Don't upset the gippos

Why is the common abbreviation for ‘travellers’ (begins with GIP and end in PO) scrubbed out as an offensive word? :confused:

As far as i know…gippo is not offensive nor is it scrubbed out.

The world’s gone mad, on Question Time today someone mentioned an ‘Irish Setter’ and ‘stupid’ in the same sentence prompting some numpty lady of that persuasion (not a Setter) from Islington to take up 5 minues complaining about racial stereotypes and how it was disgraceful that the BBC should allow such rubbish.
Tuns out the bloke really thought that Irish Setters are stupid dogs, having owned one. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:
Dimblebum tried to be polite but the end of the programme saved him. :laughing:

You are talking about that yellow bear that Sue used to shag. or was it his son?

Down in this neck of the woods we call them,Diddys,Lexeco"s or (spelling)

( small error removed ) jd

Please explain "small error?
Last one out - turn the lights off


Down in this neck of the woods we call them,Diddys,Lexeco"s or (spelling)

( small error removed ) jd

Please explain "small error?
Last one out - turn the lights off

without trying to rock the boat against myself again but you were trying dodge the censor with a derogatory word which time and time again over the past week ive had to remove now call them asians and nothing else ffs.

jessicas dad:


Down in this neck of the woods we call them,Diddys,Lexeco"s or (spelling)

( small error removed ) jd

Please explain "small error?
Last one out - turn the lights off

without trying to rock the boat against myself again but you were trying dodge the censor with a derogatory word which time and time again over the past week ive had to remove now call them asians and nothing else ffs.

Now run along and get your Grandad will you, there’s a good lad, tell him there are some Asians to see him. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:

jessicas dad:


Down in this neck of the woods we call them,Diddys,Lexeco"s or (spelling)

( small error removed ) jd

Please explain "small error?
Last one out - turn the lights off

without trying to rock the boat against myself again but you were trying dodge the censor with a derogatory word which time and time again over the past week ive had to remove now call them asians and nothing else ffs.

Now run along and get your Grandad will you, there’s a good lad, tell him there are some Asians to see him. :stuck_out_tongue:

i know exactly :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: leaders of our country.

Since when has the word that defines a freshwater predatory fish with a “y” added been termed as racial/derogatory ?
Also a certain section of Gillingham Fc fans are known as the “■■■■■ Army”

Why reg:


Why reg:

jessicas dad:
i like that cryptic clue even i guessed what you mean. :laughing:

I hate cryptic clues!!

Still dont know :frowning:

Is there an “e” in that country that borders India?

Yeh… Tibet

Dont upset the Dalai Lama :open_mouth:

BangladEsh surely. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Seems like there are two differing peoples :confused:
Gypsies or their slang form, or Bengalis and the incorrect ‘shorty’ that starts with a ‘P’.

I am sooooo confused with this thread…

Of course it could have been the diminutive derogatory term for people from Pakistan but there’s no ‘e’ in it unless you count illiteracy.

I give in and shall go away :confused: :slight_smile: