Falling ill

Don’t know if i was just being a tart but i felt dog ruff yesterday. Every time i got to a delivery point i was using the bog and it was like angel delight. I then started to feel sick whilst driving due to me bouncing around the seat, which made me worse.

Now lucky for me i had another driver with me who took over the driving.

Now with you trampers, what happens with you guys if you fell ill whilst being out on the road miles away from the depot?

Just have to ■■■■ it up and get on with it, doubt if they would send a replacment driver all across the country just cause you felt quizey.

Madguy :smiling_imp:

Man up and crack on normally. :laughing:

just get on with it is all i do

I could have worded my post better but if you fell ill with something worse then having the ■■■■■■

Especially if you have an easy run.lol :smiley:

I did run out of the truck! :smiley:

Just try to get on with it, been rough a couple of times but lucky its never been on a busy day. Keep a selection of medicine in the truck such as beechams cold and flu, tables for the runs etc. If it really came to it though i’d drive the truck back to the yard whether it was agree or not, im not beholden to any one.

I had an allergic reaction to something I ate once, spent about half an hour trying to yak and hold on to the front of the truck (it was snowing, about 1am and I was in a layby to make things more fun.) After my face and throat went down I rung the transport clerk and he asked me to start coming south for as long as I felt I could and then if needed he would send somebody to get me. I made it from Wigan to Chorley where I had to stop and have a kip, I rung him to tell him I was stopping for 20 minutes and he phoned me back two hours later to wake me up :blush: .
I made it home in the end so it was a bit of get on with it but with the massive safety net of knowing I could be rescued if it got to the point where I couldn’t drive.
I wouldn’t drive If I was so ill I couldn’t and I wouldn’t stay out if I felt I was heading in that direction, the load really isn’t that important at the end of the day.

Drug yourself up and plough on is ny course of action when ill.

I just get asked are your arms and legs working?.. Well see you in a minute then

Always pack plenty of cacks and spare trousers,seriously I never leave without the emergency bag.thats for emergencys .nothing worse than having to walk the long green mile!

You end up having a ■■■■ at the side of the M4.

You cant handle the heat get out the bloody kitchen.

Always pack plenty of cacks and spare trousers,seriously I never leave without the emergency bag.thats for emergencys .nothing worse than having to walk the long green mile!

don’t you mean brown mile

last summer I was taken ill parked up for the night in Barneveld NL went and had a shower and dinner all ok
on my way back to my truck i put my foot in a pot hole and thought i twisted my leg hurt a bit anyway got into bed and couldn’t stop shivering and the sweat was pouring out of me.
took some pain killers sprayed leg with deep heat and tried to sleep

did delivery in the morning could hardly walk to open trailer found plank of wood as a walking stick to help me

went and did collection and started back to uk this was now Thursday afternoon

parked for the night at Aylesford ind est again shivering and sweating repeat medicine as the previous night

took load back to yard got out of truck and by now could not walk unaided

drove myself home had a hot soak in bath went out for a few drinks that friday night come bed time same as the wednesday and thursday night night
said to wife that “I didn’t feel too well” had no sympathy back

next morning she did take me to A&E /hospital and that’s where i stayed for 5 weeks

the poison by now was up to my bollox in my leg’ the consultant asked me if the pain was "trying to tell me something like seek medical help the first morning"diagnosed with celuitios (spelling) after 3 days of tests for dvt

any way they managed to save my leg

I just thank god the truck was automatic

Told this tale before, there was a guy on one of those TV drama emergency programmes driving back from somewhere in Russia back to UK. Felt a bit rough through Poland and in Germany he couldn’t go any further and he’s driven 1000kms with a brain haemmorage!
It could have killed him.

I got ill in france last year. I came off the ferry in Dieppe and had only been driving 20 mins and had to stop to be sick. This went on all morning, my temperature went right up and it got so I couldn’t drive anymore. I just parked up, phoned home with the name of the service area and told wife I would call in the morning, If I didn’t call she was to contact a friend who lives in Dieppe and ask him to call the local police to come and check on me. Fortunately the next morning I felt a little better so carried on until I got home a few days later. It is something I think about as Im getting older so I guess the risk of illness is increasing.

just be a bit carefull of the drugs thing, ie some have the warnings not to operate machinery or drive… i know of an incident on a site where they got done for allowing a 360 driver to operate machine whilst under medication, he was taking flu capsules when H&S guy saw him, during a routine inspection…

last summer I was taken ill parked up for the night in Barneveld NL went and had a shower and dinner all ok
on my way back to my truck i put my foot in a pot hole and thought i twisted my leg hurt a bit anyway got into bed and couldn’t stop shivering and the sweat was pouring out of me.
took some pain killers sprayed leg with deep heat and tried to sleep

did delivery in the morning could hardly walk to open trailer found plank of wood as a walking stick to help me

went and did collection and started back to uk this was now Thursday afternoon

parked for the night at Aylesford ind est again shivering and sweating repeat medicine as the previous night

took load back to yard got out of truck and by now could not walk unaided

drove myself home had a hot soak in bath went out for a few drinks that friday night come bed time same as the wednesday and thursday night night
said to wife that “I didn’t feel too well” had no sympathy back

next morning she did take me to A&E /hospital and that’s where i stayed for 5 weeks

the poison by now was up to my bollox in my leg’ the consultant asked me if the pain was "trying to tell me something like seek medical help the first morning"diagnosed with celuitios (spelling) after 3 days of tests for dvt

any way they managed to save my leg

I just thank god the truck was automatic

Bloody hell. I bet that worried you a bit.

Don’t sneeze. :laughing: