Euro 2024

But feinting a penalty kick after the run up to wrong foot the keeper is against the rules ?.

Not sure mate.
Iā€™ve already pointed out the rules as I understand them, have a look on Google.

Why? and what point are you wanting to make exactly?

I think the point is can the penalty taker stop half way in his stride and do a shimmer and then continue talking the kick
Yes he can

Yepā€¦like I said, it is often done in that way.

I think it is allowed, but if the keeper goes one way, it may still be possible for him to cover a shot down the middle depending on how much of a dive or movement he makes either way

Add to that the taker has lost momentum and has to presumably adapt to take a shot down the side the keeper hasnā€™t gone. Probably a less powerful kick. You would have to have some serious skill in my opinion to pull it off and if you do mess it up you look like a prize clown.

Best penalty I have seen in the competition so far was Ivan Toneyā€™s.
Approached the ball 100% confident, pysyching out the keeper by continuously staring at him, and never looking at the ball onceā€¦class.:sunglasses:
We need him to come back to Newcastle.:smiley:

Basically if the penalty taker can delay and/or feint the kick with the intention of making the keeper move first thereā€™s no point in having the keeper in the goal.

No I was referring to feinting the kick after completing the run up.Law 14 says no.

Nothing about your feinting in the rules
He can do a dance, he can also do a hand wheel while running up, the only thing he canā€™t do is pass it back

Spain, what a team, now thatā€™s football and how it should be played
The whole team has confidence in every aspect of the game
Being honest there was never a English team that played like that, probably the exception of 1966 final
Isnā€™t just great to see a team in the lead still playing for more, thatā€™s how much English football has dragged the game into the gutter in this tournament and thatā€™s settling for the minimum effort no style or passion
Seriously unless they put a shift in tomorrow night and show some kind of something like playing a decent football game it really would be a embarrassing situation to reach the final
It wonā€™t do anything for the game except show that thereā€™s nothing professional about it
11 men kicking kicking a ball backwards won a tournament how embarrassing

@carryfast The ball isnā€™t in play until it is kicked. There probably is a rule about getting on with the game, so anything too ridiculous is likely to attract the attention of the referee for timewasting.

Spain, football how it should be played

It aint just England who have been scoring then hanging back,.Iā€™ve noticed it a lot in this competitionā€¦donā€™t ask me who, have watched that much football these last 2 weeks,.all the games have merged into 1.:smile:

You mention ā€˜English footballā€™ in general, todays style of football is an adaptation of Continental footballā€¦just try and watch an old game from say 20 years ago, and see how it has changed

Yep, IF we beat the Dutch tonight, we deffo need a new game plan against Spainā€¦but we knew that anyway.
Letā€™s get tonight over with first.

England will be lucky to get away with a 3-0 defeat against Spain if they reach the final.
Best play the whole team in defence and wait for the penalties.Then donā€™t take the shot until the keeper moves first.

Hard to believe and within reason, they had easy draws and made hard work of them until now
They played very well it was a different team out there and they deserved to win
Was there a plan from Southgate all along only he knows that, whatever it was or was not it worked
One more match and against a team that plays fast football and lighting speed passing.
But as we have all seen anything is possible.

Spain kinda came out of nowhere this time, I never heard anybody prior to group stages saying they were backed to be anywhere near winning, also they were not expected to last being in the so called ā€˜group of deathā€™.
They aint perfect, they made a few errors against France, Gareths biggest job will be stopping the 2 outfield players, but being that heā€™s defensively minded, hopefully it wont be too big of a oroblem.

someone told me today that starmer said if england win on sunday monday will be a bank holiday to celebrate i dunno if its true or waiting room gossip

Gareth Southgate will be asked to STAY on as England manager into his third World Cup by FA regardless of the Euro 2024 final resultā€¦ but 53-year-old is keeping his thoughts secret

Will he or wonā€™t he
Heā€™s a long time in the job and if he wins it he would be risking his reputation, better off finishing up on a high
If he loses it then whatā€™s he got to lose by staying on.

WHEN we win it Sunday.
Is Monday or one day going to be declared a bank holiday so we get an extra day off work.
Or double pay if you have to work?