Employers responsibility

Olog Hai:

I would go and get a decent job.

Check out some of his past posts. I’m not sure he counts as a desirable driver who will have companies falling over each other to secure his services.

He’s still entitled to drive a vehicle that’s fit for purpose and avoid damaging his back.

a day out now and again in the company scrapper wont do you any harm.stop whining and get on with it.
think about all those poor drivers who drive about every single day with no air seats in smaller trucks.
whine and moan then see how more often you get the same truck till you leave.

Be careful if you take the air line off under the seat base it will come down quickly and can trap your hand or arm the seat is very difficult to lift up once its down.

It’s an MOT failure, defect it…

motorsport trucker:
Be careful if you take the air line off under the seat base it will come down quickly and can trap your hand or arm the seat is very difficult to lift up once its down.

Fair point…

In the event of you losing any limbs it wasn’t me that suggested it, my account was hacked by one of the forums many sock puppets :laughing:

Put it this way if it happens that it goes all wrong and it comes out that you were driving a vehicle that you knew was defective?
Grow a pair and tell them it isn’t moving .
Also tell them you will report it to DVSA if its not sorted .
Tell them you value your licence even if they don’t value their O licence.

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

It’s an MOT failure, defect it…

No it isn’t. As long as the seat is secure it’ll pass a test.


a day out now and again in the company scrapper wont do you any harm.stop whining and get on with it.
think about all those poor drivers who drive about every single day with no air seats in smaller trucks.
whine and moan then see how more often you get the same truck till you leave.

Once worked for a company in Norwich(Fitzmaurice Carriers) a very long time ago and with no exaggeration every truck they had from the 7.5ton D series/ Cargo’s to the Bedford TM and Ford Artics, D series and 2820 Cargo’s were scrappers. The seat in the 2817 D series was completely fu[zb]ed and sat on the ■■■■ doing your back in by the end of the day. Went in one day and again handed the keys to it but this time refused (numerous times id asked to have the seat replaced) TM got the right hump and gave me something else to drive. Next day the p.o.s was ‘fixed’…workshop had put a pile of washers under the seat runner bolts in an attempt to get the seat upright… :unamused: What a bunch of wan[zb]rs they were to work for…


a day out now and again in the company scrapper wont do you any harm.stop whining and get on with it.
think about all those poor drivers who drive about every single day with no air seats in smaller trucks.
whine and moan then see how more often you get the same truck till you leave.

Once worked for a company in Norwich(Fitzmaurice Carriers) a very long time ago and with no exaggeration every truck they had from the 7.5ton D series/ Cargo’s to the Bedford TM and Ford Artics, D series and 2820 Cargo’s were scrappers. The seat in the 2817 D series was completely fu[zb]ed and sat on the ■■■■ doing your back in by the end of the day. Went in one day and again handed the keys to it but this time refused (numerous times id asked to have the seat replaced) TM got the right hump and gave me something else to drive. Next day the p.o.s was ‘fixed’…workshop had put a pile of washers under the seat runner bolts in an attempt to get the seat upright… :unamused: What a bunch of wan[zb]rs they were to work for…

I defence of the workshop they were probably under instruction to bodge things al the least expense.
It helps if the garage man has “grown a pair” and isn’t afraid to spend company’s money.
There’s nowt wrong with having a jaunt in the yard scrapper if it’s all legal and drives nice. :laughing:


a day out now and again in the company scrapper wont do you any harm.stop whining and get on with it.
think about all those poor drivers who drive about every single day with no air seats in smaller trucks.
whine and moan then see how more often you get the same truck till you leave.

Once worked for a company in Norwich(Fitzmaurice Carriers) a very long time ago and with no exaggeration every truck they had from the 7.5ton D series/ Cargo’s to the Bedford TM and Ford Artics, D series and 2820 Cargo’s were scrappers. The seat in the 2817 D series was completely fu[zb]ed and sat on the ■■■■ doing your back in by the end of the day. Went in one day and again handed the keys to it but this time refused (numerous times id asked to have the seat replaced) TM got the right hump and gave me something else to drive. Next day the p.o.s was ‘fixed’…workshop had put a pile of washers under the seat runner bolts in an attempt to get the seat upright… :unamused: What a bunch of wan[zb]rs they were to work for…

In defence of the workshop they were probably under instruction to bodge things at the least expense.
It helps if the garage man has “grown a pair” and isn’t afraid to spend company’s money.
There’s nowt wrong with having a jaunt in the yard scrapper if it’s all legal and drives nice.

Olog Hai:

I would go and get a decent job.

Check out some of his past posts. I’m not sure he counts as a desirable driver who will have companies falling over each other to secure his services.

I know the feeling well mate :grimacing:

Once had a seat stuck in the up position…i couldnt reach the pedals let alone anything else…reported it…and was told…your only going to be in it for a couple of hours…i didnt take it out…but someone else did who was much taller than me…no other units available was their reason…but they did put in another seat…eventually.

There’s nowt wrong with having a jaunt in the yard scrapper if it’s all legal and drives nice. :laughing:

+1. As long as its legal, I won’t get wet, the heater works and ideally the radio as well because my singing is crap I don’t give a toss what I’m driving.

I think everyone should do a stint working for an O/D with no money and delusions of grandeur who tries to start a small fleet meaning you end up driving a 10 year old munter with 2 million on the clock that he managed to buy for a few grand. Teaches you to use your initiativeto sort out issues on your own because there’s no transport office to hold your hand, learn bush mechanics because if you break down unless you can fix it McGyver style you’re not getting home that day and makes you appreciate when you get a decent motor and work at a larger company. Some of the whining you hear at some companies about pathetic little things, quite clearly those drivers have had a very easy life and don’t know when they’ve got it good.


There’s nowt wrong with having a jaunt in the yard scrapper if it’s all legal and drives nice. :laughing:

+1. As long as its legal, I won’t get wet, the heater works and ideally the radio as well because my singing is crap I don’t give a toss what I’m driving.

I think everyone should do a stint working for an O/D with no money and delusions of grandeur who tries to start a small fleet meaning you end up driving a 10 year old munter with 2 million on the clock that he managed to buy for a few grand. Teaches you to use your initiativeto sort out issues on your own because there’s no transport office to hold your hand, learn bush mechanics because if you break down unless you can fix it McGyver style you’re not getting home that day and makes you appreciate when you get a decent motor and work at a larger company. Some of the whining you hear at some companies about pathetic little things, quite clearly those drivers have had a very easy life and don’t know when they’ve got it good.

At my last gig before retirement at easter last year I used to dream about having a 10 year old munter.
My regular motor was 15 years old and it wasn’t exactly doing local work though I never needed to night out in it.
There were some more the same age as well as a couple even older used as spare motors.
This was an own account operator too, and the garage were very good and not afraid to spend money.

Why should we have to put up with substandard equipment? Drivers need to stop just getting on with it when stuff is clearly not right, because that’s why it’s all knackered in the first place.

If your seat is broken, you’ve got to defect it and refuse to drive the truck.

Thanks all for taking the time to give a comment.
The answers range from ‘grow a pair’ to ‘don’t put up with it’…
The majority seem to say that it is unsafe,unfair and unprincipled to drive sub standard and probably illegal kit…that’s the advice I needed.


What did you do?

Go in and protest by burning your bra, throw a sicky or take the motor out?

At my last gig before retirement at easter last year I used to dream about having a 10 year old munter.
My regular motor was 15 years old and it wasn’t exactly doing local work though I never needed to night out in it.
There were some more the same age as well as a couple even older used as spare motors.
This was an own account operator too, and the garage were very good and not afraid to spend money.

My first truck as an O/D was a very fu[zb]ed F7 bought from Leggets Transport Elmswell (lucky 7 on the visor) not so lucky for it once id up plated it to 38t (and some). The little 6.7litre 224hp engine was at its max everywhere and on the gradients feet up and read the paper. Big run up at the hills was the order of the day. It was rusty, rattly and had seen far better days…but that little 7 went all over europe and apart from a clutch never let me down. How i drove it and loaded it, it was a pretty good attempt at completely destroying it but it served well and on its final journey was actually sorry to see the old p.o.s go… :grimacing:


What did you do?

Go in and protest by burning your bra, throw a sicky or take the motor out?

I don’t wear a bra but won’t judge you if that’s your thing…

Took out a different truck…after some hassle with the router…