Driving Licence Issue Number

My old paper licence from 1987 is issue No. 55
Mislaid it for a time / changed address, paid for 1st photo card licence about 3 years ago, issue No. 56
Re-issued last year with HGV provisional entitlement, issue No. 57
After passing class C, issue No. 58
Now, (C+E), issue No. 59



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Well mine says 05

bit of a mystery as I got Prov 1975, passed car in 76, Bike in 78, Class 1 in 85, renewed twice since, and had 8 addresses in that time ■■?

Current photocard was renewed in 2014, and it said 04 on the last one, and says 05 on this one

Has anybody considered for a moment, that with the DVLA’s track record, this no. maybe a complete and utter balls up. And is plucked completely randomly out of the air…

the nodding donkey:
Has anybody considered for a moment, that with the DVLA’s track record, this no. maybe a complete and utter balls up. And is plucked completely randomly out of the air…

If this thread is anything to go by it certainly looks that way.


the nodding donkey:
Has anybody considered for a moment, that with the DVLA’s track record, this no. maybe a complete and utter balls up. And is plucked completely randomly out of the air…

If this thread is anything to go by it certainly looks that way.

It certainly does look like that is certainly the case then again we all know how useless the DVLA are at getting things right. Lol

Well the better half got her provisional in 84 passed her test in 85 so that’s 2.
She’s moved a couple of times and got married and divorced so that’s 5.
She’s updated her photo once and lost a licence so had to get a replacement. So she reckons it’s about 9 maybe 10 times she’s changed hers and her issue number is 46. So this issue number thing is a bit messed up if you ask me.

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96 currently, still have my last green paper licence which was 95A.

Looks like based on numbers your the winner so far. I though people might have to go a fair way to beat mine at 93 lol

It certainly seems to not necessarily correspond to what the actual number should really be.

Have just extracted my Driving Licence from my wallet. Long time since it last saw daylight. Issue No 64.
It’s one of those green paper ones, now a bit delicate - splitting where it folds and the clear plastic folder thingy it came in is now a two-piece job! and not as clear as it used to be. I was convicted of speeding in May, 2008 and was awarded 3 points !.
Last time it was out, I think.
I can’t remember when I passed my test. It was 1969/70ish. Current licence runs from 18.06.77. to 25.05.18.
I’m 70 years old on 26.05.18. I presume that I will need a new licence from my birthday - one of these new plastic credit card size ones with my photo on.

Have just extracted my Driving Licence from my wallet. Long time since it last saw daylight. Issue No 64.
It’s one of those green paper ones, now a bit delicate - splitting where it folds and the clear plastic folder thingy it came in is now a two-piece job! and not as clear as it used to be. I was convicted of speeding in May, 2008 and was awarded 3 points !.
Last time it was out, I think.
I can’t remember when I passed my test. It was 1969/70ish. Current licence runs from 18.06.77. to 25.05.18.
I’m 70 years old on 26.05.18. I presume that I will need a new licence from my birthday - one of these new plastic credit card size ones with my photo on.

There must be a key there in what you say if yours is on issue number 64 I doubt you had 64 licence revisions in around 7 years.

I am guessing that older licences had a certain number on them and it has since been changed to a different number system.

Hence quite a few of us older lot have high numbers and some of the younger ones seem to have Lowe numbers.

Although I imagine there will be at least one fossil with a very low number to disprove that theory lol

74!! :confused: :confused:

Edit… I just checked the “old” paper licence that I kept a copy of and its says issue number 74A! Any ideas?? :confused:

Proof of quantum physics and the Mandela Effect.Infinite number of universes and Earths and somehow we’ve all ended up here in just one of them. :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :laughing:

I am guessing that older licences had a certain number on them and it has since been changed to a different number system.l

Or maybe it ‘starts’ with a random issue number that ‘then’ only increases by one each time it’s reissued. :bulb:

I at number 45

Mines 53


96 currently, still have my last green paper licence which was 95A.

Looks like based on numbers your the winner so far. I though people might have to go a fair way to beat mine at 93 lol

It certainly seems to not necessarily correspond to what the actual number should really be.

I suspect this numbering system has nothing to do with our years licenced, never lost one that i can recall, no way have i had 96 licences issued.

Well, checked mine and as some of you will know I’m in my sixties…and mine is…wait for it - 4.

Correct, four.

Countless addresses over the years and qualifications gained along the way.

Somethings not right.

Well, checked mine and as some of you will know I’m in my sixties…and mine is…wait for it - 4.

Correct, four.

Countless addresses over the years and qualifications gained along the way.

Somethings not right.


Issue numbers don’t start at 01 when you apply for your first licence. It will start anywhere between 01 and 99 and will increase by one every time you have a new licence issued. It’s possible that someone applying for their first ever licence will have issue number 99, the next one for them would be 01.

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The full number break your information down, i.e (date of birth) i always believed that last number was how many people shared the same name but it could be wrong