Euro 2024

Hard luck Scotland, they gave it a go in the last 20 minutes, it just wasn’t to be

Just noticed that there are a lack of England (and Scotland) flags flying during this competition.
For last 20+ years we saw flags, especially on cars vans and trucks…I have seen just ONE van flying flags.

I’m thinking maybe true to form in the UK, that the Old Bill,.(dreaded ‘Fun Police squad’ ) have something to do with it.:roll_eyes:

Tbf I used to have a flag on my n/s mirror in the past, and one flying over my garden bar, the wife counteracted by flying a orange Netherlands football flag, but even we havent bothered this year either.
Hey just thought…maybe I’m starting to grow up a bit at last :flushed:
God I hope not.:joy:

i think they have changed the law…

it used to be that if you were a complete idiot every 4 years you had to fly a flag on your car or house with a red cross on a white background. If you were completely incapable of driving properly you had to fly 2 or more.

i jest however a few world cups ago someone i knew had one flying from every window of his car hottest summer on record and he couldnt open the car windows because if he did the flags would blow off and no aircon

Ok guilty I was that idiot if ya like.

Way I saw it was…all just a bit of fun,.showing support, and entering fully into the spirit of whole tournament rather than idiocy, but that is open to opinion granted.:smiley:

I remember 2002 was it?.., when World Cup was held in Far East.
All the games were 5am ish kick offs due to time difference.
I was shipping out from Immingham so parked there night before for morning boat at Killingholme.

The Landlord of The County Hotel opposite was serving free breakfasts for the lads watching the England game.
It was against Brazil in the knockout stages.
We went over there, a lot of lads (not drivers) were knocking pints back at that time in morning.:smile:

Rest is history,.Ronhaldinio scored a lucky goal off not a shot but a cross🙄, and we were out.
I remember walking back to the truck and ripping the flag of the n/s mirror as soon as poss in disgust…totally gutted.:joy:

Interesting to see the effort tonight with the group all over the place and England already qualified no matter what happens.
The seed is already planted that they are already qualified so the performance should be interesting
They all have something to play for

No doubt lots of beer will be wasted in the goal celebrations. A proper fan can keep a hold of his pint, honestly fans these days.

We are already through, so Gareth has got an opportunity tonight to play a different style of football,.a style wgere they are not going to go stale, and come unstuck as against Denmark.

Instead of just playing his best players altogether, he needs to play different players in different positions, and in their right positions where they are comfortable.
Lets start with getting some kind of threat on the left, Anthony Gordon for eg, and play Foden where he plays best, central, in an effort to keep feeding balls in the box.
We shall see.:roll_eyes:

They should have a new name called lucky lucky
It’s a mystery how top players at the height of their game can not gel or know what position they should be playing in
Thinking it should get better as games progress it’s getting worse
God help them when they have to play catch up
You don’t need to be a good team to beat them it has to be the worst team for a few years
Please play the other 15 players it can’t be worse

He was through to knockouts before kick off…He had a free shot.
If he considers those 10 outfield players as his best team, why did he risk injuries,.why did he not rest at least 4 or 5, and try others to see if they csn do any better in the system he makes them play in, or even tty something different.
Bringing Gordon on .in the 88th minute😳, wtf was all that about,.what was the point.
I know we play next Sunday, not sure who yet, but some of these defensive sitting back tactics,.and certain players not heing used to their club potential needs addressed, otherwise they are done.

I think if they had lost they would have faced Germany, remember reading it somewhere, it might explain some of his tactics
Can’t see him changing much now in the knockout stages hes too set in his ways

So Southgate had a plan after all it was not the team it was the draw for last 16
You couldn’t write this stuff the man has foresight he’s a genius it’s all baby steps from here on in, you have to believe in something so why not this
Of all the places in the world of all the teams in the world of all the draws in the world you couldn’t have wished for more
Don’t matter how they play as long as they don’t lose and they will all come home heroes and all the past 3 games will be forgotten
Sports you either love it or hate it
The hunger in these minnow teams is off the wall they are playing till their last breath

Cant understand some fans moaning because the draws are ‘too easy’, :roll_eyes:…it’s a positive not a negative.
Same last World Cup,.same last Euros, …you can only play with the cards you are dealt.

IF we win it, the group stages, the negative defensive football,.and the so called ‘easy path’ to the final will all be forgotten.

The football played by England so far is dull as, I get all that, but we have played 4 and a half hours football, and conceded only 1 goal,.we are top of group,.and still have a full squad with no injuries or suspensions, playing that system.
Lets build on that ffs…the END justifies the MEANS,.glass half full and all that.

He’s either going to keep the lineup as it is Why because its got them to last 16
Or he has more reason to play that way to bring it to a penalty shoot out
He’s 8 years in the job, he has to be doing something right to last that long, i just personally think a man with more experience would get the best out of this team
Its all the passing back that seems to stop the team getting into a flowing system, it might work for others but not for them, not with the quality they have
Everybody should be happy they have got this far so let’s wait and see

That is the whole point…he thinks he IS getting the best out of his team…he’s an ex defender, he’s primarily defensively minded by nature.
He has the defence situation well sorted, so a bit more tweaking within midfield would be no bad thing regardless.
As I have said, if we win it, or even get to final (again) …I dont care how he does it.

This bloody football is costing me money again.:roll_eyes:…just turned down another full week in favour of watching the game during an all day session on Sunday in the pub.
Need to get my priorities right… a day socialising with friends, or 2 extra days Mon and Tues ,and a night out, in a kin truck.
Oh hang on…I have. :joy:

Hoping we meet Holland next round,.another day out for me and the Mrs then.

The Italians have gone.
I’d lurrve to see the Danes beat the Krauts tonight btw…

One of the most unusual Italian teams I’ve ever seen, they weren’t falling down they weren’t pulling Jerseys they weren’t playing football, all credit to the Swiss
It wasn’t Germany who lit up the place it was thunderstorms, they weren’t that impressive

Through to last 8 can’t be that bad, there was glimpses of how they could play but boy was that close
You could see the goalkeeper even playing the 12 man, he very nearly got caught out if that had have gone in it was over

It was proven yesterday (by the fact we were literally 30 seconds from being binned from the tournament :roll_eyes: ) that we can not play the same tactics and system in the knockout stages as we did in the group stages…hanging back, side and back passes in midfield.:roll_eyes:

When Palmer came on, the whole game changed, he should have put Gordon on the left to balance up the midfield, and as for putting Saka left back, a much better idea than Trippier.
Switzerland will be a different ball game (literally) Slovakia play a similar style and tempo than us,.Swiss do NOT.
He’s got the defence sorted, lets see some flair and attack up front, rather than these kin annoying passing back and passing sideways,…and stop leaving required changes and substitutions too effin late.

Robroy, did you say “we”?