Foden SABRINA S24,S30,S34,S35,S36,S37,S38 and S39 Cabs.

First of all,and in reality,I do not write rubbish - “bollox” as Bewick puts it - I just state objective and
historic facts,such as in my last post,indeed in all of my previous posts…and in this post.

It is quite obvious to any reasonable person,including Yours Truly,that Bewick and other Doubting Thomases,just like Lord Cherwell,just do not want to accept the objective facts…well it’s your choice,but you are wrong.
You do not even want to accept Sepo’s statement:-
“when growimg up this model was always remarked to as the Sabrina cab… ERF also used the name on one of there rigid models with a bonnet on.”
And Sepo is a road haulage man! :exclamation: Your selective choice mode must be in overdrive :slight_smile:

As I said in my previous post there are plenty of independent references to Foden SABRINA S24,S30,S34,S35,S36,S37,S38 and S39 Cabs on the internet.
And I and my friends and many other people and fairground people will contine to use the Foden SABRINA name and Spaceship and Sputnik names in our homes,rally fields,other venues,fairgrounds,on the internet,etc,forevermore :smiley:


Foden SABRINA S24,S30,S34,S35,S36,S37,S38 and S39 Cabs.

First of all,and in reality,I do not write rubbish - “bollox” as Bewick puts it - I just state objective and
historic facts,such as in my last post,indeed in all of my previous posts…and in this post.

It is quite obvious to any reasonable person,including Yours Truly,that Bewick and other Doubting Thomases,just like Lord Cherwell,just do not want to accept the objective facts…well it’s your choice,but you are wrong.
You do not even want to accept Sepo’s statement:-
“when growimg up this model was always remarked to as the Sabrina cab… ERF also used the name on one of there rigid models with a bonnet on.”
And Sepo is a road haulage man! :exclamation: Your selective choice mode must be in overdrive :slight_smile:

As I said in my previous post there are plenty of independent references to Foden SABRINA S24,S30,S34,S35,S36,S37,S38 and S39 Cabs on the internet.
And I,my friends and many other people and fairground people will contine to use the Foden SABRINA name and Spaceship and Sputnik names in our homes,rally fields and venues,fairgrounds,on the internet,etc
forevermore :smiley:


Aye O.K. then ! and we’ll probably now find “Saviem” face down in one of the ditches he’s cleared out on his Ambridge farm in the past day or so !!Bewick.

Well I used to get used spares from an Ex showman at Fenchouses a bloke called Jimmy Monte, He used to get a lot of ex ICI Fodens in plus BSC, ones & he never mentioned a Foden being called Sabrina, He allways refered to a Foden by its proper title EG S 18,S 20 S21 & so on, But the first chance I get to speak to him I shall ask him about it, Regards Larry.

Like I said,only two Sabrinas.
One was a bonneted ERF.
Other had ■■■■■■■■.

Chris you just like saying ■■■■!

Chris you just like saying ■■■■!

No good beating round the bush Franky,get it said and subject is closed (is that Guy 240 subject closed now?)… :laughing:

Can I remind people to attack the post , not the person who made it, If you struggle with this we can help by checking all your posts before they appear… play nice gents or dont play at ll.

Well I’ve gotta say it, who would have expected a moderators warning on this forum the most genteel on TNUK home of aged hauliers & lorry freaks,(yeah OK I’m both) but only the ERF was named in honour of Stockports finest the unfeasibley endowed “Sabrina”.As has been mentioned Foden Sabrina could well have been a name known only to showmen as they have a “lingua franca” of their own!PS just been told Sabrinas a bit of an ikon for those who bat for the other team,if you get what I mean, 1950’s glam and all that!!

Evening all, its my fault…I own up!!

Ive got all us blokes into trouble…I did`nt mean to,…honest.

Now Teachers given us all 200lines, (are they from Workington? We are going to need that Park Gate Sabrina ERF to move that lot)!! And I cannot come out of the “naughty corner” till all 200lines are done.

Apologies if I have upset the sensitive ones…and the “management”…I take full blame…I apologise for any hurt feelings, personal, or procedural…but I really must challenge the “thesis” that Sabrina applied to anything other than Chris Webbs “pin up”, and Mr ERFs charming brewery dray, so perhaps it would be better if I go back to the “core”, on Foden Thoughts.

Cheerio for now.

Mis-justice you are right but use carbon paper teachers are not bright enough to notice.

Evening all, its my fault…I own up!!

Ive got all us blokes into trouble…I did`nt mean to,…honest.

Now Teachers given us all 200lines, (are they from Workington? We are going to need that Park Gate Sabrina ERF to move that lot)!! And I cannot come out of the “naughty corner” till all 200lines are done.

Apologies if I have upset the sensitive ones…and the “management”…I take full blame…I apologise for any hurt feelings, personal, or procedural…but I really must challenge the “thesis” that Sabrina applied to anything other than Chris Webbs “pin up”, and Mr ERFs charming brewery dray, so perhaps it would be better if I go back to the “core”, on Foden Thoughts.

Cheerio for now.

You Coward “Saviem”,I have spent a lot of my time on the “thread” under the occaisional threat of “ex-communication” by the “Powers that be”, however,without contributors of your calibre the quality of content on the TN site would be greatly reduced.You, me and “most” of the other chaps/lads on the site are quite partial to a bit of “near the knuckle” banter and craic,with no offence meant or taken, but unfortunately the PC brigade and the “thin skinned” are unable to comprehend our long departed,distant sense of humourfrom yesteryear,accordingly,we are expected to operate “so to speak” at the the lowest PC level which is prevelant to-day.Come on “Saviem” you are no longer flying the flag for some now long defunct Gaulic HGV manufacturer so you are not “hide bound” to be all things to all men,are you ?Keeps us er! Old’uns interested though,Cheers Dennis.

This might turn up some info for a friend of mine, he builds model trucks and has a thing for Scottish & Newcastle breweries trucks. As the Sabrina was aimed at the breweries market does anyone know of S & N ever having any of these in Edinburgh or anywhere else?

Hiya been a bit boring getting back on track… Sabrina come from Stockport.
Wilson’s brewery was in Newton heath (i wonder if that’s where the Newton
and Wigley come from in Corrie)■■? with the brewery been that close to Stockport
i wonder if it was the drayman that named the lorry Sabrina. the name was never
mentioned in the cab workshop.i must say their was a few posters of the girl.

was this one called Nora batty :grimacing:this was most defo called Dennis (but not after mr smith :grimacing: )

Hello Bobbyrab There was at least one in the fleet because it turned up at Lanark Market where I would think it was for sale that was many moons ago by the way it was a 6wl flat. Eddie.

Cheers Eddie, I am sure the old boy will be jumping with joy. If anyone has any more info on it please let us know. I bet he will have the model built shortly and will be displaying it at Gaydon.

In C&VC mag some years ago there was a picture of a Sabrina that was a mixer, the front axle was set back and the bulge housed gearbox/pto for the mixer driver. Not sure if it was unique but certainly looked a nice bit of kit.

In C&VC mag some years ago there was a picture of a Sabrina that was a mixer, the front axle was set back and the bulge housed gearbox/pto for the mixer driver. Not sure if it was unique but certainly looked a nice bit of kit.

iirc it wasn’t a Sabrina - just a KV with the front bulge to accomodate the pump


Sobrina is Spanish for niece .

Hiya…shurley the mixer is a Sabrina cab fitted to a standard chassis…i thought the Sabrina bit was
what stuck out in front… not how many men could get inside at one time with an engine.