First of all let me say that I don’t think you can have a proper debate about the DCPC without questioning the competence of some instructors and the way they’ve been allowed to get away with what they’re doing by JAUPT.
Agree 100% but I do think this is happening it’s just slow going because it has to wait for an audit to take place. Problem is that a training centre can substitute a trainer. They have to keep records of this and proof of the trainers knowledge and qualifications or experience.
Example - I don’t train first aid - I use a specilist first aid training company. A while back they got a new trainer. I reviewed his qualifications, CV etc and agreed he could deliver my DCPC course. I sat in on his first session to assess him (as per my quality assurance policy) and his was ■■■■■■ i was now stuck part way through a course, no other trainer and this one was ■■■■■■ I stopped the course and sent him home. i offered the candidates a refund or we change topics for the afternoon - which we did and I took them through another subject. That trainer will never deliver training for me again - but unfortunately will go somewhere else.
All of this was documented should JAUPT check during an audit.
The EU directive that required member states of the EU to initiate DCPC training only requires 35 hours training every five years but you want to make the requirement stricter by requiring 7 hours per year, what happens if a driver misses a year does he have to stop driving commercially
I haven’t exactly planned the new rules - I was just saying what I thought. Don’t pick on me
Obviously someone far more intelligent than me would have to work out the finer details and criteria but I do think the current 35 hours anytime in a 5 year period is stupid
EXAMPLE. Driver does 35 hours training week beginning 14th September 2009.
He gets his DQC valid until 09th September 2019
He next does 35 hours of training starting 2nd September 2019
He went almost 10 years without attending any training -now that is silly.
You want to talk to the powers that be about the Driver CPC and how it should be changed, fair play to you for that, at least one trainer is admitting that it does need changing
I’m good like that
Here’s an idea to throw into the pot, rather than the mishmash we currently have perhaps the whole DCPC periodic training needs reviewing, perhaps it would be better for the periodic training to be done in government centres such as driver test centres or other predefined places stipulated by the powers that be such as local community centres, that way the centres could provide training on particular subjects reasonably locally for most if not all drivers.
Whilst the course dates/times and course subject matter could be stipulated by JUAPT the actual instruction could be farmed out to training companies, thereby providing real value for money because the training companies would have to negotiate (compete) for the contract to provide the instruction on individual courses.
And those self same training companies send their ■■■■ trainers along just as they do now.
The Government couldn’t afford it. There are approximately 750,000 drivers (not including PSV). Logistically I don’t think it could be done. But there again - I dunno. Might be a good idea
As things are now the only way for drivers to get different courses is either if they’re lucky enough to live in an area where there is good diversity of courses at reasonable cost or if they’re prepared to travel to get the training on different subjects.
Having the whole thing directly under the control of JAUPT in government/Council run local centres would mean the there would always be a good selection of course subject in each training establishment.
I agree about the different courses - but if drivers were following along sensibly doing 1 course a year it would be far easier to achieve diversity (not the dance troupe) than trying to do a course every week.
I don’t think it would be the end of the world if a driver did the same 7 hours course once every year - as a refresher kind of thing.
I think what the authorities introduced was actually designed to give a far greater choice to the driver.
Basically what I’m suggesting is that perhaps it would be better if JAUPT together with members of the road transport industry decided on the course content, the place where all the local courses would be held and then allowed training companies to bid for the contract of running the individual courses, the training companies would also have to justify the cost of the courses or lose the contract when it was due for renewal.
great idea. Might make it a lot more expensive though
A system like this would make the DCPC look less like it was instigated purely to make money and should make it easier for JAUPT to oversee the courses to ensure that the instructors are actually teaching well.
I can’t see how anyone can think the DCPC was instigated to make money. I could not survive as a business on DCPC alone - not a chance. I know JAUPT is losing money and the DSA? Probably losing money as well.
Geez that lot took some typing