DR10 and lgv test!

Hi to everyone on Trucknet ! as this is my first post please be gentle! :laughing:

I recently took my lgv C test and failed on something so trivial and infuriating that i am ashamed to even go into it! :blush: but in all honesty and i know its the same old “workman blaming his tools” thing, but i got the impression the examiner was not too happy when he seen an old DR10 from nearly 10 years ago on my licence from when i was younger and much more stupid!, so does anyone think i might get a fairer crack of the whip if i wait until its wiped in Jan 10 :cry: as i am sure that if i had of had clean ticket the holyer than thou would of given it to me as the drive was all but faultless? in all fairness to the examiner if i was in his shoes i think i might be that little bit harder on any candidate with the number one deadliest sin stamped on it!

Many thanks in advance, Jim

**:D :smiley: :smiley: Welcome jmcg73 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:**

If the examiner did let that influence him then he is WRONG to do so as any issue with that would have been dealt with before your provisional was issued to you

If you click the link in my signature it will lead you to an index where you can access a lot of info which may be of use to you :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks ROG very glad to be here! :wink:

another DR10 Trainee

Contact him on the above link and see if he has any such experience

Hi again ROG,
I know thats meant to be the case but when he looked at the counterpart i tried to sort of make light of it saying how stupid it was ect… and he gave no reply so that put me straight on my guard hence i gave the drive of my life or so i thought! I just think it would be a very sad situation if they did hold it against me as i paid the fine,done the time and most importantly…LEARNED MY LESSON :cry: I wont drive the next morning even if i have even had a shandy the night before!!! Because thats when i was caught…the morning after!
So very angry with myself.

Thanks for the link ROG,
very interesting, its a very sad situation as i work for WALON at the moment and if i could get the blasted licences i could be on decent money as they would put me on the road as a BIS driver instead of a ■■■■ poor yardie :frowning: , But i have to pay for both licences myself! Hence my frustration at the thought of an old DR10 holding me back…plus i have a new addition to the family on the way in december so i need the extra money yesterday!!

I wouldnt imagine the examiner would give a dental floss about a DR10.

TBH. I have one and it hasnt cost me anything extra for about 9 years. Even the insurance companies do not ask beyond 3 or 5 years. Occasionally an Agency advert will say no DR10, but ring them when they are busy and see what they say.

OK it might be different for a new driver but I can honestly say it has never affected my job prospects.

I agrree about the stupidity thing though. It was not big nor clever. :blush:

It would probably help if you did publish your “so trivial and infuriating” fault as it may help another new recruit and it will give you something to laugh at in a couple of years…

Ok, was driving along a road then passed a row of parked cars and there was an old codger cycling on the left in front of them safely near the kerb so i gave him more than a cars width space,infact you could of got a bloody 747 between us! but the examiner said i should of left more room! i thought to myself if i had of left anymore room i would of left a trail of dead pedestrians in my wake from the opposite pavement! Its very sad as i only got three minors otherwise :confused: So my advice to any aspiring lgv drivers out there if you have any 11 YEAR POINTS on your ticket and regardless of the impartiality the examiners are meant to have make sure you stuff a few pictures of Her Majesty in envelope and ask the examiner what his favourite charity is! :laughing:

When is your retest jmcg73 :question:

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Posts: 5000 :exclamation: - I really need to find a job :slight_smile:

Ok, was driving along a road then passed a row of parked cars and there was an old codger cycling on the left in front of them safely near the kerb so i gave him more than a cars width space,infact you could of got a bloody 747 between us! but the examiner said i should of left more room! i thought to myself if i had of left anymore room i would of left a trail of dead pedestrians in my wake from the opposite pavement! Its very sad as i only got three minors otherwise :confused: So my advice to any aspiring lgv drivers out there if you have any 11 YEAR POINTS on your ticket and regardless of the impartiality the examiners are meant to have make sure you stuff a few pictures of Her Majesty in envelope and ask the examiner what his favourite charity is! :laughing:

You are trying to blame the examiner being vindictive for your shortcomings as a professional driver. The old codger on a cycle, or a tractor is a slow vehicle. I think if you had held back longer you would have had a new driving licence by now.

I dont believe an examiner will do as you suggest, but I do think you gave him cause for concern by forcing your way past a vulnerable road user.


Look mate, i am going to be polite and just say i was on the test you wer’nt!! if i f£$ked up i would like to believe i would be man enough to admit it! which i have and as you asked me what on i gracefully told you, i dont need critisism of someone who was’nt even there so please save your comments for somebody else about their shortcomings as i don’t want to or need to hear it as i am my own worst critic as it is! I was only asking what anyone might feel about the subject of taking a vocational test with a very black mark attached to your licence and what the examiner might think about it?, i was not blaming the examiner or feeling sorry for myself if i did mess up which i must of then yes i have shortcomings but it did not seem that way on the day thats all! i am not in the slightest bit bothered by failing as i am not trying to be an airline pilot or something worth worrying about! i just found it frustrating thats all. :slight_smile:

By the way,your not an examiner by any chance are you■■? :open_mouth:

I was only asking what anyone might feel about the subject of taking a vocational test with a very black mark attached to your licence and what the examiner might think about it?

Personally I’m glad I presented a clean licence as opposed to an endorsed one, especially one with a DR10. Whether it does actually influence the examiner I don’t know but I can see the point you’re making.

Thank you very much for that mrpj! i am glad someone sees my point! :wink:

I am only trying to factor in the human side of your average examiner as i am sure that they are not all robots :laughing:
All i was trying to say is if i was in an examiners shoes as much as i would like to stay impartial and as much as the DSA say I MUST BE impartial the DR10 would stick out like the proverbial on a bulldog and as my job depends on passing SAFE drivers would the DR10 not be at the back of my mind when taking someone on test no matter how good the drive? thats all i was saying…fair comment? :wink:


Retest will probably be in 2010! So if i fail then i will have no excuse! :laughing:

I never found it a problem when I took my test a year ago. I have a DR30 (refusing to give sample) from 1999 & although I failed my first attempt at Class 2 with 3 serious faults, I passed 6 weeks later with 6 minors.
Don’t think the examiners are influenced in the slightest. my first attempt just highlighted I wasn’t ready at the time.

Also it has not been a problem in finding work, as I’ve been busy for most of the last 12 months.

Hi Keano,
Ah thats great news! :smiley: I will give a retest some serious thought then, i think maybe i am victim of my own paranoia! Thanks for the input mate,much appreciated :wink:

Hi Keano,
Ah thats great news! :smiley: I will give a retest some serious thought then, i think maybe i am victim of my own paranoia! Thanks for the input mate,much appreciated :wink:

You’ve done the training so GO FOR IT :smiley:

Look mate, i am going to be polite and just say i was on the test you wer’nt!! if i f£$ked up i would like to believe i would be man enough to admit it! which i have and as you asked me what on i gracefully told you, i dont need critisism of someone who was’nt even there so please save your comments for somebody else about their shortcomings as i don’t want to or need to hear it as i am my own worst critic as it is!

By the way,your not an examiner by any chance are you■■? :open_mouth:

Im not an examiner no. Im just another driver with a DR10 like you, the difference is I have a class one and you havent. I offered you my advice on my experiences.

My point was that, maybe someone else reading this may think it is ok to pass a cyclist, or on the other hand, they may read this and hold back a bit longer.

maybe they think it is ok to stay in the truck on test and not check they have gone back far enough, or they may read these forums and think, Oh. I better check that, because it would be silly to fail because I thought I was inside the box.

Maybe they enjoy wasting 6 or 800 quid.

If you believe you were badly done to write an official complaint with your suspicions to the DSA, Oh and you could post the reply on here, give us all a laugh :smiley:

Enjoy your retest :wink:

I Know loads of examiners and yes a dr 10 or a in10 or a whatever 10 will be seen. I have known car test candidates to given a rougher than the usual test due to these factors , however most are young kids and need a bolloking and a scare to stop themselves being the next news .

The de can only see as he sees it and his word is final. Thats their job . All you can do is retake it and learn from the error. Good luck should not come into it. :question:

i am not in the slightest bit bothered by failing as i am not trying to be an airline pilot or something worth worrying about! i just found it frustrating thats all. :slight_smile:

■■ So flying a plane is serious business, but driving a truck isn’t?