If fuel is flowing back to the tank when you are using hand pump but nothing goes to injectors, then that shut off solenoid is not working.
That’s what we think but we cant find one unless its inside the pump itself
lee mat:
That’s what we think but we cant find one unless its inside the pump itself
It’s the one in my picture that has wire going in it.
Wish is was that simple
lee mat:
Wish is was that simple
Yours dont have that ?
Not the solenoid itself but the valve it is operating might be broken.
There’s no solenoid think the one in your picture is a later one mines a v90 rp39 pump
lee mat:
There’s no solenoid think the one in your picture is a later one mines a v90 rp39 pump
OK, then I dont know.
A friend of mine had Scania 143 500 with EDC P-pump, his engine was just died, called a local pump shop, they told him to open shut off valve/solenoid and take some check valve out of it. Those had also some new type shut off valve to prevent runaway if plunger is sticking. Maybe yours have similar ?