Duel Accounts & treble Accounts



Well I think it is pretty conclusive that I only have the one account.

Is it? I don’t think we have confirmed or denied either way have we?


check…and checkmate… :confused:

Not in the least is this check and checkmate.


check…and checkmate… :confused:

Have you ever given the thought that these other posters who you believe me to be wants you to think this? They are then hiding behind me rather than exposing themselves? Just throwing that into the mix as that is my theory and not so far fetched as me having multiple accounts which is ridiculous to me. :open_mouth:

there are none so blind…
you got ousted last week,
you ,dr,joe,and the rest always work the same shift.
they have been noticable by their absence since you got the back of your legs smacked
and you still keep flogging your dead horse.
no doubt they may reappear in a lesser role shortly.
the idea of trolling is to do it without everyone realising instanty that your just trolling pish for the sake of it.
your posts are about as subtle as the taliban scammers cold calling to tell you about the minor accident you were in 3 years ago.
lets see the inevitable reply of waffle and denial as it must pass the time for someone locked up in a rdc gulag…

Blimey!! :open_mouth:

… only fuels the rumors that the mods have said I have multiple accounts.

I must have missed something then… could you give a link to that please?

Of course, that’s unless you’re saying that you blindly believe rumours.

… everyone has exposed a troll the mods still back the troll and its lies beyond been exposed.
There has to be guide lines and terms but the mods dont seem to be following that.

I’m not sure I can follow this… could you say where the mods “still back the troll” please?

Another question, why would the mods block posts from people who know other people are fraud and could expose them, that dont make sense.

This one is a bit tricky, but to answer it I’d need a little help please.

How do the mods know what people know (or not) or whether what people think may or may not be genuine?

For what reason why, would you protect them and stop other users exposing them.
It looks to me like the mods are protecting people who do this.

The mods are concerned with what’s provable.

If a user exposes a troll in the way that I think you mean, the mods can’t just take their word for it because that wouldn’t be fair.

We tend to give them enough rope, then let them hang themselves. :smiley:

Blimey!! :open_mouth:

… only fuels the rumors that the mods have said I have multiple accounts.

I must have missed something then… could you give a link to that please?

Of course, that’s unless you’re saying that you blindly believe rumours.

Its not me saying this, it is diesel dog and his associates who keep saying the mods have confirmed that I have multiple accounts to which I keep saying the same thing, NO I HAVEN’T. If someone agrees with me on any subject then I immediately become that person in their eyes. You only have to read through diesel dogs posts on here for example to see him say this.

try taking a reality pill,cos your really flogging a dead horse now with the insults to the the general intelligence of i would imagine most on here.
theres folk get the electric char for less circumstantial evidence as this topic.

Re: I’ll just leave this here…
UKtramp wrote:
view from my window as we speak for the disbelievers !!


The IP address for your post tends to side with the disbelievers, whilst the date on the picture also tends to support the disbelievers.


Re: I’ll just leave this here…
Postby dieseldave » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:00 pm

ItsJoe wrote:
I’m genuinely overwhelmed with the amount of hate on this thread. Oh well
Re: I’ll just leave this here…
UKtramp wrote:
view from my window as we speak for the disbelievers !!

The IP address for your post tends to side with the disbelievers, whilst the date on the picture also tends to support the disbelievers.


Re: I’ll just leave this here…
Postby dieseldave » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:00 pm

ItsJoe wrote:
I’m genuinely overwhelmed with the amount of hate on this thread. Oh well

I’m not seeing any hate Joe(?) but I do see lots of folk having a laugh at you and UK Tramp, whilst forum rules aren’t being broken.

It’s all such good clean fun. :smiley:

:bulb: BTW, if you’re in Denmark, then I’m a Dutchman. :laughing: :wink:

:bulb: Any idea how your clock tower pic just happens to have the same date stamp as UK Tramp’s pics? :confused:


just read from start to finish the entire load of drivvle posted by you on this…
seeing is believing especially when you read the mods replys…
best you just ignore everythng and continue to just waffle on anyway.
that seems to work best for you.
I’m not seeing any hate Joe(?) but I do see lots of folk having a laugh at you and UK Tramp, whilst forum rules aren’t being broken.

It’s all such good clean fun. :smiley:

:bulb: BTW, if you’re in Denmark, then I’m a Dutchman. :laughing: :wink:

:bulb: Any idea how your clock tower pic just happens to have the same date stamp as UK Tramp’s pics? :confused:


just read from start to finish the entire load of drivvle posted by you on this…
seeing is believing especially when you read the mods replys…
best you just ignore everythng and continue to just waffle on anyway without taking a hint.
that seems to work best for you.

Well all I have to say is how great it is that you follow me so closely that you have come to the wrong conclusion, and to be fair I regard your posts with equal contempt. I could read through a lot of your posts and copy and paste the same but quite frankly I really couldn’t care less what you write as it doesn’t affect me in quite the way you get affected by my posts.

Well all I have to say is how great it is that you follow me so closely that you have come to the wrong conclusion, and to be fair I regard your posts with equal contempt. I could read through a lot of your posts and copy and paste the same but quite frankly I really couldn’t care less what you write as it doesn’t affect me in quite the way you get affected by my posts.

I think you need to step away from the forum for a while… just a friendly suggestion. :wink:


Well all I have to say is how great it is that you follow me so closely that you have come to the wrong conclusion, and to be fair I regard your posts with equal contempt. I could read through a lot of your posts and copy and paste the same but quite frankly I really couldn’t care less what you write as it doesn’t affect me in quite the way you get affected by my posts.

I think you need to step away from the forum for a while… just a friendly suggestion. :wink:

Hear Hear .

I’m more amazed that the mods ignored actual threats of violence :open_mouth: (both veiled to a couple of other members and direct to me personally) from that ‘‘It’sJoe’’ cretin, whether he’s an alias or not, or whether he has the balls to actually try it is irrelavent. :bulb:
It didn’t bother me in the slightest from a concerned frightened or credibility point of view, I’m too big and long in the tooth for that, but I must admit I was a bit ■■■■■■ that a snotty nosed kid (again alias or not) threatened me on a forum who does not know the square root of Jack ■■■■ about me, dared to say he was going to ‘‘Smash my head on the pavement’’ or whatever the crap he was slavering about said.
Now I know it aint real life stuff, but as I said on a similar thread I started on the Feedback forum, …You the mods, make the rules not us, so why has this not been stamped on, instead it has been totally ignored and he/they are allowed to continue to post inane drivel ?

well as soon as tramp/joe etc got advised last night and vanished,then surprise surprise,the dr pops up almost instantly,so dont throw out that dung shovel too soon my man.theres plenty more coming.
possibly only when he aint working though as apparrently he is earning £20 per hour now,or possibly only at playtime or when his mam sees that his homework is finished… :smiley:

I’m more amazed that the mods ignored actual threats of violence :open_mouth:

Have you reported the posts so that the mods can take a look? they don’t have time to read every post on this forum you know :unamused:


I’m more amazed that the mods ignored actual threats of violence :open_mouth:

Have you reported the posts so that the mods can take a look? they don’t have time to read every post on this forum you know :unamused:

Yeh, that’s fair enough I suppose, I just thought some mod may have picked up on it, especially as it has been mentioned by a lot of othere on here, who were equally as amazed at the childishness of this character.
I only mentioned it as I thought you were, (and/or others were) paying too much attention to the wrong part of the subject, because personally I don’t really care tbh who is who, who is pretending to be who, or who is shagging who, I’d rather stick to my own stuff.
So no, I didn’t ‘report’ anything.
Like I said I was more mildly ■■■■■■ about it, rather than offended enough to take it further, …but apart from that I aint a ‘reporting’ type of a guy anyway.



I’m more amazed that the mods ignored actual threats of violence :open_mouth:

Have you reported the posts so that the mods can take a look? they don’t have time to read every post on this forum you know :unamused:

Yeh, that’s fair enough I suppose, I just thought some mod may have picked up on it, especially as it has been mentioned by a lot of othere on here, who were equally as amazed at the childishness of this character.
I only mentioned it as I thought you were, (and/or others were) paying too much attention to the wrong part of the subject, because personally I don’t really care tbh who is who, who is pretending to be who, or who is shagging who, I’d rather stick to my own stuff.
So no, I didn’t ‘report’ anything.
Like I said I was more mildly ■■■■■■ about it, rather than offended enough to take it further, …but apart from that I aint a ‘reporting’ type of a guy anyway.

You know what, I’m going to apologise just to you as you’re the only person that took that thread serious. I’m sorry if you’ve taken anything I’ve said as either serious or actionable. The thread you’re referring to was a thread in which people were having harmless fun. You’ve obviously taken many things posted on that thread out of context and this is why you’ve continued to bring up some comments that were made.

I would like to remind dieseldave on a serious note that I was in Denmark when he made a comment that I wasn’t. I assume he looked at my IP which would have placed me in the UK as I use a VPN whilst aproad (like now) to watch BBCiPlayer which is georestricted and Netflix.

Anyway, I’m sure the majority of people enjoyed the break away from the daily automation and poor wage moan threads.

Ok mate, but whether you were serious or not, and call me old fashioned, but I have a reluctance to laugh off a threat to have my qoute: “head bounced off a pavement”, I can not see how it could be construed any other way than what it said.
We obviously do not share the same sense of humour, but I accept your aplology.