Hiya…shurley the mixer is a Sabrina cab fitted to a standard chassis…i thought the Sabrina bit was
what stuck out in front… not how many men could get inside at one time with an engine.

Now we’re getting sexist! :laughing:

My fathers friend Mr Fred Broadley of coalville Leicestershire bought a brand new ERF Sabrina 6 wheel tipper in 1962.The licence plate was 326CUT .This vehicle was used at the whitwick granite company where my dad was a company driver. My dad used to work part time for Mr Broadley and I remember going down to London in this fine vehicle a few times. It was fantastic seating for three and you could actually hear yourself speak in the cab unlike contemporary lorries .It had a gardiner 6 LW engine.Mr Broadley went out of the business around 1963 and this truck was sold to a tipper outfit in Northamptonshire.Mr Broadley and my father are no longer with us and his son has no photos.It was probably the best lorry I ever rode in

Hello Folks
Photo of fawn coloured Sabrina 231 DXN, posted last week was run by the Woodside Brick Co., South Norwood, London. They also ran LV 6 wheelers. They folded up as iIt was said they had ran out of clay. But then they started back again! They had several Sabrinas. It turned up at the Market Drayton REVs rally 20 odd years ago, on a low loader. Originally it had cage sides, Would anyone have any photos of it when it was working? Early to mid 60s. Good Luck Al