Euro 2024

I won’t be putting any bets on England beating Spain even if they beat the Swiss.
I know absolutely nothing about football.

Errr yes why ?
The squad is English, representing England, I am English…from England, I’m backing them, so yeah ‘WE/US’'.

As far as I know we wont be meeting Spain…and Germany could knock them out on Fri is it? as they are good enough.

If we (sorry NM) beat Swiss on Sat, it’s one of the winners of tonights games.
Holland v Romania, and Austria v Turkey.
Personally I’m hoping it’s Holland, but lets get Saturday’s game over with first.

You don’t seem to know much about a lot!

Id imagine the England squad and their manager is watching these games and saying to themselves how can we not play like that
Turkey hanging on by there toe nails and still attacking

The final by definition comes down to two teams and it looks to me like Spain will be one of them ?.

Should be a good fast attacking match tonight with Germany and Spain, its a hard one to call between the two favourite’s
On paper it should be very entertaining

Yep, Portugal and France should be also good.
Be interesting to see if Martinez has the balls to drop Ronaldo seeing has he seems to have lost his shooting boots.
Still aint forgiven him for the ‘winking’ incident in World Cup 2006.

That just makes it harder to judge, spain and Germany was ok nothing to write home about.
France and porto was boring
The man of the tournament has to be the 40 year old old porto defender, forget his name.
They all looked tired, of all the years watching it was always about teams improvement going further in the tournament that made it exciting, free flowing football, exciting attacking football, no fear, not playing for penalties,
It seems that’s changed completely now because the football was much more exciting at the start of this tournament than it is now and some of them lesser teams would have played them 4 teams playing tonight off the park without too much of an effort

I caught the extra time on the Germany game, I’m pleased they are out, I look upon them as an unlucky side to play against for us.

France game,.never saw it, but I heard it was a dead even stalemate.

I’ve also watched International football tournanents all my life, but I remember them different to you.
I find this one no different to any othet tbh, teams coming out fresh at the start,.and getting leggy and tired towards the end, and defending more as the game draws to.end to avoid extra time and penalties,.rather than constant fast paced football…
Thing is they are playing around 3 games in 7 days at first, rather than 1 a week,.which makes a hell of a difference

As for England, if we DO win, all the boring defensive sitting back style and tactics will be forgotten.

Rumour is he is playing 3 at the back tonight, like a 3 5 2, with players actually running behind geting the ball forward…at last.:roll_eyes:

Still think he should play Saka at left back, rather than Shaw, and rather than him playing wide on the right, of which to me he does not look to be comfortable with.

Palmer as a central no 10?..or even together with Foden a bit more central, rather than his un.natural left side position?..with again Gordon playing wide left?
Who knows.
Could be a good game tonight…or not.:smiley:

I’m even breaking the habits of a life time to get back to see it…2 kin 4am starts on the trot :flushed: not like me at all (seat booked in pub :smiley:)

Wow…just wow.:sunglasses:
Through to semis, hoping it’s NL.
Made it home, but not to pub, watched at home with a mate… drinking my beers.
Hate penalty shoot outs…kin agony.:roll_eyes:

What did I say about Saka?
Looks like matey is right after all…
I know nothing about football.:flushed: :joy:

Did England win?

What can you say, you can’t slag them anymore even for not playing well
It’s got to the stage of acceptance and that’s not a bad thing as long as the momentum continues, even if it doesn’t they have done well
Southgate is creating history for the team and himself, question is if he wins it will he stay or go
I think he should go and leave on a high and even if he doesn’t win it, it’s still a high
Looks like the 2 lovers will be having a midweek night out, holland v England

Tbf mate I have not ‘slagged’ them at all from day 1.
Commented adversely, criticised tactics and momentum sure, but not ‘slagged’,.I have said from the start, love or hate Southgate, his record speaks for it’s self.

If we had lost to Slovakia (30 seconds away from that) he would have been sacked,.and England would have walked off the field to a cacophony of booos, but he has gone beyond all that now by getting us to a semi final …again !

If we get to, and win, the final, it will sure as hell be…‘Arise Sir Gareth’.
He will want to finish on a high, but the FA will offer him a better deal to what he is on now (a relative fraction of what the likes of Sven and Capella were on btw) and it will be his decision alone.

From a personal pov, the fact that Eddie Howe is one of the leading favourites I hope he stays on for World Cup.

Holland looked good last night btw, I was expecting Turkey to beat them.

I dont know who those ‘2 lovers’ are you are on about btw, nor what you are doing for the game, but I will either be parked up (earlier than usual) in some kin truckstop or another :roll_eyes:…and sat in their cafe or bar in front of a tv, or maybe even in the cab watching it on my tablet.

Btw @ Md 1987…
Nah they lost mate.:confused:

Just found watching England an endurance test, so so boring and 9o minutes plus to endure.
As a contrast Henley Regatta finals today, showing live on U tube, English girls have just stuffed the Yanks in an edge of the seat race.

I thought there was something in the rules about stopping short and interrupting a penalty shot to wait for the goalkeeper to move first then taking it.

A keeper is allowed to move before a penalty spot kick as long as his feet are on the goal line,…and at least one foot touching the line (or in line with the line.)

But is the penalty taker allowed to halt after starting the run on the ball to wait for the keeper to move first then taking the kick ?.IE feinting a kick after the run up ?.

Yes it is often done if I understand your point rightly.

Law 14 the penalty kick from FA website

A penalty kick is awarded if a player commits a direct free kick offence inside their penalty area or off the field as part of play as outlined in Laws 12 and 13.

A goal may be scored directly from a penalty kick.

1. Procedure

The ball must be stationary, with part of the ball touching or overhanging the centre on the penalty mark, and the goalposts, crossbar and goal net must not be moving.

The player taking the penalty kick must be clearly identified.

The defending goalkeeper must remain on the goal line, facing the kicker, between the goalposts until the ball is kicked. The goalkeeper must not behave
in a way that unfairly distracts the kicker, e.g. delay the taking of the kick or touch the goalposts, crossbar or goal net.

The players other than the kicker and goalkeeper must be:

  • at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the penalty mark
  • behind the penalty mark
  • inside the field of play
  • outside the penalty area

After the players have taken positions in accordance with this Law, the referee signals for the penalty kick to be taken.

The player taking the penalty kick must kick the ball forward; backheeling is permitted provided the ball moves forward.

When the ball is kicked, the defending goalkeeper must have at least part of one foot touching, in line with, or behind, the goal line.

The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves.

The kicker must not play the ball again until it has touched another player.

It’s seems the kicker can mess about but the goal keeper is more restricted