Ex Hauliers Still Welcome?

Good luck to you all. I’ve been out, properly, for 18 months now, and more like 4 years. I don’t miss the hassle and stress, and enjoy the odd shift I do for local companies.

Good luck Kevmac47 you’ll soon get used to being a none haulier…


Big Truck:
I hope to hell your not going with H+R :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

You do, of course, realise that I am with H&R now, don’t you? :wink:


I know that but your on some kind of month on month off thing which is somewhat different to whats gone before with other H+R ex-pat drivers. :wink:

I wonder what the TRUE total number is of UK/Euro drivers(since what 2005 :question: :confused: ) who have actually started employment with H+R only to come home or move on to other trucking companies within the first year :question: :exclamation: :exclamation:

fly sheet:
Good luck Kevmac47 you’ll soon get used to being a none haulier…

Thanks flysheet, same to you. I hope your move west works out, your braver than me!! I am looking forward to spending more time with my grandchildren
and of course getting under the feet of the bride :smiley: :smiley: regards Kev.

Well, if I’m honest, I can’t blame you fellas. I admire yr honesty. It makes me a little nervous to see my elders (none meant) calling it a day. Having only 8 years under my belt and if I’m honest I still enjoy the life, I think I’m gonna go a bit longer, bitten the bullet and the exhaust will be fitted by the end of March.

I wish you all the best.

Yr input, as long as helpful, not cynical will always be priceless on any forum. You have a wealth of experience to share.

Thanking you Mr Vain, that LEZ thing will be the difference of a V8 pick up to having an old panel van for Me, but I’m not bitter :grimacing:

Good luck yourself & I look forward to seeing your new pipes!!!

fly sheet:

Big Truck:

fly sheet:
Thanks for the replys, I’ll keep on posting.

You don’t read many of My posts Big Truck by the sound of it, if I was going with H&R I’d be slightly perturbed viewing your post though. Have you had a bad time with them :question: :question: :unamused:

No I haven’t
but think its about 80%/20% to those who move on or end up coming home to those that “■■■■ it up” and see it out til PR with “Heartbreak and Regret”. :grimacing:
I don’t like long haul (OTR) and I don’t like the “cents per mile” payment thing that is the norm in N.American trucking. :cry:

Best of luck and keep us posted :exclamation: :wink:

I have’nt worked at H&R either & doubt I ever will so can’t comment on them, maybe those folks that ■■■■ it up untill PR want to open there options in life I suppose, quite a statistic 80% is though. I’ll not be able to change “cents per mile” or the fact they have rubber bungies on there tarps, what I’ll do is change My way of working to accomodate The N American way as its My being flexible that has given Me another go at that way of life, I’ll keep posting on here I’d have thought & thanks for your kind wishes…

Never mind Fly you’ll soon master it, like this fine fellow :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


fly sheet:

Big Truck:

fly sheet:
Thanks for the replys, I’ll keep on posting.

You don’t read many of My posts Big Truck by the sound of it, if I was going with H&R I’d be slightly perturbed viewing your post though. Have you had a bad time with them :question: :question: :unamused:

No I haven’t
but think its about 80%/20% to those who move on or end up coming home to those that “■■■■ it up” and see it out til PR with “Heartbreak and Regret”. :grimacing:
I don’t like long haul (OTR) and I don’t like the “cents per mile” payment thing that is the norm in N.American trucking. :cry:

Best of luck and keep us posted :exclamation: :wink:

I have’nt worked at H&R either & doubt I ever will so can’t comment on them, maybe those folks that ■■■■ it up untill PR want to open there options in life I suppose, quite a statistic 80% is though. I’ll not be able to change “cents per mile” or the fact they have rubber bungies on there tarps, what I’ll do is change My way of working to accomodate The N American way as its My being flexible that has given Me another go at that way of life, I’ll keep posting on here I’d have thought & thanks for your kind wishes…

Never mind Fly you’ll soon master it, like this fine fellow :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I hope Bewick doesn’t look at those pics He’ll have a “reet wobbla”. I don’t think the professionals this side of the pond have much to worry about.
regards kevmac47.

FFS I’m speechless :open_mouth:

If you even think of not coming back on here ill come out there and kick your ■■■■■■■ arse laddo. good luck mate wish you all the luck in the world you only get one life so go and live it, make sure you keep in touch regards paul. here by the way what is it with the big boy is he going down memory lane or what?

He’s deffo doing a trip down memory lane Me thinks…

Its easier to see it on fb Paul, I’ll put pictures on as I go…

Gonna be driving a Volvo :open_mouth: Should know what all the switches do anyroads :smiley:

Retirement is going as planned, :smiley: :smiley: start work as holiday relief on thursday. regards kevmac47.

Don’t think we’ve ever met Mr Fly Sheet but always enjoy reading your posts so don’t even think about retiring from TN! Best of luck to you in your new venture and we all look forward to some pix of your next Volvo. Is it Volvo powered with I shift or ■■■■■■■■ Think your’e spot on with timings this time getting out of this Euro quagmire!

short walk:
Don’t think we’ve ever met Mr Fly Sheet but always enjoy reading your posts so don’t even think about retiring from TN! Best of luck to you in your new venture and we all look forward to some pix of your next Volvo. Is it Volvo powered with I shift or ■■■■■■■■ Think your’e spot on with timings this time getting out of this Euro quagmire!

Thanks for that short walk, I’ve left My camera in the UK :cry:

It will be over soon though :slight_smile:

I’m driving a 13 litre Volvo’s own with a 13 speed fuller behind it, not too bad a lorry actually.

I’m glad to be out of it at the moment too much european nonsence going on, good old log books here but I’m governed to 100 on the cruise 110 on my hoof…

fly sheet:

Big Truck:

fly sheet:
Thanks for the replys, I’ll keep on posting.

You don’t read many of My posts Big Truck by the sound of it, if I was going with H&R I’d be slightly perturbed viewing your post though. Have you had a bad time with them :question: :question: :unamused:

No I haven’t
but think its about 80%/20% to those who move on or end up coming home to those that “■■■■ it up” and see it out til PR with “Heartbreak and Regret”. :grimacing:
I don’t like long haul (OTR) and I don’t like the “cents per mile” payment thing that is the norm in N.American trucking. :cry:

Best of luck and keep us posted :exclamation: :wink:

I have’nt worked at H&R either & doubt I ever will so can’t comment on them, maybe those folks that ■■■■ it up untill PR want to open there options in life I suppose, quite a statistic 80% is though. I’ll not be able to change “cents per mile” or the fact they have rubber bungies on there tarps, what I’ll do is change My way of working to accomodate The N American way as its My being flexible that has given Me another go at that way of life, I’ll keep posting on here I’d have thought & thanks for your kind wishes…

You have the right attitude to succeed here matey.Far too many idiots come here thinking they know best,they don’t,they then end up all bitter and twisted with the employer,subsequently contributing to Big Trucks alleged 80% figure.
Best of luck to ya,and enjoy the experience.

Just when you thought I’d gone for good eh :smiley:
Heres a couple of what I’m up to & the motor I’m driving, alls good so far, I’ve posted a few on Roping & Sheeting thread to keep them boys amused too…

Its just general haulage the way it was really & that suits Me, got 1 drop Kansas Monday then a tip in Texas Tuesday so I’m outa here ttfn
PS I’ve had all the suntan jokes I can take on facebook :unamused:

Few more from My first week & trip.

Just like Trinity Terminal here you know…

fly sheet:

A good effort but not sure he Ku Klux Klan will let him in IMO. ^ :wink:


fly sheet:

A good effort but not sure he Ku Klux Klan will let him in IMO. ^ :wink:

That is one of the funniest comments Ive seen on here. :smiley:

How about some fotos of the inside of your cab? How do you sheet in minus temperatures like those in the photos, it must be like bending plywood. Im hoping to have paid enough off at the bank to call it a day in about 6 months but I don’t think I would like canadian winters, Ive had a few weeks in a russian winter and that was too much for me. Shame Aus hasn’t got a driver shortage.
Good luck anyway and hope it all works out good for you.


I thought that comment hilarios too,fairly suprised so few comments made about it, I posted some pics on the old timers roping & sheeting thread & no comments on there just a picture of a ford granada??!!

Our firm has a heated tarp shed & if you load locally its ok to come back to tarp, the tarps are utter pants & when its below freezing its a pain, the worst thing tho is the wind, some places have a type of sheeting tunnel which is a godsend, some just turf you out in the elements, ive only bee here since february so just caught the tail end of it all really. Some loads we do now its april dont require tarping untill november, if you have to tarp iys $40 for 1 sheet or 4!!!

Ppp I