F2000 fuel pump

Does anyone no any companies that can fix fuel pumps the likes of feathers cant do it no longer have the equipment old school man in a little workshop me thinks I think they call it a h type pump.

If the pump is off the wagon try Watson Diesel at Wimbledon


It is getting harder and harder to find Fuel Injection Engineers with the parts and test stand still able to undertake overhauls on older FIE. Those below all have excellent reputations for this work. There is another in the Shrewsbury or Stafford area, but I cannot recall the name. I would say no more than Feathers and Watsons would not be my first choice. I would be using 1st diesel in Croydon, who have overhauled several older fuel injection pumps for me and are the nearest at about 40 miles away, but of course they are at the other end of the country for you. Nearer a bit to you is Peter Slater in Scunthorpe who is the source others go to for the more difficult to obtain spares, however Peter is always talking about retiring, he will however maybe know someone nearer to you.




I’ll have a look at the f2000 notes I have to see what pump is normally fitted, but they are outside in the garage so it’ll have to wait till the morning.

Try Thomas fuel injection in blyth. They may be able to sort you out.

Thanks for the reply’s gutted went out yesterday for the 1st time in probably 12 months and ended up on the back of a wrecker got fuel at the filters but nothing at the injectors

You haven’t said whether any roadside diagnosis was attempted other what is mentioned. So before removing the pump, which IIRC may require a light box plugged into the governor housing to check the injection timing when refitting, confirm that the stop control is off, and eliminate the liftpump by gravity feeding direct into the injection pump. ISTR electrical problems with multipin connection plugs through the front bulkhead behind the steering column can cause non-running issues.

I had it re wired to the pump so that should eliminate the wiring I’ve got fuel in the tank fuel to the lift pump as it was primed to the filter housing bleed nuts but taking the pipes off after the pump there’s no fuel been pumped when you turn it over on the key ,it could be something electrical that’s shut it down but I’ve no warnings on the dash it was pulling spot on and sounded ok it just cut out and will not start.

I knew there was an FIE specialist with a good reputation in your area. You are probably best off giving these a ring for tech help with diagnosis on Monday. No 1 injector has an electrical connection as does the rear of the governor housing, making this what you might call a hybrid mechanical/electronic system, vaguely similar in theory to the control of the CAV DPC rotary pump fitted to small diesels.

As said feed it from a can of fuel. In general terms one can say that if the engine peters out then there is a fuel supply problem, but if it cuts out dead then something has either broken or there is an electrical failure.


If it drags fuel up when using the hand pump does that mean the lift pump is ok or is that different

Bosch H-pump is so expensive to overhaul that no one usually does it because it’s more expensive than the truck it came out of.

But your problem sounds more like fuel shut off valve, it is the type that bypasses pump completely when not energized, to prevent runaway engine when plunger is sticking.

Where is the shut off valve and how would it be opened

Found the shut off valve had it tested it does work but when on the truck key off or ignition on or attempting to start I cant get fuel through it at what point during the starting process should it open

lee mat:
Found the shut off valve had it tested it does work but when on the truck key off or ignition on or attempting to start I cant get fuel through it at what point during the starting process should it open

Should be open when you turn the ignition on. When priming ignition should be on.

So running a positive straight to it should eliminate the pump been at fault shouldn’t it ,if it runs

lee mat:
So running a positive straight to it should eliminate the pump been at fault shouldn’t it ,if it runs

In theory yes but the shut off valve might just be broken.

You can also give 5 volts to fuel governor solenoid but then it is giving all it can.

My 144 with H pump had injector return lines leaking, it was running well but when you shut it it draw air from those lines and wouldnt start.

The pump cant be completely broken, it should run except if it has broken pump cam or something similar.

I cant work it out rung man and a few others am trying to get a electrician to look at it thought it might be the ignition but I cant see anything broke ,the fuel solenoid isn’t letting fuel through which is in between the lift pump and the glow plug ,the solenoid works cos I got it tested but as far as I can see the fuel runs down to the pump before the solenoid so don’t no why that would stop it ,am lost with it to be honest now.

On the side of the pump there’s a 2 pin plug that connects with a screw thread connector any idea what it is

Your pump looks like this?

I’ve found out its a temp sensor ,lift pump working,voltage to the pump,filters clear ,fuel return flowing back to the tank, nothing going to injectors thought it was a solenoid cutting fuel off but nope gutted ,think the only thing to do is take it off and send it away,new £5100 not a chance.