Euromats random truck picture thread

Reckon the truck hiding in the bushes is a UNIC.



refrigerated is spelled incorrectly on the door of this truck!

ha ha i never noticed that!!! i remember there was a company from yorkshire way (i think, butlers or someone maybe, red trucks) with professional services on the back of the cab, but spelt proffessional!

it amazes me how many signwriters cannot spell properly. if that had been my truck I would’ve gone mental seeing that! :laughing:

All the fleet is spelled the same. :laughing: :laughing:

…it’s bad, but not as bad as a tattooist in huddersfield that a mate once went to, who had similar problems with spelling…luckily it was picked up at the ‘ballpoint pen’ stage!! :smiley:

your right mate, not me, im on poland at the moment, thats my mate ■■■■■, blokes a legend!!

he now has a super space cab, still with the tt banner. he is most def a legend, and 1 of the nicest blokes you’ll ever meet, a real diamond geezer :smiley:


your right mate, not me, im on poland at the moment, thats my mate ■■■■■, blokes a legend!!

he now has a super space cab, still with the tt banner. he is most def a legend, and 1 of the nicest blokes you’ll ever meet, a real diamond geezer :smiley:

hey chillis, if your with ■■■■■ send him my love! he done some double driving with me when i did Whitesnake a couple of yrs ago

a really really top bloke, and a bloody good driver as well

kindle. no probs m8, i’m in a hotel in hannover till tuesday morning, but will see kink, when i get back to the trucks, i will pass your message on mate :sunglasses:

he is a top lad, not a bad bone in him, and as mad as a box of frogs, had some laughs with him on this tour :grimacing:

good ol’ ■■■■■!!

right, few more random pics

this was at the moto gp in valencia

smartest fairground truck ever??!!!

who used to own this one then? jack richards?

and 2 belonging to r.e desborough of wenhaston, suffolk, both seen at henham steam rally last year

few more i have in photobucket

is it just me, or does the cab on the FM in the last pic look a bit odd?

is it just me, or does the cab on the FM in the last pic look a bit odd?

yeah its been narrowed slightly, im guessing for metal

nice pics :sunglasses:

first pic - irish topline, where did u take pic? in europe?

nice pics :sunglasses:

first pic - irish topline, where did u take pic? in europe?

alright mate, no that picture was taken in england, was in a services in lancashire i believe but i cant remember which one

few more randoms

this one was also at the moto gp in valencia last year

ok, so these pics are not mine, but i got e mailed them and thought i would share a couple of them cos they made me chuckle

great pic’s as usuall mat, lovin the last three there!

thought i would blow the dust off this one with a couple more pics

even the maltese using eastern european haulage


Sweden/Norway border


Asten Truckstop Holland






My first TransAm job, not quite the truck i was expecting to get! Germany.