Old John:
Some scary reading here.
Manufacturers spend untold millions developing the most efficient drive train they can and drivers run a gear down from top because they know better!
And drivers moan about companies that remove the manual function from autoshift boxes!
To the OP, yours sounds wrong though, there’s high gearing and then there’s madness, if yours is really running at 950rpms at 90km/h then you have a rear axle ratio for a direct drive top gear and an overdrive gearbox.
Or more than likely a dodgy sensor or somesuch electronic wizardry that’s not behaving itself.
That’s a bit arrogant my friend. After all, there is no one size fits all, no matter what the manufacturer would like us to think.
I wonder if you have any idea of the terrain we predominantly operate in. eg. We have a journey of around 120 miles to the nearest motorway or dual carriageway. I have not encountered one modern truck, manual or automatic, which will hold top gear at 40 mph, you may know better though, and I shall be pleased to hear from you.
Also, regarding investment by manufacturers in their trucks. Some of them have certainly invested eye watering amounts in their products, and they are still no where near up to the job.
I am an owner operator myself, and efficient operation is an absolute priority. You are quite dismissive of drivers, but I can tell you that there are many very able and conscientious drivers in this area, mostly working for small companies to whom they are quite dedicated, and who would not deliberately waste their employers fuel.
Horses for courses lad, horses for courses!
Absolutely, there isn’t a one size fits all lorry, which is why each and every manufacturer has an options list. On that list you can specify different final drive ratios. Obviously a used lorry with the right specs is harder to find, but if you need a lorry a bit different from the common or garden fleet spec trunker type lorry, you need to shop around to find something suitable.
As for a lorry that will do 40mph in top gear, how about a roadsweeper? Now that may sound flippant, but seriously that’s about all you’ll find with a gear spread that allows 40mph top gear cruising. This situation is the reason behind multi ratio gearboxes, a truck set up for high speed motorway running will need to drop a cog or two for 40mph cruising. In those situations running at 1400rpm is more often than not a good speed, 40mph roads have bends, hills, junctions and traffic, so it allows you to shave off a few mph and regain speed without shifting gears.
I’m not dismissive of drivers per se, but a driver that splits a gear to keep an engine designed to cruise in top gear at very low rpms revving a bit higher because he thinks he knows better is a completely different story.
I feel the same about owner drivers or hauliers that complain about high fuel costs and low fuel consumption and then see that they’ve totally destroyed the countless hours of wind tunnel testing and CAD design to get the best aerodynamic package by bolting half a mile of spot light clad scaffolding on the roof of their lorries.
Now before the bling boys start on me, I’m not saying a few extra lights aren’t necessary on some roads, or that nobody should tart up their lorry, I like a tasted up lorry, but if you do that sort of thing, then fuel economy and efficiency are not at the top of your list of priorities.