Ex Hauliers Still Welcome?

fly sheet:
Our firm has a heated tarp shed & if you load locally its ok to come back to tarp, the tarps are utter pants & when its below freezing its a pain, the worst thing tho is the wind, some places have a type of sheeting tunnel which is a godsend, some just turf you out in the elements, ive only bee here since february so just caught the tail end of it all really. Some loads we do now its april dont require tarping untill november, if you have to tarp iys $40 for 1 sheet or 4!!!

Ppp I

Can’t believe the difference in H&S, back here in blighty your not allowed more than 1 foot of the ground without hi viz, hard hats, harnesses, air bags, gantrys and any other crap they can think of to slow the job down, and if you complain they blame it all on the Yank compensation culture :open_mouth:


fly sheet:

A good effort but not sure he Ku Klux Klan will let him in IMO. ^ :wink:

Classic quote Hammer, :grimacing:
whats he really doing are the mozzies out that early :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Heres some flics of it inside…

the way things are here in northern ireland i mite have to make a move to sumwere else myself.

So then cheif, you have been there a while, how are things going, i guess by now you must have settled in, got a house and all them little bits an pieces, pls give us an update, oh yeah, i think dibnahs gone to syria and stared a war, so no change there then…
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ,Ps, is your twin brother brian connely missing you.