euro tax

i cant open that ages info form.
i am gettingthe website,but windows wont open up the info page.
what program are all you guys using.i am on vista and its full of too much security.

can you not get it in ashford truckstop anymore■■?.

yes i got mine there last week sunday and will be again tomorrow

i cant open that ages info form.
i am gettingthe website,but windows wont open up the info page.
what program are all you guys using.i am on vista and its full of too much security.

I use the Mozilla SeaMonkey Suite.
If you’d prefer not to go the whole hog, there’s Firefox as a stand alone browser instead of IE.
All the Mozilla software is available from Here and it’s all free.

Since when? I bought my tax at the total garage last sunday :confused:

I would guess like me, malcolmj cannot use that road on a Sunday due to driving restrictions :wink:

I have just had the second of two e-mails
from the web site AGES and this is the
second reply;; the first the confirmened
that they have updated the site,I have
asked them if it is possible to place a
date when it was last updated so people
can then see the date and know that
the information is okay,just waiting to
see what they say about that point.
IF you read the post below you
know who to blame!!! ABOUT CALAIS!!


It is true that the Calais site is a difficult
one. Under pressure of the local
goverment this site has stopped
selling eurovignettes, but since
it was one of our main point of
sale we are still negociating
and so far the contract with is
still valid. That is why it is still
on our website.
We always do our best that
our website is correct, but
sometimes it is not in our
hands. Sorry for any
inconvenience this may
have caused.


Since when? I bought my tax at the total garage last sunday :confused:

I would guess like me, malcolmj cannot use that road on a Sunday due to driving restrictions :wink:

Total transmarck :wink: