European work either music tours or spanish work

hi everyone i have only just joined the truck network so sorry for any silly mistakes etc i have had my class one for 7 years now and done removals to france spain holland etc and just finished working for an agency doing event work which has given me the taste for more work like that,i was wondering if there is anyone that can point me in the right direction for any of the music/rock and roll tour companies (i have tried stagetruck and est with no luck at all … not even a reply to my e-mails) or anyone that does regular work to spain,holland or belgium that i could contact or try for employment,even though i live in cornwall i am single and willing to travel for work and give it my all …i just want a chance and no more agencies many thanks :laughing: :laughing:

Phone Edwin Shirley Trucking around Easter.

Try sending an email (PM) to trucknet members Euromat or Kindle530, they both do the music tours.

You could try Trans-am trucking, Stagetrux, Redburn Transfer or McGuiness Transport(■■)

Good luck. :wink:

Completely agree with the contacts, but in November the stars are not favourable for finding tour work.

Not rock and roll but you could try Gregory’s

They run walking floors to Gent

Try TransAm Trucking in December for lots of work the start of the year, were going to be busy allmost from the off 01986 894545. They will send you a form, if you havent received it within a week, ring again to remind em.

you just saved me searching Directory Enquiries there Kindle :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

as you are single what about ralph davies?

Ralphs Website

are they taking on at the mo?

Try TransAm Trucking in December for lots of work the start of the year, were going to be busy allmost from the off 01986 894545. They will send you a form, if you havent received it within a week, ring again to remind em.

i dont think we will have any vacancies until late spring, altough we are busy there are enough black trucks to cover it, its when the rentals come along you may get a start, but its keeping working after the summer is the biggest problem, living in cornwall doesnt matter, we have drivers who live further away

(im suprised stagetruck have e mail going by the relics they run on the road i thought they would still use carrier pigeon :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )

(im suprised stagetruck have e mail going by the relics they run on the road i thought they would still use carrier pigeon :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )

:open_mouth: Some things never change. :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

That’s no different to when I knew 'em in the 80s. :wink:

Just a couple of thoughts. Firstly, email isn’t the best way to contact a company, it’s far better to phone them as it’s easier for them and it also ensures that you get to talk to them.

Secondly, it might be worth phoning Stage Truck at the moment. I know that EST park a lot of trucks up over the winter because they don’t really bother with anything other than Rock 'n Roll work but I met a Stage Truck driver last month and she was on her way back from Spain with dry goods so they are obviously prepared to keep the wheels turning even when there’s no tour work.

Harry Monk:
Just a couple of thoughts. Firstly, email isn’t the best way to contact a company, it’s far better to phone them as it’s easier for them and it also ensures that you get to talk to them.

Secondly, it might be worth phoning Stage Truck at the moment. I know that EST park a lot of trucks up over the winter because they don’t really bother with anything other than Rock 'n Roll work but I met a Stage Truck driver last month and she was on her way back from Spain with dry goods so they are obviously prepared to keep the wheels turning even when there’s no tour work.

yup they do general as well (although what i heard about the pay i really hope isnt true, despite hearing it from several sources inc ex drivers)

Forgot to add this lot too…

Good luck. :wink:

Forgot to add this lot too…

Good luck. :wink:

Yes, we normally replace the “n” with an “sh” when we talk about them. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Harry Monk:
Just a couple of thoughts. Firstly, email isn’t the best way to contact a company, it’s far better to phone them as it’s easier for them and it also ensures that you get to talk to them.

Secondly, it might be worth phoning Stage Truck at the moment. I know that EST park a lot of trucks up over the winter because they don’t really bother with anything other than Rock 'n Roll work but I met a Stage Truck driver last month and she was on her way back from Spain with dry goods so they are obviously prepared to keep the wheels turning even when there’s no tour work.

yup they do general as well (although what i heard about the pay i really hope isnt true, despite hearing it from several sources inc ex drivers)

Mat , as a ex driver of Stage Truck , i can vouch for the rumours etc about the pay…i"ll even PM you details if you want :wink:

they do a lot of general to Spain and Italy when its quiet…something to do with an ex-Pan Express bloke in the office :smiley: :smiley:


Try TransAm Trucking in December for lots of work the start of the year, were going to be busy allmost from the off 01986 894545. They will send you a form, if you havent received it within a week, ring again to remind em.

i dont think we will have any vacancies until late spring, altough we are busy there are enough black trucks to cover it, its when the rentals come along you may get a start, but its keeping working after the summer is the biggest problem, living in cornwall doesnt matter, we have drivers who live further away)

Would any of these companies employ someone living in Northern France?

pierrot 14:


Try TransAm Trucking in December for lots of work the start of the year, were going to be busy allmost from the off 01986 894545. They will send you a form, if you havent received it within a week, ring again to remind em.

i dont think we will have any vacancies until late spring, altough we are busy there are enough black trucks to cover it, its when the rentals come along you may get a start, but its keeping working after the summer is the biggest problem, living in cornwall doesnt matter, we have drivers who live further away)

Would any of these companies employ someone living in Northern France?

we have a guy who lives in france somewhere, we also have one who lives in spain (but keeps leaving cos hes a ■■■■■■ and we even have one who lives in oz, comes over for a few months touring and goes back and tours round in a caravan!! if not tour driving, double driving you are ideally situated, i can give you the number for the agent if you want

Harry Monk:

Forgot to add this lot too…

Good luck. :wink:

Yes, we normally replace the “n” with an “sh” when we talk about them. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: i did have a chuckle at their website!


pierrot 14:


Try TransAm Trucking in December for lots of work the start of the year, were going to be busy allmost from the off 01986 894545. They will send you a form, if you havent received it within a week, ring again to remind em.

i dont think we will have any vacancies until late spring, altough we are busy there are enough black trucks to cover it, its when the rentals come along you may get a start, but its keeping working after the summer is the biggest problem, living in cornwall doesnt matter, we have drivers who live further away)

Would any of these companies employ someone living in Northern France?

we have a guy who lives in france somewhere, we also have one who lives in spain (but keeps leaving cos hes a [zb]), and we even have one who lives in oz, comes over for a few months touring and goes back and tours round in a caravan!! if not tour driving, double driving you are ideally situated, i can give you the number for the agent if you want

That would be excellant Euromat thank-you very much :smiley:
:arrow_right: PM me the details if you prefer, also any other info you think I need would also be appreciated

pierrot 14:
Would any of these companies employ someone living in Northern France?

My mate Steve works for EST from Easter until September every year and he lives near Clermont-Ferrand.