DR10 and lgv test!

Wheel nut… Ive enjoyed ■■■■■■■■ with you mate! and everything you have said has made me more determined to get the licence now THAN EVER! and boy you dish out some tough love!!!
I think i will give the complaint letter a miss as the only person i should complain to is myself!! Anyway if i can explain about the cyclist, it was a very long straight road and i did honestly have mountains of room to pass him,so i faced the dilema of either as you say holding back and maybe getting marked for undue hesitation/making progress and holding up the traffic behind or as was the case i gave plenty of MSM,space for him and passed at him at a snails pace,no more than 15-20mph while living in the nearside mirror all the time i was passing him,so in hindsight i should of done what you said and held back till it was clear but i could not estimate how long he would be in front of me and in my thinking at the time was to get past him at the safest/earliest opportunity or get spanked for holding up the following traffic? I think it might be one of those situations that either one examiner would of nailed me for holding back and another would get me for passing the cyclist?,i think i might of been just unlucky to get the latter,but please believe me when i say that it would of definately of not been a squeeze to pass him,and as i have failed the test i have nothing to gain by exagerating the cause of the failure in my favour,as a fail is a fail and i would only be kidding myself if i told this any other way if i made a big bllcks of it i would say so,i think i will just have to put it down to experience and try and avoid this grey situation again.
But as you pointed out you have the class one and i hav’nt ,so i am in no position to argue, but as soon as i have,and in the words of a large Austrian actor…I’LL BE BACK!!! :smiling_imp:
Joking aside the next time i take my test i am going to think of your words as they might just do the trick :wink:

Best of luck to you mate with no hard feelings, Jim:wink:

Chippy…Thanks for that mate ,much appreciated :wink:

Kiowan…Truck driving is very serious to some but to others its just the day job, no offence but i feel being a pilot is a slightly more responsible job…but not much more! :wink

Wheel nut… Ive enjoyed ■■■■■■■■ with you mate! and everything you have said has made me more determined to get the licence now THAN EVER! and boy you dish out some tough love!!!
I think i will give the complaint letter a miss as the only person i should complain to is myself!! Anyway if i can explain about the cyclist, it was a very long straight road and i did honestly have mountains of room to pass him,so i faced the dilema of either as you say holding back and maybe getting marked for undue hesitation and holding up the traffic behind or as was the case i gave plenty of MSM,space for him and passed at him at a snails pace,no more than 15-20mph while living in the nearside mirror all the time i was passing him,so in hindsight i should of done what you said and held back till it was clear but i could not estimate how long he would be in front of me and in my thinking at the time was to get past him at the safest/earliest opportunity or get spanked for holding up the following traffic? I think it might be one of those situations that either one examiner would of nailed me for holding back and another would get me for passing the cyclist?,i think i might of been just unlucky to get the latter,but please believe me when i say that it would of definately of not been a squeeze to pass him,i think i will just have to put it down to experience and try and avoid this grey situation again.
But as you pointed out you have the class one and i hav’nt ,so i am in no position to argue, but as soon as i have,and in the words of a large Austrian actor…I’LL BE BACK!!! :laughing:
Joking aside the next time i take my test i am going to think of your words as they might just do the trick :wink:

Best of luck to you mate with no hard feelings, Jim:wink:

Chippy…Thanks for that mate ,much appreciated :wink:

Kiowan…Truck driving is very serious to some but to others its just the day job, no offence but i feel being a pilot is a slightly more responsible job…but not much more! :wink

Now that you have had a good ‘banter’ and ‘rant’ on here :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: - GO AND GET THAT TEST PASS :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Im glad you feel positive again :wink:

Yeah, i honestly do now,

I think your steel toecap up my backside has clicked something in my thick scull!!! :bulb:

It is easy to be brave on a forum Jim.

How big are you? :wink:

Good Luck! just be careful celebrating after you pass. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
How big are you? :wink:

Questions like that can be taken more than one way :wink: :wink:

Im 6ft 3" and 17st of pure…FRY UP!!!

I dont really want to be an LGV driver…just want to tour Britains Transport cafes and get paid for it!!! :smiley: :smiley:

Oh yes I will celebrate with 20 pints caliber!!! :smiling_imp:

Well ROG, if its the way your thinking, i gave up on that the last time i saw it…
…about 10 years ago!!! :open_mouth:


Wheel Nut:
How big are you? :wink:

Questions like that can be taken more than one way :wink: :wink:

Dont forget Sweetpea, :stuck_out_tongue: It was you, who sent me, your phone number :open_mouth:

Wheel Nut:


Wheel Nut:
How big are you? :wink:

Questions like that can be taken more than one way :wink: :wink:

Dont forget Sweetpea, :stuck_out_tongue: It was you, who sent me, your phone number :open_mouth:

but not my size :laughing: :laughing:

:blush: do you two want to be alone now? :blush:

I don’t mind leaving honestly!!!

:oops: do you two want to be alone now? :blush:

I don’t mind leaving honestly!!!

OH - you are sweet :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: i try my besssstttthh :astonished: