Ex Hauliers Still Welcome?

Greetings all, its taken a few weeks but I’ve finally got shut of My outfit allbeit for a few k’s less than expected, in all honesty that was down to the poxy exhaust thing though, thanks for your input on some of the questions I asked, twas appreciated, so there you are I’ve not got a chain a stretcher or a span-set left, 25 years I’ve been at it, I’ve been an OD since I was 20 & I can tell you its one ■■■■■■■ mahoosive relief to not be one any longer :smiley:

I hope those of you out there are doing OK & I hope ta ■■■■ this poxy lot in power start to get things moving for all your sakes, I’ve done 6 days since 16/12/11 & the phones all but stopped I think I had a call for a 40’ flat to Dundee on a Saturday & thats been all this year, I’ve done more in my panel van this year & that was only 3 days :open_mouth:

I’m heading West before February is out & I was wondering will I still be welcome to put Me two’penneth in on here as I’m only going to be a jockey from now on or do I have to try & make some new mates on the ex-pats site■■? I’ve got no regrets really, I would have liked to take a seller down as planned (never been further that way than Stanley Bull) but its not to be, just got a useless passport now :neutral_face: . Such is life I suppose. I was glad to tell them fuel card folks to do one I tell ya, £1 for an invoice ffs. Anyway I’m here for another week yet so no farewells just yet…

All the best for the future!

Good luck to you Sir, your a brave man.
I’m a bit of a newby compared to you, only been on my own for 22 years :laughing: , but like yourself, the phone’s ringing less and less often & whenever you go somewhere to load the que of foreign registered trucks infront of you (to load domestic loads) is getting longer and longer.
Heres hoping for a miracle,

All the best for the future ‘out west’ (I take it you dont mean Milford Haven!!) & without doubt all those years in haulage gives you the invaluable experience needed by the younger O/D’s needing advice on here. I hope you keep in touch with us, and I expect an update on your experiences as “a jockey” & even a diary with picky’s!!

Good luck bud, Ross.

I hope to hell your not going with H+R :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

Thanks for the replys, I’ll keep on posting.

You don’t read many of My posts Big Truck by the sound of it, if I was going with H&R I’d be slightly perturbed viewing your post though. Have you had a bad time with them :question: :question: :unamused:

fly sheet:
Thanks for the replys, I’ll keep on posting.


There are several ex hauliers/ODs on here who post and their input is just as valid as anyone elses.

Good luck “out West”.


Good luck with it and I don’t blame you for getting out of dodge. :smiley: :smiley:

I think you will be fine, your timing is excellant, there has never been a better time to go ! You will be fine, its keith i worry about,today its an erf, tomorrow it will be a foden, its a slippery slope and without your sane advise where will it end, when you come and visit him he will be running a museum of his own…

And there goes another lifeblood of the industry chucking it in.

Good luck to you fella.

I think you will be fine, your timing is excellant, there has never been a better time to go ! You will be fine, its keith i worry about,today its an erf, tomorrow it will be a foden, its a slippery slope and without your sane advise where will it end, when you come and visit him he will be running a museum of his own…

He’s becoming a Southern Fred Dibnah, all His enthusiasm is for things from Sanbach, it’ll be clogs a a flat cap soon enough I tell thee…

I know My timing is tip top this time, its a great relief as its usually appalling.

And there goes another lifeblood of the industry chucking it in.

Good luck to you fella.

Cheers Bri theres only so many reinventions a haulier can make & I don’t fancy My chances with this crew in power…

Fuelcard text said £1.20ppl today, when will it end & they’ve not got started in The Straights of Humous :smiley: just yet…

joking aside, i really do think you have picked the right time, i also been ducking and diving for 23 yrs now, and i have never worked so hard to earn so little.Personally i really dont like the cold, so canada aint for me, however if i had to do it to get into the usa by the back door, if you excuse the pun, then thats probably the way i would go.job is dead here and will be for next three years ,if not forever.Good luck to you, its not a life sentance, if it doesnt work out you can always come back cant you ! I dont think you will be missing much here whilst you try it, except dibnah of course…lol

Yes good luck old boy :stuck_out_tongue: just goes to show your never to old to do the gap year thingy :grimacing: if you end up on IRT, give that Hugh a good kicking :wink:

Gap year :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

fly sheet:
Thanks for the replys, I’ll keep on posting.

You don’t read many of My posts Big Truck by the sound of it, if I was going with H&R I’d be slightly perturbed viewing your post though. Have you had a bad time with them :question: :question: :unamused:

No I haven’t
but think its about 80%/20% to those who move on or end up coming home to those that “■■■■ it up” and see it out til PR with “Heartbreak and Regret”. :grimacing:
I don’t like long haul (OTR) and I don’t like the “cents per mile” payment thing that is the norm in N.American trucking. :cry:

Best of luck and keep us posted :exclamation: :wink:

Big Truck:
I hope to hell your not going with H+R :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

You do, of course, realise that I am with H&R now, don’t you? :wink:

Big Truck:

fly sheet:
Thanks for the replys, I’ll keep on posting.

You don’t read many of My posts Big Truck by the sound of it, if I was going with H&R I’d be slightly perturbed viewing your post though. Have you had a bad time with them :question: :question: :unamused:

No I haven’t
but think its about 80%/20% to those who move on or end up coming home to those that “■■■■ it up” and see it out til PR with “Heartbreak and Regret”. :grimacing:
I don’t like long haul (OTR) and I don’t like the “cents per mile” payment thing that is the norm in N.American trucking. :cry:

Best of luck and keep us posted :exclamation: :wink:

I have’nt worked at H&R either & doubt I ever will so can’t comment on them, maybe those folks that ■■■■ it up untill PR want to open there options in life I suppose, quite a statistic 80% is though. I’ll not be able to change “cents per mile” or the fact they have rubber bungies on there tarps, what I’ll do is change My way of working to accomodate The N American way as its My being flexible that has given Me another go at that way of life, I’ll keep posting on here I’d have thought & thanks for your kind wishes…


Big Truck:
I hope to hell your not going with H+R :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

You do, of course, realise that I am with H&R now, don’t you? :wink:

This H&R lot seem to get bad press Mr Dog, did this occur before or after your joining the company■■?

I have done the same today, after 20 years as an O/D I finally bit the bullet and decided to sell up. For anyone thinking about starting up think
very carefully. My motor was long paid for and I worked direct for a shipping line and although I could have carried on until my retirement date(July)
I decided it just wasn’t worth it. Ps it is very definitly a load off my mind. :smiley: :smiley: regards Kevmac47