

Although on a positive note, your English evening classes are showing encouraging results…
Always the victim , boooo I’ve been put on moderation , dozy did it running to ricki , [zb] laughable you big cry baby , for you information ricki would not take a blind bit of notice of me , he doesn’t like me ,I don’t like him moderators are the same , I tolerate them , they tolerate me , if I was ricki / moderators mates do you think I’d still be on moderation for life
Anyway let’s see this claim of yours , you’ve put this up before now so let’s see this correspondence between me &ricki , asking for you to be put on moderation
Show your evidence !!!

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

the nodding donkey:


the nodding donkey:

WTF has…

The last few pages got to do with the opening post?


Yep, like normal goes off topic

It’s not gone off topic , it just not gone the way they/ you were hoping . Though no suprise with you lot , instead of having the guts to stand up & say we were wrong , you start shouting dozy has bullied us boohoo , what a [zb] bunch of women you are

Says the boy who went running to Rikky when people were taking the Mickey out of him…

Pot, meet kettle.

Although on a positive note, your English evening classes are showing encouraging results…

Always the victim , boooo I’ve been put on moderation , dozy did it running to ricki , [zb] laughable you big cry baby , for you information ricki would not take a blind bit of notice of me , he doesn’t like me ,I don’t like him moderators are the same , I tolerate them , they tolerate me , if I was ricki / moderators mates do you think I’d still be on moderation for life
Anyway let’s see this claim of yours , you’ve put this up before now so let’s see this correspondence between me &ricki , asking for you to be put on moderation
Show your evidence !!!

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:
Evidence ?

lets be very clear here,
NO-ONE is ever put on premoderation simply because of a request or complaint by another member. Premoderation happens the member concerned is unable or unwilling to abide by the site rules.
A complaint may draw the teams attention to a member’s inability to post in a manner compliant with the site owners rules, but that is not in itself enough to get any member put on premoderation.

Everyone on premoderation (except for a couple of very extreme cases) were given friendly warning then more serious advice about their posting style and final warnings from the team- they are on premoderation for a single reason they chose to ignore those warnings.

If your on Premoderation and want to blame someone- I suggest you look in the mirror not at anyone else.

lets be very clear here,
NO-ONE is ever put on premoderation simply because of a request or complaint by another member. Premoderation happens the member concerned is unable or unwilling to abide by the site rules.
A complaint may draw the teams attention to a member’s inability to post in a manner compliant with the site owners rules, but that is not in itself enough to get any member put on premoderation.

Everyone on premoderation (except for a couple of very extreme cases) were given friendly warning then more serious advice about their posting style and final warnings from the team- they are on premoderation for a single reason they chose to ignore those warnings.

If your on Premoderation and want to blame someone- I suggest you look in the mirror not at anyone else.

People on premod couldn’t give a flying [zb] Chief. It’s a crappy little forum that folk come on when they are bored.

You are not some big time publisher FTSE 100 CEO with a couple of yachts ffs :unamused: :laughing:

Far better to speak your mind than to pander to a clown like you fella :wink:

lets be very clear here,
NO-ONE is ever put on premoderation simply because of a request or complaint by another member. Premoderation happens the member concerned is unable or unwilling to abide by the site rules.
A complaint may draw the teams attention to a member’s inability to post in a manner compliant with the site owners rules, but that is not in itself enough to get any member put on premoderation.

Everyone on premoderation (except for a couple of very extreme cases) were given friendly warning then more serious advice about their posting style and final warnings from the team- they are on premoderation for a single reason they chose to ignore those warnings.

If you’re on Premoderation and want to blame someone- I suggest you look in the mirror not at anyone else.



lets be very clear here,
NO-ONE is ever put on premoderation simply because of a request or complaint by another member. Premoderation happens the member concerned is unable or unwilling to abide by the site rules.
A complaint may draw the teams attention to a member’s inability to post in a manner compliant with the site owners rules, but that is not in itself enough to get any member put on premoderation.

Everyone on premoderation (except for a couple of very extreme cases) were given friendly warning then more serious advice about their posting style and final warnings from the team- they are on premoderation for a single reason they chose to ignore those warnings.

If your on Premoderation and want to blame someone- I suggest you look in the mirror not at anyone else.

People on premod couldn’t give a flying [zb] Chief. It’s a crappy little forum that folk come on when they are bored.

You are not some big time publisher FTSE 100 CEO with a couple of yachts ffs :unamused: :laughing:

Far better to speak your mind than to pander to a clown like you fella :wink:

You put that so much more eloquently than I could have.


lets be very clear here,
NO-ONE is ever put on premoderation simply because of a request or complaint by another member. Premoderation happens the member concerned is unable or unwilling to abide by the site rules.
A complaint may draw the teams attention to a member’s inability to post in a manner compliant with the site owners rules, but that is not in itself enough to get any member put on premoderation.

Everyone on premoderation (except for a couple of very extreme cases) were given friendly warning then more serious advice about their posting style and final warnings from the team- they are on premoderation for a single reason they chose to ignore those warnings.

If your on Premoderation and want to blame someone- I suggest you look in the mirror not at anyone else.

People on premod couldn’t give a flying [zb] Chief. It’s a crappy little forum that folk come on when they are bored.

You are not some big time publisher FTSE 100 CEO with a couple of yachts ffs :unamused: :laughing:

Far better to speak your mind than to pander to a clown like you fella :wink:




lets be very clear here,
NO-ONE is ever put on premoderation simply because of a request or complaint by another member. Premoderation happens the member concerned is unable or unwilling to abide by the site rules.
A complaint may draw the teams attention to a member’s inability to post in a manner compliant with the site owners rules, but that is not in itself enough to get any member put on premoderation.

Everyone on premoderation (except for a couple of very extreme cases) were given friendly warning then more serious advice about their posting style and final warnings from the team- they are on premoderation for a single reason they chose to ignore those warnings.

If your on Premoderation and want to blame someone- I suggest you look in the mirror not at anyone else.

People on premod couldn’t give a flying [zb] Chief. It’s a crappy little forum that folk come on when they are bored.

You are not some big time publisher FTSE 100 CEO with a couple of yachts ffs :unamused: :laughing:

Far better to speak your mind than to pander to a clown like you fella :wink:


Love it exactly

Came here to read Rikki’s traditional drunk New Year’s Eve speech telling us how fantastic the site is doing, going from strength to strength with record numbers of members, posts and unique IP visits :smiley: :smiley: . Feeling rather let down and dejected. Disappointing. Although Ady1’s cider-induced “I Need To Speak To The Manager” demands are nearly as entertaining :laughing: .

People on premod couldn’t give a flying [zb] Chief.

Maybe that’s true in your case, but how do you know how others may feel?

It’s a crappy little forum that folk come on when they are bored.

Maybe that’s true in your case and maybe you don’t share TN’s ethos, which is fair enough, but how do you know how others may feel?

You are not some big time publisher FTSE 100 CEO with a couple of yachts ffs :unamused: :laughing:

FYI, TruckNet is owned by “some big time publisher,” called DVV Media International.
We run the forum according to their wishes, no matter how many yachts they own.

Far better to speak your mind than to pander to a clown like you fella :wink:

I couldn’t agree more about speaking one’s mind as long as it’s within the forum rules.

:bulb: Now here’s where we differ… I’ve got no problem with pandering to clowns. :wink:

That has given me my first chuckle of 2023 :laughing:

I’m an armchair anarchist so I love this :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


People on premod couldn’t give a flying [zb] Chief.

Maybe that’s true in your case, but how do you know how others may feel?

It’s a crappy little forum that folk come on when they are bored.

Maybe that’s true in your case and maybe you don’t share TN’s ethos, which is fair enough, but how do you know how others may feel?

You are not some big time publisher FTSE 100 CEO with a couple of yachts ffs :unamused: :laughing:

FYI, TruckNet is owned by “some big time publisher,” called DVV Media International.
We run the forum according to their wishes, no matter how many yachts they own.

Far better to speak your mind than to pander to a clown like you fella :wink:

I couldn’t agree more about speaking one’s mind as long as it’s within the forum rules.

:bulb: Now here’s where we differ… I’ve got no problem with pandering to clowns. :wink:

There are numerous posts where ‘premod’ members have stated in the past that they don’t mind at all being on ‘premod’.

The probability that a percentage of posters/members only come on here when they are bored is high in my opinion. I have also personally spoken to a few members on here that have told me that they only come on when they are bored. I have no reason to assume they are liars.

Rikki to my knowledge does not own any yachts in my opinion. The site OWNERS could own Cunard and take a ■■■■ in a canoe every day for all I care.

Certain clowns are very amusing & entertaining which is why some folk part with cash to see them. Pandering to those types of clown’s Dave makes you intelligent… :wink: Pandering to all types means you are happy doing a mod’s role which is your choice but ultimately makes you a servant/■■■■■ to the owners.

Came here to read Rikki’s traditional drunk New Year’s Eve speech telling us how fantastic the site is doing, going from strength to strength with record numbers of members, posts and unique IP visits :smiley: :smiley: . Feeling rather let down and dejected. Disappointing. Although Ady1’s cider-induced “I Need To Speak To The Manager” demands are nearly as entertaining :laughing: .

You would have been disappointed for the last two years as well then … do keep up :slight_smile:

Rikki to my knowledge does not own any yachts in my opinion.

correct :slight_smile: at least one correct fact in your post :slight_smile:

Pandering to all types means you are happy doing a mod’s role which is your choice but ultimately makes you a servant/■■■■■ to the owners.

Its been a while but as far as I remember Daves contract says Forum Manager , I dont remember seeing “servant/■■■■■” in the job description or under roles and responsibilities

Came here to read Rikki’s traditional drunk New Year’s Eve speech telling us how fantastic the site is doing, going from strength to strength with record numbers of members, posts and unique IP visits :smiley: :smiley: . Feeling rather let down and dejected. Disappointing. Although Ady1’s cider-induced “I Need To Speak To The Manager” demands are nearly as entertaining :laughing: .

Just had a heads up off Beaver boy to join the party. :smiley:

Aye the wrath of Rikki. :smiley:
Speaking as somebody who has been on the end of it (ooooerrr Mrs :smiley: ) a post that was removed immediately incidentally. :smiley:
I think it was maybe this time last year in fact, him telling me just what he thought of me :laughing: ,.although it was amusing,.and I did not take offence whether or not he gave a ■■■■ if I did.

So I too was expecting what you get at the end of a relative’s party,…
Along the lines of …
‘‘I hate you all,.why don’t you all ■■■■ off home, don’t visit me again,.you’re all a bunch of ■■■■ s anyway’’ :laughing: :laughing:
So also a bit disappointed. :laughing:

As for the forum,. I do enjoy it and spend a bit of time on it, although I do ‘have a life’ (and a good one) outside of it, I suppose it’s the equivalent to me as Facebook…which I cba with.
Not blowing smoke up Dave’s arse, here, and anybody who knows me will know I ain’t like that, but any dealings I’ve had with him,.I’ve found him tolerant and polite,.so you can only speak as you find.

As for dozy…
Dozy is dozy,.I’ve always thought it was a persona, on the other hand he loves to have a go at me even though I’ve stuck up for him many times. :laughing: …a ■■■■ is not given btw.

Beaver…he’s become a mate, not speaking behind his back, as I’ve told him to his face, he’s a gobby ‘scouser’ (Warrington same thing but without the shell suit :smiley: ) with no filter,.so he’ll.always be on pre mod…but he’s a diamond with it.

As for Rikki no need to acknowledge or reply to my bit mate…I know EXACTLY what you think of me. :laughing:

■■■■ me!!! I’ve just realised who I’m replying to here…it’s RobK :open_mouth:
He’s back…how ya doing.
Oh just remembered I’m no 1 on his famous ‘‘Foe list’’ so he won’t be able to read this…aye right. :wink: :smiley:

Anyhoo Happy new year to everybody on this thread …especially Rikki and Rob. :laughing:

I think it was maybe this time last year in fact, him telling me just what he thought of me :laughing: ,.although it was amusing,.and I did not take offence whether or not he gave a [zb] if I did.

seeing as how I havent been actively involved in the forum for over two years- any post by me would have been personal, not as admin, however i cant remember any incident such as you suggest- if you can provide a link that would be helpful


I think it was maybe this time last year in fact, him telling me just what he thought of me :laughing: ,.although it was amusing,.and I did not take offence whether or not he gave a [zb] if I did.

seeing as how I havent been actively involved in the forum for over two years- any post by me would have been personal, not as admin, however i cant remember any incident such as you suggest- if you can provide a link that would be helpful

As I said mate, your post/comment was removed within a few hours of you posting it, presumably to avoid any embarrasment .
I ain’t making it up btw ,…why would I.

I didn’t actually say , or know, nor indeed care, whether it was posted in a personal or an official capacity, either way I aint really bothered tbh.
In fact the only reason I mentioned it in the first place was to contribute to the conversation on the thread, not to re.start some trivial spat, although I never forget things, even stuff I don’t really care about.
Water under the bridge,.maybe I shouldn’t have brought it up,.it ain’t important.

presumably to avoid any embarrasment .

If I posted outside the rules I am sure , like everyone else, it would have been moderated- not sure how anything I have posted in the last two years can have caused embarrassment to the owners of the website- but happy to be enlightened-