Duel Accounts & treble Accounts

The question, is it allowed, and if it is at what time in the process do the mods stop it if they do, or revile it.
Also is it happening that much or does it happen that much
Has anyone noticed or think they know members who might have a few accounts posing as some one else
Also why would you do that, if your not barred from posting whats the point.
Plus if one of there alter egos says something bad is the rest of ones duel accounts blocked because only the mods would know how many they had.

The question, is it allowed,

There is no rules that stop people making 2nd/3rd accounts - it can be done for many reasons, I have a 2nd account that is used rarely, In my case its because anything posted under this account is “official” and at times I may wish to give an opinion or advice publicaly or via PM that is purely personal and wouldn’t want those comments to be taken as coming from the “management”.

and if it is at what time in the process do the mods stop it if they do, or revile it.

Action is taken against any account, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd etc when the style of posting becomes disruptive to the community

Also is it happening that much or does it happen that much

Far less than some members here seem to think :slight_smile: although there are some folks with multi personality disorder on a grand scale

Has anyone noticed or think they know members who might have a few accounts posing as some one else

I am sure that many have suspicions some well founded others not so

Also why would you do that, if your not barred from posting whats the point.

Some folks like attention, others like to have conversations with themselves to try to make themselves look intelligent/popular

Plus if one of there alter egos says something bad is the rest of ones duel accounts blocked because only the mods would know how many they had.

If anyone breaches the rules any accounts we identify or suspect being the same person also get sanctioned, it is up to the account holders to show us conclusively they are not associated with the sanctioned account- not for us to prove they are.


The question, is it allowed,

There is no rules that stop people making 2nd/3rd accounts - it can be done for many reasons, I have a 2nd account that is used rarely, In my case its because anything posted under this account is “official” and at times I may wish to give an opinion or advice publicaly or via PM that is purely personal and wouldn’t want those comments to be taken as coming from the “management”.

and if it is at what time in the process do the mods stop it if they do, or revile it.

Action is taken against any account, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd etc when the style of posting becomes disruptive to the community

Also is it happening that much or does it happen that much

Far less than some members here seem to think :slight_smile: although there are some folks with multi personality disorder on a grand scale

Has anyone noticed or think they know members who might have a few accounts posing as some one else

I am sure that many have suspicions some well founded others not so

Also why would you do that, if your not barred from posting whats the point.

Some folks like attention, others like to have conversations with themselves to try to make themselves look intelligent/popular

Plus if one of there alter egos says something bad is the rest of ones duel accounts blocked because only the mods would know how many they had.

If anyone breaches the rules any accounts we identify or suspect being the same person also get sanctioned, it is up to the account holders to show us conclusively they are not associated with the sanctioned account- not for us to prove they are.

Very well explained, thank you.

There you are. You couldn’t have been more clear and obvious if you wanted too without seemingly giving it away… :grimacing: :grimacing:

i always think its easier to spot when he/they all work the same shift and vanish at the same time…but what do i know… :confused:

i always think its easier to spot when he/they all work the same shift and vanish at the same time…but what do i know… :confused:

I have not got any other accounts except for this one only, that is if you are referring to me.

Another question, why would the mods block posts from people who know other people are fraud and could expose them, that dont make sense.
For what reason why, would you protect them and stop other users exposing them.
It looks to me like the mods are protecting people who do this.

Another question, why would the mods block posts from people who know other people are fraud and could expose them, that dont make sense.
For what reason why, would you protect them and stop other users exposing them.
It looks to me like the mods are protecting people who do this.

Do we? we stop posts that are made by folks on pre mod, that do not constructively add to this forum, the folks on pre mod are there simply because their posts need a little help from the mod team- we are only here to help those on pre mod learn how to use this forum in a constructive manner and not disrupt, its another free service we provide- free training in how to restrain posting on a forum… its a freebie… whats not to like :slight_smile:


i always think its easier to spot when he/they all work the same shift and vanish at the same time…but what do i know… :confused:

I have not got any other accounts except for this one only, that is if you are referring to me.

I don’t see you got mentioned anywhere - don’t get paranoid not everyones out to get you- only some :grimacing:

Another question, why would the mods block posts from people who know other people are fraud and could expose them, that dont make sense.
For what reason why, would you protect them and stop other users exposing them.
It looks to me like the mods are protecting people who do this.


they have aready exposed him/them.
some folk just dont read all the previous posts before answering their pishy trolling attempts and think their posting genuinely.
charlie chisholm always wanted the winchester club to stay open because he knew where all the scallys on the manor would congregate and that way it was easier to keep an eye on them.
mabey the mods want a similar easy life.
i wouldnt hold my breath though.


Another question, why would the mods block posts from people who know other people are fraud and could expose them, that dont make sense.
For what reason why, would you protect them and stop other users exposing them.
It looks to me like the mods are protecting people who do this.

Do we? we stop posts that are made by folks on pre mod, that do not constructively add to this forum, the folks on pre mod are there simply because their posts need a little help from the mod team- we are only here to help those on pre mod learn how to use this forum in a constructive manner and not disrupt, its another free service we provide- free training in how to restrain posting on a forum… its a freebie… whats not to like :slight_smile:

I know what you mean but what you are saying is that all folks on pre mod dont know nothing and dont add any thing constructively to the issue.
As for help with the mods, they were very slow in identifying any person on here who was posting under a false name also i have seen worse been posted by people who aint on pre mod.
So the morel of the meaning is you aint doing you job.
Nice answer

A little insight-
I have been doing this for what must be close to 15 years ( I have lost count)- it started of with about 15 people- most of them are life long friends now. When the trolling started we came down hard and that created a backlash with the more vocal folks who enjoyed creating a scene jumping in- so we backed off and let it run for a while and what happened was the louder folks felt they had taken over and now ran the asylum. So we took a different tack- rather than confront we “aid” the more controversial posters by giving our “advice” on what they have posted before you guys see it
Now we have got to the point where we should be… if folks want to troll then you guys call them out, We only step in when it breaches the rules.

In the last 15 years many other forums have come and gone- some set up by people who didn’t like it here or the management team - Facebook has appeared with a multitude of groups aimed at Truck drivers- but we are still here, still easily the biggest- and the reason for that is the team that actually runs this is made up of members of the community, and they talk and adapt as the membership changes.

TruckNet isn’t perfect … but its been around that long and thrived where all others have failed I got to say if Carlsberg made Truck forums… then it would be called TruckNet UK

I know what you mean but what you are saying is that all folks on pre mod dont know nothing and dont add any thing constructively to the issue.

If their post adds to the forum in a constructive manner it gets passed for public viewing… if its more of the same rubbish that got them on pre mod then it doesn’t, its a fairly simple concept :slight_smile:

As for help with the mods, they were very slow in identifying any person on here who was posting under a false name also i have seen worse been posted by people who aint on pre mod.

Almost everyone on here posts under a false name !! _ unless your parents were particularly cruel and christened you nightline !!! and as said above having more than one account isn’t against the rules unless its to circumvent the rules

So the morel of the meaning is you aint doing you job.
Nice answer

I think the team are doing very well indeed, from where I sit its all going very well,

A little insight-
I have been doing this for what must be close to 15 years ( I have lost count)- it started of with about 15 people- most of them are life long friends now. When the trolling started we came down hard and that created a backlash with the more vocal folks who enjoyed creating a scene jumping in- so we backed off and let it run for a while and what happened was the louder folks felt they had taken over and now ran the asylum. So we took a different tack- rather than confront we “aid” the more controversial posters by giving our “advice” on what they have posted before you guys see it
Now we have got to the point where we should be… if folks want to troll then you guys call them out, We only step in when it breaches the rules.

In the last 15 years many other forums have come and gone- some set up by people who didn’t like it here or the management team - Facebook has appeared with a multitude of groups aimed at Truck drivers- but we are still here, still easily the biggest- and the reason for that is the team that actually runs this is made up of members of the community, and they talk and adapt as the membership changes.

TruckNet isn’t perfect … but its been around that long and thrived where all others have failed I got to say if Carlsberg made Truck forums… then it would be called TruckNet UK

Nice answer, but it dont explain why when yourself and everyone has exposed a troll the mods still back the troll and its lies beyond been exposed.
There has to be guide lines and terms but the mods dont seem to be following that.



i always think its easier to spot when he/they all work the same shift and vanish at the same time…but what do i know… :confused:

I have not got any other accounts except for this one only, that is if you are referring to me.

I don’t see you got mentioned anywhere - don’t get paranoid not everyones out to get you- only some :grimacing:

Well I think it is pretty conclusive that I only have the one account. I just wish some one would just come out and say it. All the mods keep skipping over the subject when it gets raised which then only fuels the rumors that the mods have said I have multiple accounts.

Well I think it is pretty conclusive that I only have the one account.

Is it? I don’t think we have confirmed or denied either way have we?

Nice answer,

Thank you for the compliment

but it dont explain why when yourself and everyone has exposed a troll the mods still back the troll and its lies beyond been exposed.
There has to be guide lines and terms but the mods dont seem to be following that.

I think the team follow the guidelines pretty well- people can troll, until it becomes disruptive. Most of the time the community itself shows them up for what they are. The team only steps in when it breaches the rules and they seem to be doing a pretty good job.


Well I think it is pretty conclusive that I only have the one account.

Is it? I don’t think we have confirmed or denied either way have we?

I agree that the mods do do a good job on here and I suppose you have said that you have not confirmed these rumours so that is something. How would I prove I have only this account then? I fail to see how I can prove I only have the one account when the mods can see all info related to accounts with areas etc.


Well I think it is pretty conclusive that I only have the one account.

Is it? I don’t think we have confirmed or denied either way have we?


check…and checkmate… :confused:

Its not the teams job to validate, or otherwise, claims or denials regarding dual accounts they have better things to do.

If dual accounts are an issue for the moderating team, they will deal with it in private as has always been the case.I am sure that if there is a sudden lack of posts that are somewhat unrealistic or breaching the rules, from prolific members and posts that are constructive still appear then the users of the forum will draw their own conclusions… but its not the moderating teams job to referee in public.