
Hi does any driver have any views,anxieties, about using diferent cabs in this present time. This relates to drivers that have to use diferent cabs in their day to day work.

Not really. I have a little routine on first getting into a “new” vehicle where I spend a few minutes wiping over the controls, grab rails, door pulls etc with sanitising wipes before I do anything else (manual entry on the tacho afterwards, of course :wink: ).

^^^ same as, and not fretting about it.

Not really. I have a little routine on first getting into a “new” vehicle where I spend a few minutes wiping over the controls, grab rails, door pulls etc with sanitising wipes before I do anything else (manual entry on the tacho afterwards, of course :wink: ).

Pretty much what I do too. Also I use hand sanitiser before eating anything.

bald bloke:
Also I use hand sanitiser before eating anything.

Is anyone else getting weirdly addicted to the smell of hand sanitiser and gives their hands a quick sniff every time? Or is it just me? :blush:

the maoster:

bald bloke:
Also I use hand sanitiser before eating anything.

Is anyone else getting weirdly addicted to the smell of hand sanitiser and gives their hands a quick sniff every time? Or is it just me? :blush:

It’s only a problem when you start sucking the alcohol hand gel off your fingers :sunglasses:

I guess that’s the only good thing
About being a tramper , it’s just you
In it all week

the maoster:

bald bloke:
Also I use hand sanitiser before eating anything.

Is anyone else getting weirdly addicted to the smell of hand sanitiser and gives their hands a quick sniff every time? Or is it just me? :blush:

Tbf I give my hands a sniff after scratching my balls.

I too give my hands a sniff after scratching your balls! :smiley:

the maoster:
I too give my hands a sniff after scratching your balls! :smiley:

Social distancing, you must have long arms,to go with them deep pockets…


the maoster:
I too give my hands a sniff after scratching your balls! :smiley:

Social distancing, you must have long arms,to go with them deep pockets…

Or big balls?

the maoster:
I too give my hands a sniff after scratching your balls! :smiley:


I just use Dettol wipes that have an anti viral component , and managed to get some alcohol hand wipes off Ebay.

All main controls, steering wheel, grab handles and door bits get a quick wipe along with outside handle. Not going overboard however as only 2 of us use the truck usually (one day and night).

Apparently soap and water would work, but really don’t fancy trying to do that every night.

We are trying to stick to one day driver one night driver per truck. We also have cleaning stuff and wipes provided by office to clean and sanitise areas that you have to touch.

Tbh I always have antibacterial wipes and clean the controls and grab handles of any truck I get in.

The trouble is antibacterial wipes arn’t designed to be anti virus wipes. The idiots clearing the shelves of antibacterial soap weeks ago where mugs, the virus gets into the sebum (oil) of your skin, which is why washing for 20sec or more breaks down the oils and eliminates the virus. Your probably better off wearing a pair of nitrile gloves while driving to prevent contact with contaminated surfaces

Not bothered with any kind of alcohol product to wash anything and not changed any of my routines…I am still alive.
I am a cab hopper, so should take more care if I was to listen to all the paranoia, but I simply don`t.

We all gotta die sometime and life is too short to worry.

You’ll love this, :laughing: :laughing:

we’ve got a driver here at STEF that cab-hops, doing nights out.

he’s made a mixture of bleach and water, in one of those cleaning spray bottles,
When he finds his allocated truck, he sprays the door handles before getting in,
once in…he’s like a man on a mission :laughing: :laughing:

he sprays everything, and I mean EVERYTHING with this mixture,
steering wheel, internal door handles, the dashboard including radio controls,
all knobs and buttons that he will use whilst driving, the onboard ATX coms system
the seats, the bed, before he puts his bedding on it, absolutely LockStocketc !!! :unamused:

Then he leaves both doors open to get rid of the smell .

The trouble is antibacterial wipes arn’t designed to be anti virus wipes. The idiots clearing the shelves of antibacterial soap weeks ago where mugs, the virus gets into the sebum (oil) of your skin, which is why washing for 20sec or more breaks down the oils and eliminates the virus. Your probably better off wearing a pair of nitrile gloves while driving to prevent contact with contaminated surfaces

There’s def a gap in the market for a sensible driving glove outside of those old style trucker gloves,yellow leather style, last seen by Yank Peterbilt jockies of yore.I had a serious hand dermatitis issue years ago that deteriorated to the degree that it started to resemble Leprosy,I believe it’s called Pompholyx.Had 10 months off with it and the skin-patch test I did revealed allergies to Nickel,which I was told belongs nowhere close to human skin,but also an allergy to certain chemicals found in rubber which isn’t a healthy product.Allergic to steering wheels :confused:
I did try some horse riding gloves for a time but they tended to wear out too quickly.I use leather gloves on mi bike but trucker gloves ??a renaissance is surely due :astonished:

pierrot 14:
You’ll love this, :laughing: :laughing:

we’ve got a driver here at STEF that cab-hops, doing nights out.

he’s made a mixture of bleach and water, in one of those cleaning spray bottles,
When he finds his allocated truck, he sprays the door handles before getting in,
once in…he’s like a man on a mission :laughing: :laughing:

he sprays everything, and I mean EVERYTHING with this mixture,
steering wheel, internal door handles, the dashboard including radio controls,
all knobs and buttons that he will use whilst driving, the onboard ATX coms system
the seats, the bed, before he puts his bedding on it, absolutely LockStocketc !!! :unamused:

Then he leaves both doors open to get rid of the smell .

Sounds like a switched on dude.

This has been really freaking me out but luckily i am pretty much the only user of my truck but today i got a call that the workshop needed it so in the morning i will spend 10 mins wiping everything down with surgical spirit and then i will spray a home made diluted solution of bleach onto every contact point and after all this is done i will wipe things down and then wash hands with surgical spirit and a bottle of water that contains handwash

And to everyone that is just using anti bac wipes be aware this is not enough