European work either music tours or spanish work

Harry Monk:

pierrot 14:
Would any of these companies employ someone living in Northern France?

My mate Steve works for EST from Easter until September every year and he lives near Clermont-Ferrand.

Thanks Harry,
Is that continuously? i.e. he’s on the road away from home and doesn’t get back till September?

Steve probably gets half a dozen days at home between Easter and September. When you go away for months it doesn’t really matter where you live. I have done 15 weeks away on tour myself (this was a travelling exhibition rather than Rock 'n Roll- I did a tour all around western and central Europe and into the former Soviet Union for Xerox just after the digital photocopier was invented). At the time I lived in Ramsgate (which is almost France!) and the company was in Wandsworth

I can only speak about EST because they are the only Rock 'n Roll firm I have direct experience of. If you were keen you could get on tour work next season but it would probably be as a Third Driver- they would fly you to Milan to double drive to Norway then fly you back while the lead driver had a rest, that sort of thing.

I do know you work long (but legal) hours, and do a lot of night running- you would need to be a Night Owl to be able to do it, and I’m most certainly not one of those any more!

Double manning not a problem, used to do it for a firm in Erith, “Europa”, to Scandinavia. And as for being a night owl, well my missus will definately confirm that, she always moans that I don’t get up till 11, but forgets that I don’t go to bed till 4. :stuck_out_tongue: Too busy chatting on here :exclamation: :exclamation:

Euromat wrote:

we have a guy who lives in france somewhere, we also have one who lives in spain (but keeps leaving cos hes a [zb]), and we even have one who lives in oz, comes over for a few months touring and goes back and tours round in a caravan!! if not tour driving, double driving you are ideally situated, i can give you the number for the agent if you want.

Raymondo is back doing a bit for Fieldings at the mo but is back to you in Feb!