Dont upset the status quo!

This is supposed to be a truckers web site?
Thought truckers were meant to be “men”
So how come this “website” has to monitor my posts before they go online?

Did I upset some of our military collegues(probably) did I upset some of our eastern european collegues(probably)did I upset some of our “training experts” (probably)

But then there are “men” and there are “men”

But then there are bull sh artists that rather than have a proper open debate prefer to use the censor button because they dont like the truth or cannot argue their corner.

Lets see if this gets posted,I doubt it.

I’m on the same thing pal :laughing: for about nine months! :sunglasses: because I’d upset a smoker! :smiley: BONE SMOKER! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Congrats your post made it on \o/o/\o/o/\o/ :laughing:

Long as you slag people off in the name of cycling nothing will get done (don’t upset the cyclist they get mean and defensive when you do :blush: )

But then there are “men” and there are “men”

You seem to know a lot about “men”.

Are you sure you’re on the right site? :laughing:

I like Status Quo, Rockibg Around The Worlds a quality tune :sunglasses:

Premod rocks!

I like Status Quo, Rockibg Around The Worlds a quality tune :sunglasses:

They are crap every song sounds the same they have only played 3 chords in 30 years!!

they might be crap but it beats the hell out of driving a truck.

Because I am in a good mood, I am going to allow this post to run on a bit- then will probably just delete it- just because we can !! :wink:
Trucknet is not a democracy, nor do you have total freedom of speech
If you show you cant post as an adult, refrain from swearing (including trying ever more weird attempts to bypass the autocensor) . decide that everyone here should know about your ■■■■■■ fetishs or the fact you detest some people that live outside your norm

Then we can and will restrict your use on here, more to the point we will disallow almost anything you say that we don’t understand or even think may be out of order- the team don’t have time to check wether a comment is in context and will just look at what is written in front of them.
I am sure that a few of you will howl in disgust- but that is normally the vocal few that decide they are exempt from the forum guidelines - and they are ones we listen too the least- either follow the rules or accept the sanction.

If you are convinced we are being a tad mean and infringing on your human rights… the courts of human rights is that away <~~~~~~ ( from where I am sitting)
In the mean time stop posting like an arse and you might come of pre mod at some point- when we feel its appropriate- until then ■■■■ it up and fly right :wink:

I also have my posts audited before they are allowed to be seen on the forum, many do not make it.
It is a shame in my opinion, as it is the differences in people that make the difference.

However, having said that, this website is a bit weird, in that I suppose the majority of the participants are below average in the IQ stakes :wink:

I doubt this will be allowed to be displayed, as I may have upset the resident thickos`

It may seem weird to you, but the simple facts are that the original parent website to here is now closed as they opened up a free for all and let anyone say anything- it no longer exists
We in the UK have always had at tighter reign on content- and are on course to provide over 30 million page views this year- can you find any where else even close in this near arena?

I am not saying that Trucknet UK is perfect-it isn’t and that’s why the admin team continualy tweak the way we operate- but to boost our own trumpet no-one out there is even close

Now I am sure that many of you feel they can do it better, and there is nothing stopping you trying there are many free website hosting package that will give you the opportunity- so if we are so bad… go for it… whats stopping you? But don’t expect to get a free boost off here, We started this with nothing and if you want to achieve what we have then do it the way we did, by hard work, not off the backs of others peoples work

Or you can continue to use the biggest and best, let us do all the work to keep it going and accept that we have certain standards that we will maintain- with or without you

… this website is a bit weird, in that I suppose the majority of the participants are below average in the IQ stakes :wink:

You got that the wrong way around - most on here have a very good IQ but are WEIRD - me for one :laughing:

I don’t mind premod, now the bickering has stopped.(I’m guilty of some)

Fatboy slimslow:
I’m on the same thing pal :laughing: for about nine months! :sunglasses: because I’d upset a smoker! :smiley: BONE SMOKER! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I always think that you’re the one who’s a sensi milia smoker judging by the amount of smilies you use :laughing:
Not that I’m complaining, I think you’re posts are funny!!

And this is the best forum compared to others I’ve looked in on, it is pretty relaxed in comparison. There is a sense of realism here and say how you feel sort of attitude which is what I like, other forums you just get the members choking on each others ends.

Because I am in a good mood, I am going to allow this post to run on a bit- then will probably just delete it- just because we can !! :wink:
Trucknet is not a democracy, nor do you have total freedom of speech
If you show you cant post as an adult, refrain from swearing (including trying ever more weird attempts to bypass the autocensor) . decide that everyone here should know about your ■■■■■■ fetishs or the fact you detest some people that live outside your norm

Then we can and will restrict your use on here, more to the point we will disallow almost anything you say that we don’t understand or even think may be out of order- the team don’t have time to check wether a comment is in context and will just look at what is written in front of them.
I am sure that a few of you will howl in disgust- but that is normally the vocal few that decide they are exempt from the forum guidelines - and they are ones we listen too the least- either follow the rules or accept the sanction.

If you are convinced we are being a tad mean and infringing on your human rights… the courts of human rights is that away <~~~~~~ ( from where I am sitting)
In the mean time stop posting like an arse and you might come of pre mod at some point- when we feel its appropriate- until then ■■■■ it up and fly right :wink:

Pompous ■■■■■■ you must have been a manager at some RDC in a past life.They dont like it when they get told to f/o either.

people can tell me to “F off” all they want, probably wont get them off premod any time soon, and if I was in a goods in office such comments may decide who gets the next free bay :wink:

And thanks for the pompous comment, been called a lot of things over the years , but that’s a new one for my collection. .how pompous is that :wink:

Oh and keep with tradition… if you don’t like it you know where the door is :wink: your constant insightful, witty and thoughtful content will be missed, but tara goodbye , nice knowing you- please shut the door on your way out

If you ain’t on pre mod or been threatened with it you plainly ain’t trying hard enough

Now, just from what you’ve posted on this thread Bking, it’s obvious you don’t get on well with others, I accept you have a wealth of knowledge about this industry & don’t suffer fools gladly but just reign it in a bit!

Now I’m all for disagreement & putting your point across but most people here don’t want to read out right bickering and name calling between grown men who should know better.

That is why this is the best truckers forum on the Internet & long may it remain so.

There’s another truckers forum where you can gob off all you like at each orher, do a search for it.

Rob K was the master at having an argument & stopping just short of getting banned usually. It’s a shame he’s absent as he has cogent points as well. I’m sure he’ll be back at some stage!

There’s another truckers forum where you can gob off all you like at each other, do a search for it.

Theres more than one, :wink: and I have always been happy to pass the links on via private message to anyone who requests them.

We came in for a lot of criticism at the start of this year for allowing the trolling, supposed funny one liners and the personal attacks, we freely admit we, for a while, let things go too far.

We know have a far more robust standard that we enforce, and it seems that much of the bickering has died down. 99% of members do not see any of this as they post in a civil and respectable manner- those that don’t swiftly find out that disrupting and attempting to ruin others use of this website is no longer tolerated- and then they complain that they cant continue posting in the manner they did.

As I said earlier, TruckNet is not a democracy, there is no freedom of speech here- we have a standard of civility that we ask users to adher too, if they cant then we assist by scrutinising their posts before they appear publicaly, there is no charge for this service - however once signed up for this service there is no way off except by adjusting the way you post to the website.

There is an appeal procedure, which involves writing to the complaints manager (me) - I will then place your appeal on the appeal pile and ignore it until your standard of posting improves and the team no longer have to edit/disallow your posts

If your not happy with that you could always stamp your feet in a huff and demand your account and all your posts be deleted- sorry we don’t do that either- if you want to appeal that decision please write to the complaints manager (me) who will place your request on the account deletion pile and ignore it (as I said we don’t do that)

The message is folks, TruckNet is not a free for all for you to post as you wish - keep it civil, respectable and true then you will never have an issue

Now is there anything else that needs to be explained or we can help anyone with? be quick , as I really want to bugger off to the pub and ignore this non issue