euro tax

I expect you all know by now ,but the ELF garage and transmarc total have stopped selling it the Q at the IDS last weekend was dire :cry:

You know why that is, they were getting â– â– â– â– â– â–  off with people parking on the pumps to get it!!

The first services on the way to Lille sell it anyway.

not on a sunday afternoon they cant to me :cry: :wink:

Since when? I bought my tax at the total garage last sunday :confused:

Elf garage having a rebuild too so no facilities at garage either !

Racking me old brainbox of where to purchase Tax now think I will have to go via Poperinge border on Monday as the cafe/hotel at border does it I think!

Anyone got any better suggestions?

Elf garage having a rebuild too so no facilities at garage either !

Racking me old brainbox of where to purchase Tax now think I will have to go via Poperinge border on Monday as the cafe/hotel at border does it I think!

Anyone got any better suggestions?

How about buying in advance on the way back home the previous week :question:
Just get the Vignette predated for when you’re next due to ship out.

How about looking on the AGES Site?

Easily found in the Euro Drivers Info Point, which Brit Pete and I set up just so that this sort of info was readily available. :unamused:

How about looking on the AGES Site?

Easily found in the Euro Drivers Info Point, which Brit Pete and I set up just so that this sort of info was readily available. :unamused:

Thanks looking now…

Went out this week 29th April 2008 and checked these Calais sites for Euro Tax.

IDS still do Euro Tax.
Transmarck (Total) still do Euro Tax.
Marcel Doret (Elf) no tax at present (probably due to re-build).

Do Norfolk Line still do it ?

Do Norfolk Line still do it ?

How about looking on the AGES Site?

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


Do Norfolk Line still do it ?

How about looking on the AGES Site?

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I take it you don’t know then ? :laughing:



Do Norfolk Line still do it ?

How about looking on the AGES Site?

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I take it you don’t know then ? :laughing:

Yes, as it happens, I do. :smiley:

But if you’re to idle to look it up, tough. I’m not going to tell you.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

now now girls :cry:




Do Norfolk Line still do it ?

How about looking on the AGES Site?

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I take it you don’t know then ? :laughing:

Yes, as it happens, I do. :smiley:

But if you’re to idle to look it up, tough. I’m not going to tell you.

Seems a fair enough question given that the list of sales points linked to on the Info Point thread is out of date and lists places that no longer sell it, and places choose to stop selling it on a fairly regular basis. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

stupid question perhaps ,but why does the
cinque port not have a area set aside where
one can buy the vingette, and have at least
4 terminals, they should make money on
this as the amount of traffic that goes
through, on top of the one they have already

PS; have sent a e-mail to ages asking
if they can confirm how upto
date there list is,so we will wait and see what
they say,

i wonder why p and o dont do it anymore in dover.
i got it last sunday 27th in the ids calais.

i wonder why p and o dont do it anymore in dover.

That’s one of the things I meant by it being a reasonable question to ask due to out of date info. There is a link in the Info Point thread which lists P&O as selling the vignette, and they haven’t done so for a good while now.

can you not get it in ashford truckstop anymoreâ– â– ?. you can get it in the train terminal in calais tho.

That’s one of the things I meant by it being a reasonable question to ask due to out of date info. There is a link in the Info Point thread which lists P&O as selling the vignette, and they haven’t done so for a good while now.

Fair enough :smiley:

Yes, Norfolk Line DO sell the vignette.
I believe you can get it on-board the ferries, but this bit you’ll have to check yourself.
I don’t use the South coast crossings any more.

The link in the Info Point thread is up-to-date.
The info on the site it takes you to isn’t though. :frowning: