Dont upset the status quo!


Now is there anything else that needs to be explained or we can help anyone with? be quick , as I really want to bugger off to the pub and ignore this non issue

Yeah can you tell me what the fine is for not having my landing legs wound up properly.

Serous this thread is a ducking nonsense

Tipper Tom:
Yeah can you tell me what the fine is for not having my landing legs wound up properly.

Surely as a professional driver you know… It’s 60 quid per turn in low gear.

& £30 per missing strap x26!

You’re going to pub at 1pm on a Thursday Rikki? Must pay alright this moderating lark…


Tipper Tom:
Yeah can you tell me what the fine is for not having my landing legs wound up properly.

Surely as a professional driver you know… It’s 60 quid per turn in low gear.

See I was told it’s £100

& £30 per missing strap x26!

You’re going to pub at 1pm on a Thursday Rikki? Must pay alright this moderating lark…

If only all I had to do to earn a crust was look after this place, I would be a happy man- unfortunatly my boss thinks I should do a large number of other things to justify him giving me my allowance- Trucknet is hardly 10% of what I do-most of the work here is done by the volunteer team- I am sure the mods will delight in telling you that I do very little day to day moderating, and almost all decisions regarding the forum are done by consensus among the volunteer team

  • I am just the bloke the buck stops with.
    But yes it does just about pay enough for a lunchtime pint on a Thursday :slight_smile:

The view of the majority.
Sounds very much to me like our political system where about 600 “representatives” decide what is or is not good for the rest of the plebicite to see or hear,I think it comes under the misnomer called “democracy”
And as usual you get the “if you dont like it theres the door”
See there is one problem with this scenario
Its called TRUCKnet not OURnet as with “Its my country and if you dont like it here…”
Problem is its my country as well and I and quite a few others would like to put an opposing view to our “representatives”
That is the strength of a true “democracy”,Its ability to accept critisism without censure.

you are more than welcome to post your ‘opposing views’, just as long as they are posted within the rules

the rules are quite simple that even a gobby neanderthal like yourself could understand (with a bit of help from the moderators)

what is with the aggressive attitude all the time?

were you an abused child and feel the need to exact revenge on everyone else?

This is supposed to be a truckers web site?
Thought truckers were meant to be “men”
So how come this “website” has to monitor my posts before they go online?

Did I upset some of our military collegues(probably) did I upset some of our eastern european collegues(probably)did I upset some of our “training experts” (probably)

But then there are “men” and there are “men”

But then there are bull sh artists that rather than have a proper open debate prefer to use the censor button because they dont like the truth or cannot argue their corner.

Lets see if this gets posted,I doubt it.

Two words mate which will probably explain the widespread hostility you bring on yourself

I’ll save you the bother of answering in your predictable way, as I can guess…I’ts along the lines of aiming two more words to me , the second one being …off. :unamused:


& £30 per missing strap x26!

You’re going to pub at 1pm on a Thursday Rikki? Must pay alright this moderating lark…

If only all I had to do to earn a crust was look after this place, I would be a happy man- unfortunatly my boss thinks I should do a large number of other things to justify him giving me my allowance- Trucknet is hardly 10% of what I do-most of the work here is done by the volunteer team- I am sure the mods will delight in telling you that I do very little day to day moderating, and almost all decisions regarding the forum are done by consensus among the volunteer team

  • I am just the bloke the buck stops with.
    But yes it does just about pay enough for a lunchtime pint on a Thursday :slight_smile:

Sat driving a desk I presume!

Sat driving a desk I presume!

yes you are quite correct that’s all I do these days- But if you want to enter into an can I ■■■■ further than you contest I may have had my moments - in road transport- no where near some on here - but done a bit more than others- despite being a hairy arsed truck driver I still have managed( with a lot of help ) to create and maintain perhaps the most used website in the world for Truck drivers ( if you can find one more used /with more page views I will retract that) I may be a member of the NUJ and elected to Guild of Motoring Writers- but Ieft school with no qualifications and started with this website knowing nothing about the web-it was dark magic to me at the time. but I self taught myself ,built a viable business that I sold on to give my family security. I spent £1000’s to make this happen and yes I am now reaping the rewards- by driving a desk at home
The point is Bking- I don’t presume anything about you- But if your going to presume about me a little research will show I may have some clue -.

Or too put it another way. I have screwed up far more times that most folks have got it right - and I still learn every day-and even now driving a desk I learn

I have been there and got the T shirt on many things= tonight I am wearing my STG Polo shirt-because it was at the top of the pile of clean washing- But I wear it with pride because it from a job that we did on time, despite all the difficulties of doing multiple abnormal loads from Holland - we bought every load into site on time - the client bought us these polo shirts as they wanted our efforts to be associated with them- The taking us all out for a few beers and a meal and the end of the contract was nice too

I think I may have worked out why bking is on premod - I’m not quite sure though, could you let a few more of his drivel (sorry, serious posts) through so’s I can check? :smiling_imp:

And can I just mention that if I was on premod, and was never sure if my posts would make it onto the board I sure as ■■■■ wouldn’t waste my time typing them out…

The Sarge:
And can I just mention that if I was on premod, and was never sure if my posts would make it onto the board I sure as [zb] wouldn’t waste my time typing them out…

You would be surprised at just how many words are typed as it is normally in the last sentence after a huge monologue that they throw in something controversial= we are not going to edit it, if your post in its entirety . if doesn’t conform it doesn’t appear- the rules are not difficult or complicated… neither are the moderation procedures- any thing in your post that breaks the rules… the whole thing goes- we dont have the time or inclination to babysit folks

If your on premod, guess what… we don’t have time to check if your post is in context- we look at your post and make a judgement on what we see, and if it fails our test as valued content it s not going to appear- so why waste your time writing it? its a waste of your time, and ours reading it- the rules are clear and concise and the huge majority have no problem abiding by them, if you have an issue then simply don’t post

You made it back from the pub then :wink:

The Sarge:
You made it back from the pub then :wink:

That’s the problem with holidays- I have time to look at things are normaly well down the “to do list”

I used to use “TO DO” list, then I realised that if I had time to write it down instead of doing it - it didn’t need doing :wink:

Ricki and I have something in common, we both have an STG shirt :laughing:

I’ve got a load of BFB shirts :sunglasses:

wheres rob k when you want him lol

The view of the majority.
Sounds very much to me like our political system where about 600 “representatives” decide what is or is not good for the rest of the plebicite to see or hear,I think it comes under the misnomer called “democracy”
And as usual you get the “if you dont like it theres the door”
See there is one problem with this scenario
Its called TRUCKnet not OURnet as with “Its my country and if you dont like it here…”
Problem is its my country as well and I and quite a few others would like to put an opposing view to our “representatives”
That is the strength of a true “democracy”,Its ability to accept critisism without censure.

It’s not a ■■■■■■■ democracy though is it? It’s a group of volunteers and Rikki providing a service and if you don’t like the service vote with your feet and ■■■■ off