Falling ill

Mickyblue, that sounds like food poisoning, dodgy kebab in the lay by?
i knew a lad that had a boil on his bum lanced by an un-clean needle in Miranda de Ebro Hospital near Burgos, he got up to the Bp Cabbage Patch truck stop at Saint Andre de Cubzac Bordeaux, he died in the cab, and was there a few days in the heat of the summer.
The firm he worked for had to pay for a chartered plane back and a lead coffin, he died from Septicaemia, they later tried to invoice the family for the £20,000 bill.
Trans Med would have covered all this, they get the driver home, whatever the costs.

Or ■■■■

I had to be medevaced from France once having fallen ill. Was on my way to Italy, felt rough all day, lots of sweating & cold flushes, got as far as the peage booths at Chambery & decided enough was enough. Parked the lorry up & went into the peage offices & asked them to call an ambulance.
Got taken to the local hospital & spent 3 days in there, numerous tests & 2 lumbar punctures (they thought i may have had meningitis) then flown home for some R&R.
Company sent a driver down to pick up my unit & do the delivery & i went back into work a week later.
Never did find the cause of it, food poisoning was mentioned but nothing conclusive.