Feedback discussion: Feast to Famine - agency


presumably to avoid any embarrasment .

If I posted outside the rules I am sure , like everyone else, it would have been moderated- not sure how anything I have posted in the last two years can have caused embarrassment to the owners of the website- but happy to be enlightened-

Ok, fair enough, but .I meant that maybe whoever removed it was trying to save you some embarrasment as an ex head of the forum, not to the owners.
Tbf mate what I remember of it, it was a bit ott.
Maybe even breaking the personal attack rule, who knows.

We have all done stuff, made comments,.and even bought stuff on the internet, (maybe even after a couple of pints) when we should not have even been let loose on a keyboard…I know I have,.so I know the score.

As I said water under the bridge.


presumably to avoid any embarrasment .

If I posted outside the rules I am sure , like everyone else, it would have been moderated- not sure how anything I have posted in the last two years can have caused embarrassment to the owners of the website- but happy to be enlightened-

So basically in my opinion you are intimating that Rob is a liar, suggesting that the forum founder has no ability to hastily remove a post (therefore suggesting we are ALL clueless idiots) and getting nervous that you may have upset the forum owners who could now presumably kick you off the site?

FFS man, get some pride & a pair of balls. Embarrassing…

… Certain clowns are very amusing & entertaining which is why some folk part with cash to see them. Pandering to those types of clown’s Dave makes you intelligent… :wink: Pandering to all types means you are happy doing a mod’s role which is your choice but ultimately makes you a servant/■■■■■ to the owners.

You make a fair point Mr Beaver; so just for clarity, I don’t mind being a servant/■■■■■ to the owners and I don’t discriminate between the various types of clowns. :smiley:


… Certain clowns are very amusing & entertaining which is why some folk part with cash to see them. Pandering to those types of clown’s Dave makes you intelligent… :wink: Pandering to all types means you are happy doing a mod’s role which is your choice but ultimately makes you a servant/■■■■■ to the owners.

You make a fair point Mr Beaver; so just for clarity, I don’t mind being a servant/■■■■■ to the owners and I don’t discriminate between the various types of clowns. :smiley:

Sadly we are all someone’s ■■■■■ for varying percentages of our life mate and I am appreciative of your understanding of my often ‘candid’ language. A spade is not an excavation hand tool or a earth relocation tool…it’s a [zb]ing spade.

I (as much as it ■■■■■■ me off) am my employers ■■■■■ for 60 hrs per week, in fairness to them they seem to like my candour or it may be that they are just short of drivers, who knows?

Anyway, coming on here is a choice. Putting up with crap at work is a necessary evil, putting up with certain characters ■■■■■■■■ posted on here isn’t something I’m content to put up with. The ex forum owner is a prime example. In my opinion he seems to believe that coming on here is a marvellous privilege. It’s not, it’s on a par with cutting toe nails.

Trucknet UK.
By drivers, for drivers.

As long as those drivers dont use naughty words, post naughty pictures, or call each other naughty names.

The usual excuse for the excessive sanitation of the forum, is that this is supposedly a “family friendly” site. Why?

We are a bunch of truckers, discussing trucker things, whether that’s trucks, work, rules, politics etc. I cant imagine anybody sitting down with their family, and saying: ‘let’s go and see what those jolly truckers are up to…’

it’s on a par with cutting toe nails.

But you choose to come here and spend your time to post? if coming here is that bad why do you? Mate if this place is so offensive to you that you equate it to cutting your toe nails WTF are you here for?

the nodding donkey:
Trucknet UK.
By drivers, for drivers.

As long as those drivers dont use naughty words, post naughty pictures, or call each other naughty names.

The usual excuse for the excessive sanitation of the forum, is that this is supposedly a “family friendly” site. Why?

We are a bunch of truckers, discussing trucker things, whether that’s trucks, work, rules, politics etc. I cant imagine anybody sitting down with their family, and saying: ‘let’s go and see what those jolly truckers are up to…’

let me think-this site has been going for over 20 years, before Facebook existed and its still here- many sites giving totally free reign in that time have started up- just check how many are left oh that would be none,T/net may not have everything right , but 20+ years on and outlived all the others I would say it isnt doing bad

the nodding donkey:
Trucknet UK.
By drivers, for drivers.

As long as those drivers dont use naughty words, post naughty pictures, or call each other naughty names.

The usual excuse for the excessive sanitation of the forum, is that this is supposedly a “family friendly” site. Why?

We are a bunch of truckers, discussing trucker things, whether that’s trucks, work, rules, politics etc. I cant imagine anybody sitting down with their family, and saying: ‘let’s go and see what those jolly truckers are up to…’

Whilst most of what you’ve said may well be true, some of it will depend on a person’s viewpoint.

For example; “excessive sanitation” is in the eye of the beholder… what seems “excessive” to one person may be insufficient to another person.

We try to achieve a reasonable take on this and not be too near either end of the scale.

There are many forms of social media that are moderated more to the style that you seem to favour, so what is it that keeps you coming back to TN?

IMHO, it’s TN’s moderation style that separates it from ‘the rest’ and I think it should continue in that very way because it’s not broken and so doesn’t need any adjustment.

:bulb: Those who cannot understand or agree to it are free to post on sites that are more to their liking.


it’s on a par with cutting toe nails.

But you choose to come here and spend your time to post? if coming here is that bad why do you? Mate if this place is so offensive to you that you equate it to cutting your toe nails WTF are you here for?

Cutting my toe nails is something that needs doing.

It’s a mundane & dull task. Similar to reading your drivel. Besides this place isn’t offensive.

But you & your attitude are. Suggesting members are liars is wrong. You even sent ME a message once telling me that I am a troll…or am I a liar too?

Get some dignity man.


the nodding donkey:
Trucknet UK.
By drivers, for drivers.

As long as those drivers dont use naughty words, post naughty pictures, or call each other naughty names.

The usual excuse for the excessive sanitation of the forum, is that this is supposedly a “family friendly” site. Why?

We are a bunch of truckers, discussing trucker things, whether that’s trucks, work, rules, politics etc. I cant imagine anybody sitting down with their family, and saying: ‘let’s go and see what those jolly truckers are up to…’

Whilst most of what you’ve said may well be true, some of it will depend on a person’s viewpoint.

For example; “excessive sanitation” is in the eye of the beholder… what seems “excessive” to one person may be insufficient to another person.

We try to achieve a reasonable take on this and not be too near either end of the scale.

There are many forms of social media that are moderated more to the style that you seem to favour, so what is it that keeps you coming back to TN?

IMHO, it’s TN’s moderation style that separates it from ‘the rest’ and I think it should continue in that very way because it’s not broken and so doesn’t need any adjustment.

:bulb: Those who cannot understand or agree to it are free to post on sites that are more to their liking.

I love the irony of the complaints coming from the usual clique about the deterioration of the site and forum discussions, when they were the ones who caused it through posting their endless Facebook-esque trash and spending 95% of their time arguing about “trolls”. All the original old-timers that were capable of good discussion and debate have long since moved on and left them to it. The one or two members remaining who are capable of stringing together a coherent sentence just replay the same broken record about unions at any opportunity because they’re still stuck in the 1970s, 50 years on.

The forums are done. They have been for years. Stop prolonging the pain and tell the last person out to switch off the lights.

I love the irony of the complaints coming from the usual clique about the deterioration of the site and forum discussions, when they were the ones who caused it through posting their endless Facebook-esque trash and spending 95% of their time arguing about “trolls”.

A very fair point IMHO, I couldn’t agree more.

All the original old-timers that were capable of good discussion and debate have long since moved on and left them to it.

Also agreed.
I’d just point out that nobody knows their reasons for moving on, but I think there are several good reasons why they might have moved on.

The one or two members remaining who are capable of stringing together a coherent sentence just replay the same broken record about unions at any opportunity because they’ll still stuck in the 1970s, 50 years on.

Possibly a little too generalised/harsh, but understandable. I can think of a couple of posters who you might mean. :wink:

The forums are done. They have been for years. Stop prolonging the pain and tell the last person out to switch off the lights.

I think that the appeal of forums may have diminished in line with the proliferation of other forms of social media, but equally, there is still a place for forums thereby giving people a choice of what they prefer.

:bulb: Those who wish to go are welcome to do so, but the lights will remain switched on for those who choose to stay.

But you & your attitude are. Suggesting members are liars is wrong. You even sent ME a message once telling me that I am a troll…or am I a liar too?

Get some dignity man.

a little reading comprehension may help here, if you read above you would see if I had said such a thing, as per the forum rules it would have been removed- as per the alleged private message between you and me as per the rules its not permitted to be published- but I wont deny that I think your one of the members that only use this forum to cause disruption with other members, wether that defines you as a troll is not my judgment to make - I am sure people will make their own judgment either way. But for one who complains how bad the forum is in my humble opinion your one of the ones adding to how bad it is rather than contributing positively

and my dignity is intact, although leaving the club on New Years Day I may have had a bit of a stagger on and hit the door on the way out- that raised a giggle or two and lost a bit of diginity , as far as you are concerned and your opinion of me , I have a bin to empty and thats higher on my priorities than gaining any respect from you

The forums are done. They have been for years. Stop prolonging the pain and tell the last person out to switch off the lights.

Your right looking back, all the posts from 2004/5 and onwards, the forums have being dying since 2003 -according to some posters , It does still seem to be here though ■■?

I don’t do any form of social media and never have.
I do however use a few forums for my particular interests.

I don’t do any form of social media and never have.
I do however use a few forums for my particular interests.

Same here, unfortunately though I’ve seen some good forums go down the tube because trolls and spammers were not stopped.

Sent from my mobile via Tapatalk.

FYI, TruckNet is owned by “some big time publisher,” called DVV Media International.
We run the forum according to their wishes, no matter how many yachts they own.

and just for clarification DVV media International is owned by DVV Media Group who in turn is owned by Rheinische Post Media Group I dont know if the directors have yachts , but they are not running this website from a bedsit above a chip shop in Salford (other run down towns that are used for effect can be substituted)- they some pretty big players- and if this website wasnt giving them some benefit do you think it would be here still 23 + years on ■■

Oh and just for old times sake- if you dont like it here Facebook is that way ->>>>>>>>> some will get the reference new guys who dont like it here take the hint :slight_smile: