Eddie Stobart Trucks and Trailers


Keith badge:
Wouldn’t say they drive for peanut’s, mate of mine was circulating around 30k last year… Moneys OK from what I ear

For how many hours/days per week?

he bangd the hours in, rolling shifts as well, but if you want to earn the money its there bud

The drivers i have spoken have said nobody wants to drive in Europe for them.
They have the Naafi milatary contract and steel to Germany.
And the Pirelli F1,you are flown around the world for that.A select few do that.
The Euro drivers can take home £1200 per month.Away for weeks.

It’s better to earn £600 takehome for working 48 hours than for £700 takehome working 84+ hours isn’t it?

It seems that agency on stobarts is the way to go. Yet, after being on agency these past three years - I’ve yet to do a single shift at Stobarts. I’ve even worked at places like Swains which hardly ever use agencies - but never a Stobart shift anywhere… :question:

Dave55,thanks for backing up my random ramblings.

irish lorries:


50 thousand followers


Twitter - for people who can’t shut the [zb] up :exclamation:

Very true have you read some of the things he wrote

Unfortunately :slight_smile: I don’t have a Twitter account. Usual tosh?

It’s better to earn £600 takehome for working 48 hours ?:

That’s approx £16.50 per hour isn’t it? Who pays that?

Although I fully understand and agree with what you are trying to say

irish lorries:
He is a knob he thinks he stobarts best driver

A Security Man at an RDC I went too told me Dixon had been in the day before and he was full of himself and is a knob .

Sooner watch them on the telly than work for them , tried them through an agency and found the management a bunch of ignorant ***ts , will never work for them again.

George@ASDA driver:

It’s better to earn £600 takehome for working 48 hours ?:

That’s approx £16.50 per hour isn’t it? Who pays that?

Although I fully understand and agree with what you are trying to say

I’ve heard it said by many on here that RM will pay that after 12 weeks right through, and that stobarts “crick” (DIRFT estate) can match it for agency. Personally, I reckon that seeing as Daventry is north of the watford gap (albeit just!) it’s a close one to call as to if that’s real or not.

If you miss them that much you can buy the Eddie Stobart " Trucking Songs " CD !! :laughing:

If you miss them that much you can buy the Eddie Stobart " Trucking Songs " CD !! :laughing:

I bet you highway to hell is on it :laughing:

“Eddie Stobarts Excellent Adventures”

I think it says something about the programming on Channel 5 that they have felt the need to re-hash an old series under a different name to fill a prime time slot.

Whatever anybody says about ‘Trucks & Trailers’ though, it was a marvellous promotional & business stunt for Stobarts. How much money are they making out of merchandise? Stobart Fest? How many young drivers have they got queuing up wanting to live Stobart dream? A generation of drivers they can shape the wage expectations of.

How much do the car transporter drivers make I wonder

The Euro drivers can take home £1200 per month.Away for weeks.

Cone off it, I take that in 2 weeks for ToS and they’re supposed to pay buttons.

Dave55,thanks for backing up my random ramblings.

That’s ok mate - someone’s gotta stick up for you! :wink:

A Security Man at an RDC I went too told me Dixon had been in the day before and he was full of himself and is a knob .

Well it must be true then :unamused: :unamused:

The Euro drivers can take home £1200 per month.Away for weeks.

Rubbish , please stop !


If you eat at Rugby truckstop,i noticed Stobart drivers ignore other Stobart drivers.

Fact. I have seen that :open_mouth:

or they just don’t know them


A Security Man at an RDC I went too told me Dixon had been in the day before and he was full of himself and is a knob .

Well it must be true then :unamused: :unamused:

The shunters at Tesco Reading say he’s been there too and that he’s a ■■■■ as well :wink:

irish lorries:

If you miss them that much you can buy the Eddie Stobart " Trucking Songs " CD !! :laughing:

I bet you highway to hell is on it :laughing:

I bet ‘Moneys too tight to Mention’ is on it too :slight_smile:
I spent 3 years at Widnes and it wasn’t too bad to be honest usual quote it paid the bills

I think the stobart programmes have done well in getting kids interested in lorry driving so it is doing some good. The only downside is they’ll all aspire to driving for stobarts :unamused: